План урока английского языка в 9 классе «MUSIC and MUSICIANS»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Жилина Ирина Валерьевна

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План урока английского языка в 9 классе


I  Организационный момент.

  Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you at our English lesson! I hope you are well.

  Do you like today’s weather?

  By the way what is the temperature out?

Imagine, that the weather is very cold and you’ll not go to school. What will you do at home?

II   Oh, I see you like music. So, today we are going to speak about music and musicians, your favourite musical groups and music that you like or maybe don’t like.

Речевая зарядка:

I want you to look at the blackboard. There is the saying by Henry Longfellow, who was a great American poet «Music is the universal language of mankind»

  1. Let’s pronounce some words:

universal , mankind, the universal language

  1. Translate the saying
  2. Repeat the saying after me
  3. Say if you agree or disagree with the saying

You are quite right. Music is the only language that people of all nations and nationalities can understand.

III Now I want to answer some questions:

  1. You are fond of music, aren’t you?
  2. Can you play any musical instruments?
  3. What does music make you think about?
  4. What kind of music do you prefer?

(pop, classical music, jazz, country music, rock)

  1. What music annoys (irritates) you?

IV Agree or Disagree

Tastes differ. Am I right? There are some people’s opinions on music

Say your opinion

  1. Music is a part of a person’s life. It really reflects people’s life and emotions. Music makes people better.
  2. Everybody likes music. As for me I like modern music. I am sorry to say I am not fond of classical or folk music. Maybe my taste will change when I am older. I think that children must get musical education. They will understand music better.
  3. What are you pros and cons on classical music?

V Imagine that you are disc-jockey in the radio programme «Europe plus»

Tell us about your favourite music and musicians or musical groups.

VI Работа с учебником

Now I want you to open your books

  1. What is the name of the group you can see in the picture? ( Of course, this is «The Beatles»)
  2. Can you put these first names  and surnames together to make the names of the Beatles?
  1. John                        a) Starr
  2. Ringo                      b) Harrison
  3. George                   c) McCartney
  4. Paul                        d) Lennon
  1. It is widely known that the name of the group «The Beatles» is the combination of two words/ Guess what are they.(KEY:  The word Beatles is combination of two words  beetle and beat. In the early 60s it was popular to give names of insects to pop groups. The core of the creative work was beat. So, it was not an ordinary «beetle»
  2. Have your ever heard anything about the Beatles? What can you tell about it?

VII   Listening.  Musical Dictation.

 I want you to listen to one of the Beatles’ famous songs «All My Loving»,

There are some missing words. You must fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

  1. Прослушать песню
  2. Дописать недостающие фрагменты
  3. Обсудить написанное
  4. Прочитать песню
  5. Спеть

VIII Домашнее задание:  подготовить рассказ о Битлз

IX   Подведение итогов урока.

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