British tea culture.
презентация к уроку (6 класс) по теме

Пушница Марина Николаевна

Презентация с коментарием познакомит вас с историей чаепития в Британии. Сценарий чайной церемонии поможет закрепить полученную информацию.


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Слайд 1

British Tea Culture From Victoria to Elizabeth II “Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage.” Catherine Douzel

Слайд 2

PrincessCatherine of Braganza (1638-1705) In 1662 Charles 11 married princess Catherine of Braganza from Portugal. She brought the tradition of drinking tea to England.

Слайд 3

Queen Anne of England (1665-1714) Tea drinking became even more popular during the reign of Queen Anne from 1665 to 1714.The Queen chose tea over the traditional ale as her morning beverage and many followed her lead.

Слайд 4

Queen Vitoria (1819-1901) Henry James wrote: “ There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as an Afternoon tea.”

Слайд 5

Victorian Tea Party.

Слайд 6

Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford 1783-1857 It was she, Anna Maria, one of the Queen Victoria’s ladies- in-waiting, who first started the tradition of the afternoon tea. “Tea is instant wisdom – just add water!” Astrid Alauda .

Слайд 7

“ This painting shows an English tea party in the 1700s. “Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors” really a picnic indoors.” Alice Walker.

Слайд 8

“ Teatime in the garden” by Alfred Oliver

Слайд 9

Emma Hamilton (1638-1705) Lord Nelson , who defeated Napoleon, met his wife, Emma, at a Tea garden. George Romney “ Emma Hamilton”.

Слайд 10

Tea cups A cup with a handle A cup without a handle

Слайд 11

Wedgewood China

Слайд 12

Spode China

Слайд 13

Royal Doulton China

Слайд 14

Tea party guide. 1. Afternoon tea (low tea). 2. High tea. “Tea is a cup of life.” (Proverb)

Слайд 15

Afternoon Tea.

Слайд 16

Battenberg cake No cake is more British than Battenberg cake. The Queen’s surname is Mountbatten or Battenberg-Windsor.

Слайд 17

High Tea.

Слайд 18

Tea Party invitations. Tea Party invitations are a delight to send and receive! You will have lots of pleasure in preparing invitations (or receiving one!) for your guests knowing you are bringing a bit of joy into their lives.

Слайд 19


Слайд 20


Слайд 21


Слайд 22

Copper kettle. Tea pot is on, the cups are waiting. Favourite chairs anticipating. No matter what I have to do, My friend, there’s always time for you.

Слайд 23

The most favourite tea brands Assam Tetley Darjeeling Ceylon Orange English Breakfast Earl Grey English Afternoon Brooke Bond

Слайд 24

Original English teapots

Слайд 25

Original English teapots

Слайд 26

Original English teapots

Слайд 27

Original English teapots

Слайд 28

Original English teapots.

Слайд 29

Original English teapots.

Слайд 30

Original English teapots.

Слайд 31

Tea cosy . A Tea Cosy is like a sweater for your teapot.

Слайд 32

Tea cosy .

Слайд 33

Tea cosy .

Слайд 34

It’s always teatime.

Слайд 35

Kinds of tea. English tea – tea with milk. “Where there’s tea there’s hope.” Arthur W. Pinero.

Слайд 36

Kinds of tea. Russian tea – tea with lemon. “If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.” Japanese proverb.

Слайд 37

Tea party at Buckingham Palace. Each year Queen Elisabeth 11 opens the private gardens at Buckingham Palace to h host three afternoon tea parties, each attended by 8.000 guests respectively.

Слайд 38

The Royal invitation.

Слайд 39

The Royal invitation.

Слайд 40

Tea party dress.

Слайд 41

Tea tent in the Royal Gardens.

Слайд 42

Tea with the Queen.

Слайд 43

A tea bag and a Battenberg cake.

Слайд 44

Tea with the Queen. Taking a different route, each Royal circulates amongst the guests. At 6 p. m. the Queen and Royal family depart for the Palace.

Слайд 45

Conclusion. “When you’re feeling sad and blue And have no clue what to do, Sit down and have a cup of tea And a hug or two or maybe three. Feel those troubles melt away And start you on a better day.” Paulette.

Предварительный просмотр:


                “BRITISH TEA CULTURE.”

(Внеклассное мероприятие к неделе ин.яз.)


                английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 46

                Пушница Марина Николаевна.  


Познавательный аспект: знакомство с историей происхождения  английской чайной церемонии, особенностями употребления чая в Англии, чайным этикетом, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Развивающий аспект: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, развитие способностей к распределению и переключению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию при восприятии на слух, развитие способностей подбора выражений, адекватных ситуации.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважительного отношения к образу жизни других народов, более глубокого осознания своей культуры.

Учебный аспект: совершенствование навыков аудирования, развитие умения читать с целью извлечения детальной информации, развитие умения понимать культурологический аспект текстов, совершенствование навыков говорения.

Материал взят с различных сайтов интернета:; Tea quotes and quotations; Lidia/ Домовушка Луша; Wikipedia; www.tea-party;  and others.

           Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be great tea lovers. They drink tea at least six times a day. Most of them drink their first cup at 6 a. m. still in bed. Then come tea for breakfast, for lunch, tea break at work, 5 o’clock tea and high tea in the evening. There’s a saying that each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. We are going to introduce you some facts from the history of tea tradition. (picture 1)

       The origin of tea traditions of England is obliged to one of the most beautiful women in the middle of the 17th century. In 1662 Charles II married Princess Catherine of Braganza from Portugal. The new queen’s passion for tea was appreciated in court and soon tea became the most popular drink in the chambers of Buckingham Palace . (picture 2)

     Tea drinking in England became more popular during the reign of Queen Anne from 1665 to 1714. The Queen chose tea over traditional ale as her morning beverage and many followed her lead. (picture 3)

     The real revolution in the tea business actually began in 1837 with coming to the throne of the young Queen Victoria. She signed a decree of establishing the state tea company in the British colony – the North Indian province of Assam. In memory of those events, one of the types of English tea from Assam is named “Victorian”.  (picture 4-5)

      Before the British began to enjoy tea, they took two main meals daily: breakfast and dinner. During the 18th century dinner came to be served later and later in the day until, by the early 19th century, the normal time was between 7 p. m. and 8 p. m. Anna Maria Russel, Duchess of Bedford was a lifelong friend of Queen Victoria whom she served as a Lady of the Bedchamber. She was also the originator of the afternoon tea. You see, an extra meal called luncheon had been created to fill the midday gap between breakfast and dinner, but,  as this new meal  was very light, the long afternoon with no refreshment at all left people feeling hungry. Anna found a light meal of tea and cakes or sandwiches was the perfect balance. Soon she began inviting her friends to join her. Afternoon tea soon became an important part of life. (picture 6-7)

       Afternoon tea became very popular. Soon Tea Gardens popped up everywhere. The Tea garden was one of the few places ladies could enter. You can see such a   garden tea party in the picture. Two ladies are enjoying  tea under the trees. They are very beautiful. The weather is so hot that we can feel it. Just listen …

Под сенью акаций, хранящих от зноя,

На столике с ножкой дубовой резною

Фарфор с позолотой – цветочная гамма.

За чаем в саду две прелестные дамы …

С изыском по моде пикантные шляпки,

В батистовой пене воланы и складки.

Кокетливых платьев, достойных приема

У лорда иль графа, не то, чтобы дома …

Кулоны на шейках в разрезах перкали

Бликуют на солнце лазурной эмалью.

И веер изящный французской работы

Порхает в руке, прикрывая зевоту

И негу томленья от жаркого полдня …

Столетье назад, но как будто сегодня.

Надушенный август в кануне Успенья …

И пахнет …так пахнет вишневым вареньем!  ( Лида, Иваново, Россия)(pict.8)

    Victorian ladies met potential husbands at such parties. It is said that Lord Nelson, who defeated Napoleon at sea, met his wife, Emma Hamilton, at a tea garden. (pict. 9)

Tea in China was traditionally drunk from cups without handles. When tea became popular in Great Britain there was a crying need for good cups with handles, to suit British habits. So such companies as Wedgewood, Spode and Royal Doulton, producing china, were born. (pict. 10- 13)

     They say tea is a cup of life. The English most known meals are afternoon tea or 5 o’clock tea and high tea. (pict.14)

      In Victorian’s times, low tea was a tea that was typically served in a living rooms at the low tables, lower than dining tables. It is not unusual now to serve a low afternoon tea at the dining room table, especially if you serve something that may be tricky to eat. Afternoon tea is classified in three ways: cream tea, which includes tea, jam, and scones; light tea which includes tea, scones and sweets; and full tea, which includes tea, savories, sweets and desserts. Traditional tea time is between 3 and 5 o’clock. (pict. 15)No cake is more British than Battenberg cake. At any afternoon tea, in fact at any occasion bring out a Battenberg cake and watch smiles all round. Battenberg cake is believed to have been named in honour of the marriage of Queen Victoria’s granddaughter to Prince Louis of Battenberg in 1884. (pict.16)

         High tea consists of a full meal of meat, bread, side dishes, desserts and tea. It is most usually the main meal of the day. It’s time is about 7 p. m. (pict. 17)

       Once you have decided on the guest list, it is time to write and send out your tea party invitations. It would be really nice to write a unique personal message to everybody you are inviting. Tea party invitations are a delight to send and receive! You will have lots of pleasure in preparing invitations ( or receiving one!) for your guests knowing you are bringing a bit of joy into their lives. (pict. 18-21)

 Tea pot is on, the cups are waiting,              No matter what I have to do,          

 Favourite chairs anticipating.                         My friend, there’s always time for you.

      The English used to boil water for tea in a traditional copper kettle. If you do not have a copper kettle you can boil water in a stainless steel one. (pict.22)

        The most brand-name tea blends in Great Britain are Tetley, PG Tips and Brooke Bond. Whilst the highest quality blends are generally believed to be produced by the company “Twinings”. Nowadays most people use tea-bags, but traditionalists still flavor loose tea. ( pict. 23)

      Warm the teapot and the teacups before adding the boiled water and tea leaves in the teapot. This will help the infusion process and gives more flavor and aroma to the cup of tea. Look at those teapots! Aren’t they amazing! (pict. 24-30)

       Leave the hot tea to brew for 5 minutes before serving in the teacups. Use a “tea cosy” or teapot warmer to help in the infusion process. Tea cosy is a real sweater for the teapot. Look and try to make your own tea cosy. (pict. 31-33)

      Listen and try to guess the title of the book and its author.

“It is always 5 o’clock by my watch”, says the Hatter.” Oh, is that the reason why so many cups are on the table?” “Yes, that’s it. It’s always teatime. We have no time to wash the cups. We move round the table and take a new cup.” (pict.34) Yes, you are right. It’s “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

        The English call tea with milk English tea. They add only milk into their tea, not cream. (pict.35)And tea with lemon is called Russian tea. (pict.36)

        Every year Queen Elizabeth II opens the private gardens at Buckingham Palace to host three afternoon tea parties, each attended by 8.000 guests respectively. (pict. 37)

       The invitations are sent to people of all walks of life, either directly or on the recommendation of a Palace approved sponsor. Here are some of such invitations. ( pict. 38-39)

      Gentlemen wear morning dress, suit, uniform, or National dress. Orders and medals are not allowed. Ladies wear afternoon dress, usually with a hat and gloves or National dress.(pict. 40)

       The gates open at 3 p. m. so that the guests may enjoy a walk in the Royal Gardens, which are usually not open for the public. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh accompanied by members of the Royal Family, enter the garden at       4 p. m. as one or two bands play the National Anthem. Taking a different route, each  Royal circulates amongst the guests. Some special guests are invited to the Royal tent to join the Royal Family for afternoon tea. The other guests are served tea from a 408-foot long table. The guests drink about 27.000 cups of tea and eat 20.000 pieces of cake. (pict. 41-42)

          One of those who once went to the tea party at Buckingham Palace wrote: “… There were lots of delicious cakes, including miniature Battenbergs ( named after Windsors who used to be known as the Mountbattens, or Battenbergs.) I understood that the Queen’s surname is still Mountbatten-Windsor. ( pict. 43)

      At 6 p. m. the Queen and Royal Family depart for the Palace, where once again the National Anthem is played to indicate that the party has ended. ( pict.44)

      We hope you liked this presentation and learned some new facts about English tea tradition. On conclusion we should say:

When you’re feeling sad and blue         And hug or two, or maybe three.

And have no clue what to do,                 Feel those troubles melt away  

Sit down and have a cup of tea               And start you on a better day. (pict. 45)


 Приложение 1.


  1. Это мероприятие может быть проведено на неделе иностранных языков.
  2. Презентацию можно приурочить к международному дню чая 15 декабря.
  3. Презентация используется на одном из уроков в 6 классе в период изучения темы “ Favourite English Food” .

(“Enjoy English”Биболетова М. З.,Трубанева Н. Н.)

а) На первом этапе учащиеся знакомятся с новой лексикой по теме, учатся писать приглашения на чайную вечеринку, разучивают песню I’m a little teapot. ( Для заключительного этапа учащимся можно дать задание изготовить своими руками приглашения, чехлы для заварочных чайников, найти интересные высказывания о чае, подготовить рекламу какого-нибудь чая, приготовить какой-нибудь английский десерт к чаю и оформить его рецепт.)

б) На втором этапе – показ презентации с комментарием.

в) На третьем этапе провести Merry Tea Competitions. ( Смотри приложение 2).

                                              Приложение 2.

                                      MERRY TEA COMPETITIONS.

Teacher: Hello, children! We are glad to see you at our tea party. Today you will have to show your knowledge of the British tea culture. I hope you are ready to compete. So, let’s start.

  1. The first competition – invitations.

You have made your invitation cards for our guests. Now both teams should give them to the jury. Thank you! Let’s continue!

  1. The second competition.

You have seen the presentation and learned some interesting facts about the most English tradition of tea drinking. And we are going to find out who of you was the most attentive. Please, answer the questions on the presentation.

When did the tea tradition first start?

What does a Japanese proverb say about tea?

How many times a day had the English eaten before they learned tea?

At what time did the English have dinner in the 19th century?

How did they call the meal between breakfast and dinner?

Who started the tradition of the afternoon tea?

What was the name of Admiral Nelson’s wife?

What kind of kettle did the English use?

What are the other names of the afternoon tea?

How is afternoon tea classified?

What is English tea?

What is Russian tea?

What are the most famous companies that produce china?

Do you know the favourite English sorts of tea? What are they?

What is the name of the teapot warmer?

What should you do if you want to invite someone to your tea party?

How many guests are usually invited to the Tea Party at the Buckingham Palace?

What are the little cakes at Buckingham tea party called?

What is the Queen’s surname?

Thank you! We see that both teams are very attentive.

  1. The third competition.

You have prepared your advertisements. Now try to convince us to choose your brand of tea. You are welcome! ( Home made advertisements).

  1. The forth competition.

It’s time to make tea. First of all you must put the pictures in order to make English tea. Then you will have to tell us in English how to make tea.

Merry break.

Let’s all together sing a song.

                                          I’m a little teapot.

I’m a little teapot,                                              I’m a clever teapot,            

Short and stout.                                                 Yes, it’s true!

Here is my handle,                                             Here’s an example of    

Here is my spout.                                               What I can do:

When I get all steamed up,                              I can turn my handle

Hear me shout:                                                   Into a spout.

Tip me over,                                                        Tip me over,

And pour me out!                                              And pour me out!

Thank you! It was great!  

  1. The fifth competition.

Our jury has already seen your handmade tea cosies. Now we are going to see if you can lay the table. Here is everything for you. Please, lay the table and comment your actions. While you are laying the table, some of you can boil water and make tea.

  1. The sixth competition.

Show, please, your recipes to our jury and put your treatment on the tea table.  Now you must invite your classmates in English to drink tea. Let’s taste the tea and try to express your delight in different ways . Enjoy your tea!

Now let’s summarize our merry tea competitions. Dear jury, did you like our competitions? We tried to show you everything we have learned about British tea culture. All our pupils are ready to invite guests from Great Britain to their tea party and do their best.

 Please, tell us the score. Hooray! Friendship won!




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