relative clause (who\which) test
тест (7 класс) по теме

материал для самостоятельной работы на уроке


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Предварительный просмотр:

Relative clause.  ( which/ who)

The sentences in this exercise are not complete. Choose the most suitable ending from the list and make it into a relative clause with who or which.

-Harry works for a company….

-The book is about a girl…

-What was the name of the horse…?

-The police have caught the man…

-Alexander Bell was the man…

-Where are the pictures…?

-The police are still trying to identify the body…

-A dictionary is a book…

-I don`t like people…

-It seems that the Earth is the only planet…

  1. he invented the telephone.
  2. she runs away from home.

-    they are never on time.

  1. they stole my car.
  2. they used to hang on that wall.
  3. it makes typewriters.
  4. it gives you the meanings of words.
  5. it won the race.
  6. it can support life.
  7. it was found last week.

Match the information.

Warner Brothers            American producer    to shoot        Romeo and Juliet

Leonardo DiCaprio        American film           to win           11 Oscars

Titanic                            American actor          to star           a lot of comedies

E.Ryazanov                    Russian director        to found        WB Company

Ex.  “Arrival of a Train” is a French film which was the first film in the world.

Complete the sentences.

  1. “Columbia Pictures” is a US film production company….
  2. Walt Disney is a US film-maker and animator…
  3. Steven Spilberg is a famous film director…

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