Итоговый тест
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Фёдорова Елена Вениаминовна

Итоговый тест


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Предварительный просмотр:

I. Reading

Прочитай текст и выполни задания.

Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.

As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want.

Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.


В каждом задании (1-5) укажи букву  (A, B, C или D), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа.

  1. This text is about...

 A) Christmas presents                    B) Father Christmas

C) Christmas celebrations               D) the Christmas tree

  1. When Christmas comes, the children are given presents...

A)  at the Christmas table.             B) in the streets.

C)  at schools.                                 D) at home.

  1. Which sentence is wrong (неверно)?

A)      Christmas is a family holiday.

B)      Presents are usually given at Christmas.

C)      At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.

D)      Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.

  1. Choose a title.

A) British Children            B) British Christmas

C) Christmas parties          D) British Homes

  1. Find the word which is not in the text.

A) Christmas ,                   B) Presents

C) Easter                           D) Eve

II. Culture

  1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
  1.  Great Britain
  2.  England
  3.  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  1. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
  1. four
  2. three
  3. two
  1. What is the capital of the UK?
  1. Cardiff
  2. Dublin
  3. London
  1. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
  1. New York
  2. London
  3. Oxford
  1. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
  1. Christmas Day
  2. Halloween
  3. Easter
  1. London stands on the river … .
  1.  Thames
  2.  Clyde
  3.  Avon
  1. Where did Queen Elizabeth II live?
  1. Buckingham Palace
  2. The Tower
  3. Westminster Abbey
  1. It is the most famous clock in the UK.
  1. Westminster
  2. Buckingham
  3. Big Ben
  1. You can see many wild animals there.
  1. Hyde Park
  2. The City
  3. London Zoo
  1. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson there.
  1. Trafalgar Square
  2. Hyde Park
  3. London zoo

III. Use of English

Malta is a small (16) _______ in the Mediterranean. It is south of Sicily. It is an island country (17) _______ no lakes or rivers. About four hundred (18) _______ people live in Malta. The country has two (19) _______, Maltese and English, but many people also speak (20) _______. The capital city Valletta is on the east (21) _______. Malta is (22) _______ and dry in the summer, and the winters are also quite warm.

A large number of tourists (23) _______ Malta every year.


a) country

b) city

c) village


a) and

b) with

c) without


a) thousand

b) thousands

c) million


a) languages

b) countries

c) islands


a) Italy

b) Italian

c) Italic


a) coast

b) beach

c) sea


a) hot

b) cold

c) wet


a) go

b) come

c) visit

IV. Fill in the correct variant

24. Yesterday I …                                                

A) went to the cinema

B) was went to the cinema

C) went the cinema

D) was to the cinema

25. My house is …

A) more as yours

B) more than your house

C) bigger than yours

D) bigger as your house

26. Jane …

A) can’t play golf

B) don’t can play golf

C) don’t play golf

D) doesn’t can play golf

27. When …

A) does the concert starts?

B) the concert starts?

C) does the concert start?

D) starts the concert?

28. Please ask him …

A) that he waits

B) to wait

C) for to wait

D) wait

29. … a photo of you?

A) Can I to make

B) Will you let me to make

C) May I do

D) May I take

30. What does he do?

A) He is vet.

B) He is a vet.

C) He a vet.

D) He’s vet,

31. Ice hockey is the sport …

A) that I like best

B) Which I like it best

C) Who I like best

D) what I like best

32. Paul and I live close to …

A) each other

B) each others

C) ourselves

D) ouselfs

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