Spotlight on Russia - 8. Test 4 (Modules 7-8) Final test.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Мазай Юлия Владимировна

Тест 4 разработан для контроля по разделам 7-8, а также для итогового годового контроля по приложению «Россия в фокусе», учебника английского языка «Английский в фокусе», 8 класс. Он включает в себя 5 заданий по темам: «Фестиваль Севера», «Образование в России», «Социализация», «Великие умы», «Объекты Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в России". К тесту прилагаются ключи и система оценивания. Данный материал является учебным и будет полезным учителям-предметникам.



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Spotlight on Russia 8. Test 4 (Modules 7-8) Final test

Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the words: spring, shine, winter, cross-country skiing, the Polar Night, darkness, 1934, an underwater swimming, Murmansk, reindeer racing, festival, skiing.

The Festival of the North is an annual sports and cultural event in March and April.

It includes about 20 1) ...  sports, and takes place in northern Russia, inside the Arctic Circle in the town of 2) … and its surrounding regions.
The festival is held to celebrate the coming of 3) … .

During winter there is a time when the sun doesn't 4) … at all.

This is called 5) … , and for two months there is almost total 6) … .

So, it's no wonder that spring is celebrated with a big 7) … of sports and feasting, singing and dancing over a period of ten days.
The festival was first held in 8) … .

More events have been added over the years, including a 50 km 9) … marathon.

About 1200 people compete in this each year.

Other events include an ice-hockey tournament, 10) … ,  11) … and downhill skiing.

There is even 12) … competition in the freezing cold waters of Lake Semyonovskoye.

(12 points)

Ex. 2 Choose the correct word on the topic «Socialising. When travelling».

On public transport it is 1) polite/rude to give your seat to someone who needs it more than you, such as a mother with children, or 2) a young /an elderly person.

Make sure your 3) feet/hands remain on the ground and don’t show the 4) soles/laces of your feet or put your feet on the seats.

Eating on public transport is 5) good/bad manners.

The usual way for men to greet each other on the street is to shake 6) hands/heads.

First, though, they will take off their 7) gloves/hats.

If you are a man travelling with a woman, you should carry her 8) bags/flowers and open doors for her.

                                                                                                                                      (8 points)

Ex. 3 Complete the sentences with the words: an inventor, food, rockets, space suits, space flight, multi-stage boosters, research, the final frontier, air, a rocket scientist, airlocks.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935).  

1)Tsiolkovsky is the father of human 1) ... . He was 2) ... , 3) ... . He was a pioneer in space 4) ... . He worked out the designs for 5) …  with thrusters, 6) … , 7)  … , satellites. He worked out 8) … and a system for providing 9) … and 10) … to a space station. He was a man years ahead of his time. It is thanks to him Russia was the first nation to cross 11) …  .

                                                                                                                                  (11 points)

Ex. 4 Match the appropriate words to make a word combination on the topic


1) single

A) of the tools and household objects

2) metal

B) Heritage Organisation

3) the Intercession

C) lake

4) tourist

D) nail

5) wooden

E) government

6) the world

F) of saint Lazarus

7) church

G) century

8) display

H) pin

9) Onezhskoye

I) bell tower

10) the 15th

J) church

11) the Soviet

K) attraction

 (11 points)

Ex. 5 Complete the sentences with the words:  school subjects, primary, seven, foreign language, secondary, terms, class, afternoon, two, lessons, The Russian National Exam, the summer holidays.


 I n Russia children begin school at the age of six or 1) … .

They spend four years at 2) … school, five years at 3) … school and 4) … years at senior school.

Young students have 4-5 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 5) … a day.

There are sometimes morning and 6) … sessions.

There are usually around 20-30 students in a 7) … .

There is a wide range of 8) … for students aged 12-17: Russian, Literature, Maths, History, Social science, Biology, Geography, Physics, ICT, Chemistry and others. English is the main and most popular 9) … , but students can also learn Spanish, German or French or Chinese.

The school year is usually divided into four 10) … with three breaks.

11) … starts on 1st June and lasts for three months.

12) … is a final and an entrance exam for school-leavers.

(12 points)

Total: 54 points

                                                         Score: 46-54 «5», 37-45 «4», 27-36 «3», 0-26 «2»


Ex. 1

  1. winter
  2. Murmansk
  3. spring
  4. shine
  5. the Polar Night
  6. darkness
  7. festival
  8. 1934
  9. skiing
  10. reindeer racing
  11. cross-country skiing
  12. underwater swimming

Ex. 2

  1. polite
  2. an elderly
  3. fee
  4. soles
  5. bad
  6. hands
  7. gloves
  8. bags

Ex. 3

1. space flight

  1. a rocket scientist
  2. an inventor
  3. research
  4. rockets
  5. airlocks
  6. multi-stage boosters
  7. space suits
  8. food
  9. air
  10. the final frontier

          Ex. 4

  1. d
  2. h
  3. j
  4. k
  5. i
  6. b
  7. f
  8. a
  9. c
  10. g
  11. e

Ex. 5

  1. seven
  2. primary
  3. secondary
  4. two
  5. lessons
  6. afternoon
  7. class
  8. school subjects
  9. foreign language
  10. terms
  11. the summer holidays
  12. The Russian National Exam

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