Литературнаая гостиная :» Вся жизнь моя в стихах моих», посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Расула Гамзатова
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Эседуллаева Роксана Давудовна
Собственная разработка литературной гостиной " Вся жизнь моя в стихах моих", посвященная 100-лктию со дня рождения Расула Гамзатова была проведена в мае 2023 года в лицее39 г Махачкалы. В литературной гостиной принимали участие ученики 9-11 классов. Они читали стихотворения на английском, русском а также родном языке самого поэта- аварском. Была поставлена сценка, представлены презентации и спета песня "Журавли" на английском языке. 
Целями моей работы были прививать интерес к изучению иностранных языков а также показать, что имя и творчество поэта известно во всем мире.Повышение интереса подрастающего поколения к творчеству Расула  Гамзатова.


Предварительный просмотр:

Литературная гостиная, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения

Расула Гамзатова : «Вся жизнь моя в стихах моих

Разработала и провела : учительница английского языка

МБОУ «Лицей № 39» г. Махачкала

Эседуллаева Раксана Давудовна

Цели и задачи литературной гостиной:

• развивающие:

21 февраля 2023 года официальный старт Года Расула Гамзатова, Года празднования 100 - летия масштабной личности для всего мира.

#1055;овышение интереса подрастающего поколения к творчеству Расула Гамзатова, к родной литературе, культуре.

2. Воспитание активной гражданской позиции подрастающего поколения, патриотизма, чувства гордости и уважения к своей малой родине.

3. Развитие творческих способностей детей в области художественного слова. Привлечь детей к чтению произведений великого дагестанского поэта на иностранных языках, предоставляя им возможности творческого общения со своими сверстниками и взрослыми, увлечёнными творчеством Расула Гамзатова.

4. Воспитание художественного вкуса, любви к поэзии.

5. Пропаганда, популяризация, поддержка детского литературного творчества.

6. Показать, что имя и творчество Расула Гамзатова известно во всем мире, продемонстрировать умение читать Расула Гамзатова на иностранных языках.

7. Прививать интерес к изучению иностранных языков.

8. Формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

расширение их лингвострановедческого образования;

повышение интереса к чтению, как английских, так и дагестанских классиков;

• воспитательные:

воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного, любовь к английской и дагестанской литературе, уважение к культуре своей страны.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал (задания для учащихся), компьютерная презентация.

май 2023

Сценарий литературной гостиной

Вступительное слово учителя. Введение в ситуацию:

Teacher: Good afternoon my dear colleagues, my best friends and students. Welcome to our literary party. As you know this year our country is celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the great folk poet Rasul Gamzatov. A lot of solemn events are held throughout our country dedicated to this jubilee. That’s why we would like to present you our performance. I hope you enjoy it. So let’s get started.

Сценка: Приходят люди поздравлять Гамзата Цадаса с рождением сына.

Gamzat (Alikhan) : Son, ! My son was born! Hey, villagers, my dear friends! Come to me and share this happiness with my family and me!!!

Guest1 (Fialka ): Oh, my dear Handulai! What a wonderful baby! Let little ones grow up and adults don`t get old. Amin.

Младшие ,чтоб повзрослели, а взрослые , чтоб не старели. Амин.

Handulai (Mansimova Aina): Thanks a lot my darling Aisha. It`s so nice of you.

Guest 2 (Taibova Tanya):Good afternoon dear. I`m so glad for you. Let only good thoughts come to his mind and only the good will be at his heart. Amin.

Пусть только хорошие мысли будут в голове, и только добро будет на душе. Амин.

Handulai (Mansimova Aina): Thank you. The same to you.

Guest 3(Arbuliyeva Fatima): Oh,my darling! How cute! Let him hear only merry music and his eyes will see only beautiful pictures. Амин.

Пусть слышать будет только веселую музыку, а глаза будут видеть только красивые картины. Амин.

Handulai (Mansimova Aina): Thank you my dear Fatima. It`s so kind of you.

Guest 4(Hatima):Good afternoon my dear Handulai! My congratulations! Let the dawn always be beautiful and only the good will be during his day. Let only good people he will meet on his way. Amin. Amin. Amin.

Пусть рассвет будет прекрасным всегда, пусть только хорошее будет в течение дня. Чтоб только хороших людей встречал он всегда . Амин. Амин. Амин.

Handulai (Mansimova Aina): Oh, my dear Hatima. This means a lot to me. I`m very touched by your attention and care.

Gamzat (Alikhan): And what fun without lezginka?

Ученик (Arabkhanov Umakhan) танцует лезгинку.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

When Rasul was born, his father, in order to perform the naming ceremony, invited the most honorable people of the village to his saklya. They leisurely and importantly sat down in the saklya, as if they had to decide the fate of an entire country. In their hands they held Gotsatlin horns. Only one, the oldest man with a snow-white head and beard, an old man who looked like a prophet, had his hands free.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Rasul’s mother (Mansimova Aina) handed him over to this elder. The elder( Mirzabalayev Amin) lifted him high to the ceiling of the saklya and said:

Mirzabalayev Amin : — A man's name should embody the sound of sabers and the wisdom of books.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

- It turns out that a grey-haired highlander who had seen the world and read many books put the meaning and the purpose into the boy’s name.

2nd presenter(Omarova Amira):

Rasul in Arabic means "messenger", or, more precisely, "representative". So whose messenger is he, whose representative?"(видео из архива) Putting a lot of thoughts into his name Rasul Gamzatov felt responsibility to his people. So the next poem appeared:

(фотография из семейного альбома - отец и сын)

Taibova Tanya:

Расулом, мой отец меня нарек,

Что по-арабски « представитель» значит….

Чей представитель я?..С каких дорог

И для чего мой путь по свету начат?..

... Земля прекрасна, и широк мой путь,

И я мечтаю, как о высшем счастье,

Чтоб был и я, земля, хоть чем-нибудь

К великой красоте твоей причастен!

Чтоб без стыда сказал народ родной:

«Расул, мой сын, ты представитель мой!»

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

The epigraph of our meeting is : “Daghestan, you are my love and my vow, . My supplication and my prayer.

You are the main theme of all my books and all my life. R. Gamzatov

2nd presenter (Omarova Amira):

Эпиграфом нашей встречи являются следующие слова Расула Гамзатова:

Дагестан - моя любовь и моя клятва,

моя мольба и моя молитва.

Ты один - главная тема

всех моих книг и всей моей жизни.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest poets of our Dagestan. He was the man who had the largest and most comprehensive soul. People all over the world can’t help admiring his excellent talent.

2nd presenter(Omarova Amira):

Now our students will present their projects about Rasul Gamzatov. Let’s get some facts from his biography and more information about him. (учащиеся представляют свои проекты )

Сообщения учащихся о великом поэте.

P1( Omarchiyeva Fialka) : Rasul Gamzatov, a leading contemporary Dagestan poet, was born on September 8th in 1923 in the family of folk bard Gamzat Tsadassa, People`s Poet of Dagestan, who lived in a small Avar village of Tsada in the Khunzakh region. From his father he inherited his gift for poetry, and from the highlanders – their kindness and courage, and their love for their land.

P 2(Kushayev Adam): Rasul Gamzatov was nine years old when he wrote his first poems were published in the republican Avar newspaper "Bolshevik Gor". The first book of poems in the Avar language was published in 1943. He was only twenty years old when he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. After secondary school he continued his education at the Literary Institute in Moscow. On graduating from the institute he returned to his native Dagestan. Since then his poetry collections such as "My Heart is in the Highlands", "High Stars", "Take Care of Friends", "Cranes", "The Last price", "My Dagestan", ", "To my mother", and many others. They constantly appeared in Avar, , in Russian, and in many other languages of the peoples of Russia and in foreign translations.

P 3(Abdullayev Gadjikurban): In 1950 Rasul Gamzatov was awarded the State Prize for his long poems “Conversation with My Father”, “A Girl of the Mountains”, and the collection of poems “The Year of My Birth”. In 1974 he was awarded the Lenin Prize for his collection of poem “The High Stars”. Since then he had published a number of new collections , such as “The Characters”, “And Star Talks to Star”, “The Mulatto Woman”, “The Last Price”, “The Octaves”. In 1974 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labour.

P 4(Hatima): Gamzatov is a lyric poet. In his poems he managed to combine the traditional Avar style with new content; this was made possible by his creative assimilation of the best of all Russian poetry and the poetry of the whole world. The qualities of his poetry which attract readers are its originality, and spontaneity, oriental love of aphorism, striking imagery, wisdom and humor. It is truly poetry of the people and at the same time the work of a contemporary writer who is highly aware of his civic duty.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Lots of Daghestanians know Rasul Gamzatov’s inscriptions on the doors and gates, on the daggers and on the tombstones. Do you know any of them? Let’s listen to some of them.

P 1. (Kushayev Adam):

Unknown friend, come and stay

Though it’s out of your way!

Хоть дом мой в стороне,

Но все же сделай крюк

И загляни ко мне,

Мой незнакомый друг.

P 2. ( Omarchiyeva Fialka) :

Don’t knock, don’t rouse the household you who pass this way!

If good you bring us, enter! If evil, go away!

Прохожий, не стучи, хозяев не буди,

С добром пришел – входи, со злом пришел – уйди!

P 3. (Aina):

However hot the sun on high,

Blood on this blade shall never dry

Хоть солнце будет жечь его огнем.

Кровь никогда не высохнет на нем.

P 4. (Abdullayev Gadjikurban):

However far abroad you roam,

You bear with you the warmth of hearth and home.

Как далеко бы вы ни забрели от дома,

У вас всегда с собой тепло вашего очага и дома.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Rasul Gamzatov wrote many poems. The main themes of Rasul Gamzatov's works are friendship, love for his mother, love for his homeland, beauty of nature and human relations. They are very popular and loved by our people. Most of them were translated into different languages. Let`s Listen to some of them.

1. Abdullayev Gadjikurban

What’s the use of gold and diamonds

Hidden in the ground,

Or of stars that give up shining

When there is cloud around?

Для чего мне золото и камни,

Что навечно спрятаны в горах?

И звезда на небе не нужна мне,

Коль не светит, прячась в облаках.

2. Mansimova Aina:

Friend, I shall be very grief

Because to me it’s plain:

If you spurn another grief

You live your life in vain.

Ты хоть много проживи, хоть мало,

Но тебе скажу я, не тая:

Если боль других твоей не стала,

Прожита напрасно жизнь твоя.

3. Taibova Tanya :

I pause before the classroom door

Through which I passed, a child.

I smooth my hair, now gray and rare;

My sober heart runs wild.

Я вновь пришел сюда и сам не верю.

Вот класс, где я учился первый год.

Сейчас решусь, сейчас открою двери.

Захватит дух и сердце упадет.

4. Vaganov Said:

From my old desk a boy will rise

And come to welcome me!

That's why there's panic in my

And curiosity.

И босоногий мальчик, мне знакомый,

Встав со скамьи, стоявшей в том углу,

Навстречу побежит ко мне, седому.

И этой встречи я боюсь и жду.


As a boy I was unruly,

Many a rebuke I earned.

But with adult firmness, coolly,

All remonstrances I spurned.

Rating my own powers highly,

Never have I run from fate.

Yet I now approach you shyly,

Like a child, and hesitate.


Long have you lived and, still content

You cannot name a single friend
You cannot name a single friend
When years have passed and you are old,
People will turn and say:

To whom your lone heart warms.

«He lived a century, poor soul,
Who never lived a ;

;Мой Дагестан” ( Мамедшахова Амина)

Когда я, объездивший множество стран,
Усталый, с дороги домой воротился,
Склонясь надо мною, спросил Дагестан:
'Не край ли далекий тебе полюбился? '

На гору взошел я и с той высоты,
Всей грудью вздохнув, Дагестану ответил:
'Немало краев повидал я, но ты
По-прежнему самый любимый на свете.

1st presenter (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

As Rasul Gamzatov wrote his poems only in his mother tongue language, our students will recite poems in Avar language…


«Эбелалде». Расул Х1амзатов.

Квен кьурайги мун, эбел

Кеч1 кьурайги мун, эбел.

Квер кьурайги мун,эбел

Бер кьурайги мун,эбел.

Их кьурайги мун,эбел,

Нух кьурайги мун, эбел,

Бакъ кьурайги мун, эбел,

Къо кьурайги мун, эбел.

Г1умру кьурай мун,эбел

Г1алам кьурай мун,эбел,

Хинлъи кьурай мун, эбел,

Лъик1лъи кьурай мун, эбел.

Г1адамал цоги руго,

Мун цох1о т1ок1ай гьеч1о.

Цогияз дуца кьолеб,

Рохел дие кьоларо.

Arbuliyeva Fatima

Дун цIидасан гьанже поэт лъугьана. —

ГьитIинав вукIана, нужеда лъала.

КIудияб чIаголъи гьечIонаниги,

Гьунар дилъ букIана рекIкI-макру гьечIеб.

Хадув дун вачана гучаб чваххиялъ,

Цин ваккун, цин тIерхьун, рохьоб чан гIадин.

Цояца квер кьуна карачалабалъ,

Цояз гъорлъе цIана гъанкъилин абун.

Гьанже дун гIун вуго, гIорулъа къватIив

ГIодой къуличйого вачIунев вуго.

Доба-гьаниб тункун ругънал щваниги,

Дун тарулев гьечIо, дун чIаго вуго.

Хун гьечIо дилъ жеги некIсияб рокьи,

НекIоялде тIаде жегиги буго.

Гьеб рокьуда рекъон гьаракь гьабуни,

ГьакIкIан кIалгун дунял хутIизе буго.

Гьеб гьаракь дир гьечIо. Дун — лъукъараб чан,

Чанги тIухьи буго дир кереналда.

Амма данд къан руго дир цабзаз кIутIби,

Дихъе квер бегьуге, дунго вилълъина.

Дун — цIидасан гьанже ццидалав гIащикъ:

ГIуцIун буго дица дир рокьул улка.

Полпилаб чваххидалъ дун гъорлъе цIалел

Дица, гъванщаги ккун, тункила цоцалъ.

Слово Зулейхе Микдадовне

1st presenter: (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Today we invited our dear Zuleiha Mikdadovna to our literally party. She will tell us an interesting story from `s life.

2nd presenter: (Omarova Amira):

Many of Rasul Gamzatov's poems have become songs. They attracted the attention of many composers of Dagestan, the Caucasus, Russia and other republics. Especially great popularity is enjoyed by the song “Cranes” written by the composer Yan Frenkel after Rasul Gamzatov’s poem of the same name about the soldiers who did not come back from the Great Patriotic War .

1st presenter: (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Every literary work has its own destiny. The fate of the song "Cranes", which touched the hearts of many, is interesting. There are two versions of the creation of the poem "Cranes". Lets listen to our students and their projects:

1. Zainalova Rukiyat:

This work was born in 1965 in Hiroshima. During a trip to Japan, Gamzatov saw a monument to white cranes, around which thousands of women in white clothes gathered. He was told a story about a girl named Sadako Sasaki, who became a victim of a nuclear bombing. She fell ill with a serious illness –blood cancer. In Japan, there was a custom: if you make a thousand white cranes out of paper, the most cherished dream will come the hospital, Sadako began to follow the legend, believing in her recovery. Sadako's dream has become the dream of thousands of people. The girl died on October 25, 1955, without reaching her goal. Seeing in Hiroshima the project of a monument to a simple Japanese girl with a crane in her hands, the poet experienced a deep emotion, which later resulted in poetry. At the same time, in Japan, he received a telegram announcing the death of his mother. Gamzatov flew to Moscow, and on the plane, thinking about his mother, remembered his dead father and brothers who died in the war. And he was also thinking about the Hiroshima girl with paper cranes. So the poem was born. Today, the crane cry continues to call all of us to peace, brotherhood and unity.

2. Mansimova Aina:

Another version of the poem is related to the Gazdanov family from the village of Dzuarikau in North Ossetia who had seven sons. One died in 1941 near Moscow. Two more — during the defense of Sevastopol in 1942. The mother died from the third funeral. The next three sons of the Gazdanovs fell in battles in Novorossiysk, Kiev, Belarus. The village postman refused to carry a funeral for the last, seventh son of the Gazdanovs, who died during the capture of Berlin. And then the elders of the village themselves went to the house where the father was sitting on the threshold with his only granddaughter in his arms: he saw them, and his heart

The Gazdanov family, unfortunately, is not the only family that sacrificed the most precious for the sake of victory - their children.

In 1963, an obelisk in the form of a grieving mother and seven flying birds was installed in the village. Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov visited the monument. Under the impression of this story, he wrote a poem. In his native language, in Avar. And, fortunately, this poem has a high-quality translation into Russian. It was made by Naum Grebnev, a famous translator of oriental poetry. He studied at the Literary Institute with Gamzatov after the war and was friends with him. This translation is familiar to all of you.

1st presenter: (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Monuments to cranes - symbols of peace appeared in many cities of Russia. The song «Cranes» became the requiem song, the anthem of memory, in honor of those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

2nd presenter: (Omarova Amira):

Now our student will present a song “Cranes”. Let`s enjoy this legendary song.

“Cranes” (music by Yan Frenkel)

Sometimes it seems to me, each fallen soldier,

Who never came back home from fields of gore,

In fact, did never perish, as they told you,

But turned into a crane as white as snow.

And ever since those days in their due season

We’ve seen them soaring high across the sky,

With distant voices giving us a reason

To stand in tears and watch them flying by.

A wedge of cranes is fading in the distance.

So far away I can no longer see.

When I run out of days of my existence,

I hope those cranes will find a gap for me

That I may soar above my pain and anguish

And join their ranks like many years ago

Recalling all their names in my new language

And names of those whom I have left below.

Sometimes it seems to me, each fallen soldier,

Who never came back home from fields of gore,

In fact, did never perish, as they told you,

But turned into a crane as white as snow

2nd presenter: (Omarova Amira): Расул Гамзатов своем произведении:« Мой Дагестан» написал следующее строки:

"Пусть мою книгу прочитает хотя бы один человек, и я буду рад. Я хочу рассказать этому человеку о моей маленькой, простой и гордой стране. Где она находится, на каком языке говорят ее жители, о чем они говорят, какие песни поют"

1st presenter: (Uchuyev Nurmagomed):

Настоящий поэт порой способен сделать для дружбы и взаимопонимания между странами и народами гораздо больше, чем политики.

Таким поэтом – посланником мира на планете – до последнего дня своей жизни был Расул Гамзатов.

Он рассказал людям всего мира о своей малой Родине и ее людях.

Teacher: We would like to end our literary party on a cheerful note, because our hero was a very cheerful and sincere person. He was absolutely kind,generous and warm-hearted man. My dear friends, today, we’ve learnt the creativity of Rasul Gamzatov and I hope you enjoyed our party. I would like our literary party to help you to understand the Daghestanis and their culture much it will cause you a great desire to be interested in the literature of not only Dagestanian poets, but also Russian and Foreign ones. I also want to thank my students. You`ve done a great job, you are very talented and wonderful students that a teacher can only dream of. I love you very much.

Окончание литературной гостиной.


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Презентация к урокам интегрированного курса Искусство 8-9 по теме: Роль мскусства в сближении народов. Работа выполнена на Всероссийскйи Конкурс совместных разработок пары учитель-ученик ГОРДОСТЬ ОТЧИ...

План открытого интегрированного урока, посвященного 90-летию со дня рождения Расула Гамзатова

План открытого интегрированного урока, посвященного 90-летию со дня рождения Расула Гамзатова...

Сценарий музыкально-литературной гостиной, посвященной 120-летию со дня рождения С.А. Есенина «Мои стихи, спокойно расскажите про жизнь мою…»

Сценарий музыкально-литературной гостиной, посвященной 120-летию со дня рождения Сергея Есенина...

Конкурс чтецов,посвященный 100 летию со дня рождения Расула Гамзатова

Конкурс чтецов разработан не просто как  вариант чтения стихотворений,  а еще и  как литературно - музыкальная композиция,делающая мероприятие более эмоциональным,зрелищным и, несомненн...