Famous musicians
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Паршина Анна Владимировна

Конспект урока для уащихся 5 класса на тему "Известные музыканты"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка по теме «Чтение текста «Джон Леннон».  


          Для учащихся 5 класса

Цель: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме «Музыка»



  • познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством Джона Леннона;
  • развивать у учащихся умения монологической и диалогической речи;
  • развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух;
  • развивать умения находить необходимую информацию в тексте;

Ход урока:

1. Greeting .

2. Warming-up activities

Делимся на 2 группы

-what is your favourite kind of music and why?

-have you ever sung or played an instrument in front of a crowd?(толпа)

-who dreams of being a famous pop star?

How do you think what about will be our team?

3 Listening

Look at the blackboard and read the words: done, begun ,dear, young, fear, strong, fight,.

сделал, начали ,дрогой, молодые, страх, сильный, бой -encourage ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ поощрять recordзапись

4 Speaking

If you were going to interview a famous pop star about his or her life and rise to fame what questions would you ask? Make up questions using the words:

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

( Учащиеся составляют предложения, повторяя таким образом правила образования вопросительных предложений в прошедшем и настоящем простом времени)

5 Announcing of the objectives of the lesson

Today you are going to read the text about one of the most famous musician of Great Britain and have a talk on his live andwork.

Pre-reading stage

Look at the portrait. Do you know who this man is? Are these statements true or false?Презентация

7 Reading

Open your workbooks p/29 ex. 11

Составить по 5 вопросов каждой группе и задайте друг другу . на доске начало вопроса.

И нарисуйте первый инструмент Джона Леннона

-John Lennon was born in America.

-He started his first band in 1955, it was called the Quarrymen.

- In 1957 John Lennon met Paul McCartney and together they formed a new band.

-He sang only about love and happiness.

( Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)

9 Listening

Listen to a song 'Happy Xmas (War is Over)' and fill in the text with missing words. This song by John Lennon is a protest against the Vietnam War, but it has become a traditional Christmas tune today.

done, begun ,dear, young, fear, strong, fight,.

( Учащиеся слушают запись песни, заполняя пропуски словами.)

So this is Xmas

And what have you -----1-----

Another year over

And a new one just ------2-----

And so this is Xmas

I hope you have fun

The near and the -----3----one

The old and the ------4---

A very Merry Xmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any ------5--------

And so this is Xmas

For weak and for –--6---

For rich and the poor ones

The world is so wrong

And so happy Xmas

For black and for white

For yellow and red ones

Let's stop all the ------7----

A very Merry Xmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any ------8—

And so this is Xmas

And what have we -------9-----

Another year over

A new one just ------10-----

And so happy Xmas

We hope you have fun

The near and the ------11----one

The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any -----12-----

War is over, if you want it

War is over now.

1)done2)begun 3)dear 4)young 5)fear 6)fight 7)fear 8)done 9)begun10)dear11)young12)fear

10Summing up

- Your homework for the next lesson is to prepare a short report about one of the most famous musicians of our country. You can use the text about John Lennon as an example. Your marks today… (giving marks

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-you, were, good, music, a, at, school?

-encourage, you, did, parents. your, a musician, to be?

-have to, you, do, every day, practice?

-is, your, pop star, what, favourite?

-when, did, you, record,your, first,single?

-John Lennon was born in America.

-He started his first band in 1955, it was called the Quarrymen.

- In 1957 John Lennon met Paul McCartney and together they formed a new band.

-He sang only about love and happiness.

-John Lennon was born in America.

-He started his first band in 1955, it was called the Quarrymen.

- In 1957 John Lennon met Paul McCartney and together they formed a new band.

-He sang only about love and happiness.

-John Lennon was born in America.

-He started his first band in 1955, it was called the Quarrymen.

- In 1957 John Lennon met Paul McCartney and together they formed a new band.

-He sang only about love and happiness.

-John Lennon was born in America.

-He started his first band in 1955, it was called the Quarrymen.

- In 1957 John Lennon met Paul McCartney and together they formed a new band.

-He sang only about love and happiness.

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