проверочная работа по теме Одежда Spotlight 5.Module 7
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Спирина Ирина Владимировна

в помощь учителю.проверочная работа по теме Одежда Spotlight 5.Module 7


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Предварительный просмотр:

Самостоятельная работа по теме CLOTHES.

Время выполнения-40 минут (письменно в тетради)

1.Translate the words-переведи слова

солнечные очки
туфли на высоком каблуке

  1. Circle the odd one out-вычеркни лишнее слово

boots – trainers – sandals – socks
trousers – shorts – shoes – jeans
dress – skirt – high heels – tie
belt – hat- sunglasses – coat
jeans – top – shirt – jumper
jacket – jumper – coat – top

  1. Put the items in the correct category-заполни таблицу, напиши в каждую колонку по 5 названий предметов





*4. Guess the word-отгадай предмет одежды

  • Trousers made of denim that you wear in informal situations-
  • A piece of clothing that you wear on your head-
  • A piece of clothing for the top half of the body-
  • A piece of clothing that covers the body and part of the legs (usually for women)-
  • A soft piece of clothing that you wear on your foot inside your shoe-

5.Вставь пропущенное слово (по смыслу)

1) We often wear ________________in cold weather. (sandals/ mittens/ skirts)

2) We usually wear T-shirts with ______________. (dresses/ ties/ shorts)

3) We ______________ wear jeans at school. ( usually/ always/ seldom)

4) We usually wear swimsuits in _______________. (summer/ winter/ autumn)

5) We never wear _________________ at home. (slippers/ T-shirts/ coats)

6.Вычеркни одно лишнее слово в строчке.

trousers tights jeans dress shorts

skirt blouse dress trousers tights

sandals trainers shirts shoes boots

Запиши на русском языке.

Mike is wearing a red jacket, an orange cap, blue jeans and grey trainers.

7. Find six words in the chain of letters-найди 5-6 слов в цепочке


8. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Underline the right variant-подчеркни правильный вариант

  • Look at my sister! What (does she wear / is she wearing) now?

  • My sister (wears / is wearing) sportswear every day.

  • Jane (doesn’t wear / isn’t wearing) jeans. She (doesn’t like / isn’t liking) them. 

  • My father (buys / is buying) a new pair of jeans at the moment.

  • Why (do you stand / are you standing) here? – I (wait / am waiting) for my father.

9. Choose the right word-выбери правильный вариант

Look at Colin!

He (am / is / are) in (a /an) clothing store.

He (buy / buys / is buying)

some new clothes.

He (look / looks / is looking) for a shirt and a new ( jeans / pair of


At the moment he (am / is / are) in the fitting room and he (try / tries / is trying)

on the shirt and the jeans.

The shirt is fine, but the jeans (am / is / are) too long.

He(need / needs / is needing) another pair.

A shop assistant gives (he / his / him) another

pair and now everything (am / is / are) fine.

Now Colin (have / has) nice clothes.

10. Complete the dialogue-заполни все реплики в диалоге




-I am looking for a long dress.

-The dresses are over there. _________________________________________?

-Yes, a black one, please.


-I am a size 44.


-That is fine! Thank you!


Have a nice day!

How can I help you?

Any particular color?

What size are you?

What about this one?

You are welcome!

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