Сценарий постановки по мотивам фильмов У, Диснея на английском языке

Писная Елена Геннадьевна

Оригинальная сказка с участием персонажей из фильмов У,Диснея 


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( слайд 1 заставка с музыкой)

Под музыку выбегают MICKY И MINNY MOUSE) танцуют

Mickey  In the magic world of Disney

              Miracles can happen easily

 Minnie    Heroes of his cartoons  

                 On this stage will gather soon

Mickey We `d like to introduce a story

Minnie:   Where characters will change their roles

(меняются местами,)  

Слайд 2 ( сыщик , музыка мантра) 

Something will happen soon.

Something will happen soon

But what? What? I feel something will happen soon

Слайд 3 ( плуто, лай )

Pluto,Pluto, What`s the matter? You`d better tell me what has happened

Cлайд 4( видео бала) 

-Cinderella at the ball

Of the time she has forgotten

Midnight `s coming! Oh my God!  

Basil :It`s a problem, you are right! We must warn her!

Pluto :Yes , all right!

Basil : But who can help us? Let me think! Слайд 5 (Алладин) (смотрит на экран

Maybe Alladin with his carpet in the sky?

 Pluto: Good idea, but unreal

Basil: Maybe Winnie with balloons? ( слайд 6 винни-пух)

Pluto: ups,  he won`t be here very  soon

Слайд 7 (  музыка чип и дейл) под музыку до припева ходит в раздумьях,

Basil :Oh. I`ve got a brilliant idea! They are just we are looking for  

( звонит по телефону

Chip, Dail we are waiting for you. Come here.

во время припева влетают Чи Д  Танцуют

 Basil: Thank you , Rangers

            Cinderella is in danger

            Quickly, rush all  to the palace

             Before the midnight you  must  appear  

слайд 8 ( КАК 1 


There is a world where hope

And dreams can last for all  the  time


Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song 

Watch our story, Please come on  

Слайд 9 ( принцессы) (  музыка барби гёл,)

На сцене появляются принцессы:
- Oh, I love a good princess ball!
-: How does my hair look?
- You look like a real princess. Don't worry!
: Where is Rapunzel?
: Hi! I'm here.
- Disney Girls! Let`s dance ( танец )

Фанфары ( входят мальчики)
сцена на балу ( музыка из анастасии)

. Часы начинают бить  

Вбегают чип и дейл , плуто .  пара  замирают

- Cinderella mind the time!

-Midnight `s coming

-quickly ,  run

Cinderella (испуганно): It’s twelve o’clock! I`m sorry! I must go now. Good-bye! (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)!

входит сыщик     Am I late?

Чип и дейл    your task is done she has run

She has run ( печально прижимая туфельку). She was the only girl who agreed to dance with me. She  is so kind –hearted . I have found her and lost at once. Help me find her , please!

Basil: What does she look like? Can you describe her?

Слайд 11 ( ночь) 

She walks in beauty, like the night

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Basil:  Has she got any special features?

Prince : yes,  she was wearing a beautiful dress, made  of  packets

Basil : packets? What kind of packets?

Prince  :Plastic ones

Basil : a dress made of plastic packets… she seems to be very practical

Слайд 11 ( щелчок )анимация

Prince:  and economical. She cares for nature, she doesn`t drop litter .She is creative and hard- working. Such girls are very rare nowadays.  

Basil : you are right. We must find her. What are you holding in your hands?

Слайд 12 

 Prince: A shoe. She has lost it.

Basil :A shoe is  made of paper. And it is  glued with honey . How can we find her?

Winnie: you said “ honey” I like it very much. I can help you. I can disguise.

       I`m bear, bear, bear and not a cloud at all

Oh what fun it is to fly in a blue blue blue  blue sky

Cлайд 13 

 Be sitted on the carpet and follow  me

Слайд 14

Mickey  In the magic world of Disney

              Miracles can happen easily

Слайд 15 ( золушка работает , вытирает лоб вздыхает )

Basil: Cinderella, poor girl! Who has told you do this work?

Cлайд 16

Cinderella: it`s my  stepmother,dear sir! I have sort out buckwheat, and cook the dinner. Then , sew a dress and knit the scarf….

Basil: it`s unfair,well you see.Chip and Dail arrest her for cruelty with children and take her to prison  ( звук сирены, и наручников)

Cinderella I humbly  thank you , Basil

Basil : say these words to him, not me

Слайд 17 

  Cinderella:  thank you ( целует)

Cлайд  18 

 Принц  ( оборачивается, снимает « голову»

 It’s me again! I am so happy! Only your love could break the spell!

Слайд 19

 ( песня )

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