презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Ибрагимова Виктория Витальевна

Универсальные презентации в помощь учителю на уроке для начинающих изучать английский язык.

В помощь преподавателю предлагаю серию слайдов для введения нового материала и развития речевых умений на основе картинок, опорных слов и фраз.

Уровни: Beginners, Elementary 




Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

For beginners 2 Supplementary material Ibragimova V.V. Gymnasium № 399

Слайд 2

Where is the … ?

Слайд 3

This/These … Mary V V Andy V V Ricky V

Слайд 4

What are these? They are … . sandwiches biscuits ice creams

Слайд 5

Ask and answer Ben Sam Is this Sam’s kite? No, it isn’t. It’s Ben’s kite. Are these Ben’s cats? No they aren’t. They’re Sam’s cats. Andy Linda Becky Jack

Слайд 6

My face nose eyes mouth hair ears

Слайд 7

He has … long …

Слайд 8

Animals a gira ff e a zebra a hi pp o a bear a camel an ele ph ant a crocodile a lion

Слайд 9

A giraffe is … . It has … . legs neck head ears tail tall long little brown yellow white

Слайд 10

Camels are … . They have … . big tall little long brown legs heads ears eyes tails

Слайд 11

An elephant is … . It has … . nose head ears legs tail big long little grey

Слайд 12

Hippos are … . They have … . heads ears legs tails big short little grey

Слайд 13

A crocodile is … . It has … . head mouth ears legs tail big little long short brown green

Слайд 14

I can … . Can you ….? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. swim draw read sing play jump run

Слайд 15

Whose … is this ? It is …. . Whose … are these ? They are … . ‘s Dan Jill Sue Kate Simon Ann Whose clock is this ? Whose bags are these ? It is Dan’s clock . They are Jill’s bags . ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Слайд 16

What is this? What are these? Whose … is this? It is … . Whose … are these? They are… . Whose sweets are these ? They are the boy’s . Whose bag is this ? It is the girl’s .

Слайд 17

There is a … on the farm.

Слайд 18

Is there a ….? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. horse bird goat dog cat cow girl hill tree house flower car tractor

Слайд 19

How many …? There is/are … . horses birds dogs cows hills houses tractors hens flowers ?

Слайд 20

How many green/yellow ….? There is /are ….

Слайд 21

There is/are….on the farm. 1 15 1 2 12

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Elementary 3 Supplementary material Ibragimova V.V. Gymnasium № 399

Слайд 2

Ask and answer profession _____________ place _________________ now ________________ “ going to” _____________ profession _____________ place _________________ now _________________ “ going to” _____________ profession _____________ place _________________ now _________________ “ going to” _____________ Prompts nurse a library librarian a hospital sweep the floor go to the beach firefighter a fire station cook his lunch work on the computer drive her car read a book

Слайд 3

Ask and answer Prompts to Slide 2 back profession ____________ place _________________ now _________________ “ going to” _____________ reporter a newspaper office go on her bike talk to her friend What does Mary do? She is a reporter. Where does she work? She works in a newspaper office. What is she doing now? She is talking to her friend now. What is she going to do? She is going to go on her bike.

Слайд 4

always sometimes often never Ex. We always have breakfast. She ___ gets up at six o’clock. I ___have a bath at 10 o’clock. He ___ goes to bed at half past 8. They ___ have supper at home. You ___ have a shower.

Слайд 5

Asking for and giving directions

Слайд 6

What will the weather be like? Adjectives: cloudy, sunny, hot ,cold, warm Verbs: rain, snow tomorrow next week on Monday In January In February In March

Слайд 7

Wind rose north east south west

Слайд 8

What will the weather be like?

Слайд 9

should/shouldn’t -Do you brush your teeth, children? -When? -You should brush your teeth twice a day. -Do you like sweets? -You shouldn’t eat too many sweets.

Слайд 10

good/bag for your teeth

Слайд 11

You should brush your teeth twice a day You shouldn't eat too many sweets You should drink lots of milk so that so that you have good teeth.

Слайд 12

Boys/Girls have to wear… in UK.

Слайд 13

We have to wear… . We have to take … .

Слайд 14

What kind of shops are they? baker’s flower shop sports shop greengrocer’s butcher’s tailor’s cafe shoeshop

Слайд 15

Bread is made at the baker’s. Bread is made by a baker. Where is bread made? Where are boots made? Boots are made at the shoemaker’s. Boots are made by a shoemaker. to be + V3 The Passive Voice

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В помощь учителю - презентации к урокам

В этом разделе размещены материалы, которые  помогут учителю при  подготовке к урокам...