Презентация "Анонс мероприятий на неделю знаний"
презентация к уроку по теме

Березникова Екатерина Сергеевна

В данной презентации отражены ключевые мероприятия, проводимые в рамках недели Английского языка


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Enjoy English
Hurry up!!! Join our school bus!!!
And let’s start our trip to the world of English 
From Monday till Sunday …
...Enjoy Learning English
What’s on this week???- Answer the question and get an excellent mark- Do the quiz and get a very good mark- Play games and enjoy learningenglish
Monday, the 6th of February
Pupils of the 5th-11th forms are wanted !!!
We’ll wait for you on the ground floor after the third lesson to do the on-line QUIZ “ Britain and the British”
Monday, the 6th of February
Active breaks
Pupils of 5th- 6th formsare wanted on the firstfloor after the 5thlesson 
Pupils of the 2nd form are wanted on the second floor after the 4th lesson 
Tuesday, the 7th of February
Pupils of the 4th-5th forms are wanted on the ground floor after the 2nd lesson to do the “Funny Quiz”. Pupils of the 6th forms are wanted on the ground floor after the 3rd lesson to do the “Cute Quiz”
Wednesday, the 8th of February
Pupils of 4th forms are wanted on the first floorafter the 2nd lesson to take part in an activebreakPupils of the 3rd forms are wanted on theground floor after the 3rd lesson to do the“Funny Quiz”.
Thursday, the 9th of February Hurry up!!!!
Only today you have a unique chance to watch the “Enjoy English” concert, prepared by “The Will Be Stars” of our school.
Friday, the 10th of February

Pupils of the 7th-9th forms are wanted on the ground floor after the 2nd lesson to do the “Clever Quiz”.Pupils of the 9th – 11th forms are wanted on the ground floor after the 4th lesson to test their knowledge of English 
Also you can take part in active breaks, do the “Funny Quizzes” and learn theresults of this “ENJOY ENGLISH” week.
We hope that you’ll really enjoy our trip on school bus duringthis week 
With love, Your English teachers

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