Test 2, Spotlight on Russia-8, modules 3-4.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Мазай Юлия Владимировна

Данный тест является контролем над усвоением  учебного материала 3 и 4 раздела приложения Spotlight on Russia-8.

Он разработан для отдельного курса по английскому языку в 8 классе, на основе приложения Spotlight on Russia,

объёмом 34 часа в год, то есть 1 час в неделю.


Файл test_2_spotlight_on_russia_modules_3-4_.docx20.98 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight on Russia 8. Test 2 (Modules 3-4)

Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the words: an inventor, food, rockets, space suits, space flight, multi-stage boosters, research, the final frontier, air, a rocket scientist, airlocks.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935).  

1)Tsiolkovsky is the father of human 1) ... . He was 2) ... , 3) ... . He was a pioneer in space 4) ... . He worked out the designs for 5) …  with thrusters, 6) … , 7)  … , satellites. He worked out 8) … and a system for providing 9) … and 10) … to a space station. He was a man years ahead of his time. It is thanks to him Russia was the first nation to cross 11) …  .

                                                                                                                                             (11 points)

Ex. 2 Complete the sentences with the words: in charge, rocket engineer, carrying, 1957, manned, a legend, the first probe, satellite, 1961.                                                                                                                                                             

Sergei Korolyov (1906-1966).

He was a scientist and 1) … . He put the first 2) … , Sputnik 1, into orbit around the Earth in 3) … . He was the person responsible for Sputnik 2, 4) … the dog Laika into space, and landing 5) …,  Luna 2, on the Moon. He was the man 6) … of the Vostok and Voskhod space programs. They took the first man into space in 7) … . These programs allowed the first spacewalk. They led the way for all 8) … space flights. Sergei Korolyov was 9) … in his own time and in ours.

           (9 points)

Ex. 3 Choose the correct word.

Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968).

On 1) the12th/the14th of April 1961, he became the first human to go into space and the first man to orbit 2) the Moon/the Earth. The cosmonaut’s first and only space flight in Vostok 1 lasted 3) 108/112 minutes but will be remembered forever. He became 4) a minister/an ambassador for Russia, travelling the world and telling people of Russian achievements in 5) space/sport.

           (5 points)

Ex. 4 Match the appropriate words to make a word combination on the topic

 «National costume»:

1) folk

a) function

2) environmental

b) status

3) fashion

c) motives

4) project

d) art

5) designing

e) years

6) marital

f) identity

7) national

g) legacies / monuments

8) social

h) conditions

9) ethnic

i) clothes

10) precious

j) theatre

11) in recent

k) work

          (11 points)

                                                                                                                  Total: 36 points



Ex. 1

  1. space flight
  2. a rocket scientist
  3. an inventor
  4. research
  5. rockets
  6. airlocks
  7. multi-stage boosters
  8. space suits
  9. food
  10. air
  11. the final frontier

Ex. 2

  1. rocket engineer
  2. satellite
  3. 1957
  4. сarrying
  5. the first probe
  6. in charge
  7. 1961
  8. Manned
  9. a legend

Ex. 3

  1. the12th
  2. the Earth
  3. 108
  4. an ambassador
  5. space

Ex. 4

  1. 1d
  2. 2h
  3. 3j
  4. 4k
  5. 5i
  6. 6b
  7. 7f
  8. 8a
  9. 9c
  10. 10g
  11. 11e

                                                                                                                  Total: 36 points

                                                            Score: 33-36 «5», 25-32 «4», 19-24 «3», 0-18 «2»

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