Презентация для 4 курса "Деловой английский".Cover letters
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Надежда Николаевна Коробицына

Презентация предназначена для студентов 4 курса отделения ППСЗ группы ТЭПС и ОП для курса "Днловой английский". 


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Слайд 1

Cover letters Составитель : Коробицына Надежда Николаевна Учебное заведение : Няндомский железнодорожный колледж

Слайд 3

New words and expressions: To expand- расширять genuine – подлинный, истинный High-ranked - высокопоставленный An enclosure – вложение To hire – нанимать To reflect – отражать To stand out - выделяться To submit – представлять To request - запрашивать To appreciate – ценить Solicited – требуемый Unsolicited – невостребованный

Слайд 5

What`s a cover letter? Never send a resume a cover letter when you apply for a job. The aim of this letter is to stand out from other candidates. This letter explains why are you the best candidate for this position. It expands on your resume and help to write about yourself in a more personal way. Don`t write it in a very official way. It should be friendly and genuine. A cover letter should reflect your personality. Don`t forget about your reader.

Слайд 6

T ips for writing a cover letter

Слайд 7

Send your letter to the high-ranked people in the company, who are directly responsible for hiring the personal. Address each employer by name and title. Start your letter with an attention-grabbing sentence that will make your reader take notice. Keep your letter short to hold the reader`s interest. Give facts that hiring you will be useful and profitable for the company. Use simple vocabulary and proper grammar. Avoid being aggressive or humorous. Check for grammar and spelling errors. Close with a statement that indicates some action. F o r example: I will call you in five days to set up an interview.

Слайд 8

Two types of cover letters:

Слайд 9

Two types of cover letters: Solicited: It is used in submitting a letter in reply to an advertisement. It is easier to write - you know what the e mployer wants, what criteria will be appreciated . Unsolicited: It is used when you apply to a company that interests you. But you don`t know if opening is available. It is important to make your reader feel w hat your offer is worthy of their time and attention.

Слайд 10

Cover letter layout 1) Your name, mailing address, telephone number, E-mail address. 2) Today`s date. 3) Name and address of the recipient. 4) Salutation (Dear Mr. Brown: ). 5) Communication (about three paragraphs) 6) Closing (Sincerely yours, ) 7) Signature ( your handwriting signature and your typed name). 8)Enclosure (resume).

Слайд 12

Cover letter practice

Слайд 13

Do the test : True or false 1. You must not send a resume without a cover letter. 2. Your cover letter will help you to explain that you are the best candidate for this position. 3. Cover letters are too formal so you are to write them in a very official way. 4. Don`t keep your letter short to hold the reader`s interest. 5. Use simple vocabulary and proper grammar in your cover letter. 6. There are three types of cover letters. 7. Solicited cover letters are difficult to write. 8. An unsolicited type of a cover letter is used to apply for a position opening in the «hidden job market». 9. In the last paragraph of your cover letter you should request an interview. 10. You needn`t show how your qualifications can benefit the company you are applying to.

Слайд 14

Read the sample of a cover letter : Dear Mr. Atkins: I would like to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position located in your Manhattan office as advertised on www.indeed.com. I am interested in this position because I believe this opportunity will be mutually beneficial. I offer Synergy Marketing over seven years’ experience in marketing research, customer service and business administration. In addition, I am comfortable working independently and as a team member. I have experience working with a diverse client base and manage my time efficiently. I believe I will prove to be a valuable asset to your existing team of professionals and add immediate contribution to your organisation . Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me via telephone at (458) 458 -1785 or via email mjf@gmail.com. I look forward to scheduling an interview in order to further discuss how I can positively contribute to your company’s success. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Michael J. Fox

Слайд 15

Write a cover letter

Слайд 16

The List of Literature: Вводный курс делового письма. 10-11 кл . : учебн . пособие/ Т.О. Догаева . – М. : Дрофа, 2005. – 91, I5I c . – (Элективные курсы).

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