Урок 8 класс "Save our planet together"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему

Нестеренко Татьяна Юрьевна

Данный материал представляет развёрнутый конспект урока в 8 классе по теме: "Окружающая среда". Цель урока сформировать у учащихся навыки просмотрового чтения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку

Тема: «Защитим планету вместе»

Класс: 8 «А»


  1. Активизировать изученный лексический материал по теме «Environment» в речи учащихся;
  2. Формировать у учащихся навыки просмотрового чтения;
  3. Развивать навыки монологической речи на основе содержания текста;
  4. Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка по средствам изучения актуальных тем.


Учебник «Enjoy English» 8кл. автор М.З.Биболетова, рабочая тетрадь, словари, записи на доске, иллюстрации по теме.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока


I.Организационный момент:

II. Фонетическая разминка:

(на доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка)

III. Проверка дом.задания

III. Основная часть:

    Сообщение темы:


 Обучение чтению:

( дотекстовый этап)

(текстовый этап)

(задание на речевую догадку)

(работа в группах)

(работа в парах)

(после текстовый этап)


IV. Домашнее задание.

V. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

-Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.-What is the date today? And what is the day today? Thank you.

- Let us repeat the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Read the tongue twister all together. I will read one line of the tongue twister; you will recite another by heart. Then we will change the lines.

- Now recite the tongue twister by heart as quickly as you can.

  1. p.42 ex.7,9

  1. Today we are going to discuss the most urgent environmental problems.
  2. What environmental problems do you think are described in the text? Name the words and word expressions that you can meet in the text. (слова и словосочетания записаны на доске вразброс)
  3. Compare the words on the blackboard with those in ex.11 p.43. Do they coincide? Which of the words from ex.11 do you think are in the text?

  1. Now read the text in ex.12 p.43 and say if you were right.
  2. Give a title to the text:

Stop Polluting Our Home!

Protect Our Fragile Planet!

It Is Time to Protect the Earth!

- Are there any words that you do not understand? 

- Then try to guess their meanings using the plan from ex.13 p.44. So, your task is to write down three meanings of the words that you think are possible.

  1. Sit in groups and discuss what meanings are more suitable. Use the vocabulary. Check your guesses.
  2. Now look at the pictures in ex.14 p.44. What do the show? (устные ответы уч-ся)
  3. Use the text and discuss in groups what captions are suitable for these pictures. (варианты заголовков выписаны на доске).

  1. Now let us split into pairs. The task is to find in the text the phrases that have the similar meanings to the words from ex.15 p.44.

  1. Read out the sentences paraphrasing them using the synonyms of the words.  

- Prove the following facts (после работы с текстом уч-ся должны согласиться или опровергнуть следующие факты, аргументировав их):

1. Many species of birds and animals have disappeared because man has polluted their natural homes.

2. The air is not polluted by power stations, factories and cars.

3. Rivers are empty of fish.

4. Forests are disappearing all over the world.

5. We can not see pollutions at the seaside.

6. People are in danger.

7. People do not have any serious environmental problems.

- I see that you know the text quite well and you have learnt some new words. Now you will have a quiz. Translate the sentences from ex.7 p.56 Section “Homework” in writing. You have 10 min to do this task.

-p. 44 ex.17,18; W.B.p.24 ex.4

- What topic did we discuss during our lesson?

- What did we do?

- Did you like the lesson?

-Your marks are….

Thank you for your work. Good bye!

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