животные Австралии 6 класс Spotlight
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Спирина Ирина Владимировна

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Слайд 1

Australian Animals

Слайд 2

Koala They have got short, strong arms and legs . They have got big round ears and a black nose . They have got grey fur. They have got sharp claws for climbing. They live in trees . They eat eucalyptus leaves .

Слайд 3

Kangaroo A kangaroo has got a big body, a long tail and very strong hind legs . Its front legs are very short. It is red and grey with big ears and big black eyes . They eat grasses and leaves. They have special teeth for chopping their food . They can kick to kill a man .

Слайд 4

Bilby They have got long grey and blue fur. They have got paws with long claws for digging . They have got long pointed ears. They can hear very well . They have got dark round eyes. They can see very bad . They eat insects, mice, lizards, seeds and fruit . They live in holes . They live about 3 years .

Слайд 5

Echidna They have got hair and spines. They are brown and beige . They have got very short, strong legs with large claws . It is thick and clumsy but it can swim very well . They can see very well . They have long snouts . It eats ants, earthworms and termites .

Слайд 6

Emu Emus are very large birds. They are very tall . They have got dark grey and brown feathers. They can’t fly but they can run very fast . They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water . They live for nearly 30 years .

Слайд 7

Dingo Dingo is a wild dog. Dingo has got short thick fur . Its typical color is red but it can be, black, white or greyish. It is active at night . It has got dens in caves and holes . It kills sheep but it doesn’t eat them . It eats rabbits, small mammals, birds, reptiles and carrion .

Слайд 8

Duck-Billed Platypus It is an egg-laying , duck-billed, beaver-tailed mammal . It’s got brown fur . It’s got a broad, flat tail . It can dig resting and nesting burrows . It has webbed feet and a large, rubbery snout . It eats worms insect, shrimps, and freshwater crayfish .

Слайд 9

Wombat It has got very a short tail and small black eyes . It has got short legs, small ears and a black nose . They have got brown, grey and black fur. It has got strong claws and big front teeth for digging their burrow systems . They eat grass, bark and roots .

Слайд 10

Western Ringtail Possum It has got dark brown or grey fur and a strong white-tipped tail . It has got a black head, red ears and a cream chest and stomach . Its tail helps it move through the forest . It lives in the nests or in the hollows of old eucalyptus trees . It is active at night . It eats peppermint tree leaves, buds, blossoms and soft fruit .

Слайд 11

Tasmanian Devil It has got small round red ears and a pointed dark brown nose . It has got black fur with a white spot on its chest . It looks like a small dog . Its teeth are sharp. It has got short and strong paws with sharp claws to find food . It lives only in the Australian island state of Tasmania .

Слайд 12

Crocodile They’ve got eyes and nostrils on the top part of the head . They have got thick and rugged skin . Crocodiles have very strong jaws. Its long tail helps the crocodile swim and move fast . They can jump high out of the water to catch their prey . They eat fish, reptiles, birds and mammals .

Слайд 13

Pelican It is white with black wings . It’s got brown eyes with white rings around . It’s got a very long pink bill . It eats fish, sea animals and even ducklings and sea-gulls . It’s clumsy but it can climb the trees very well . It is the largest Australian bird . It lives about 17 years .

Слайд 14

Kookaburra They have got a brown back, wings and a tail. They have got a white breast with grey waves. They have got a big head and a short neck . They have got long and strong beaks . They live in hollows of trees . They eat insects, small mammals, reptiles and little birds .

Слайд 15

Bearded Dragon This lizard lives in the arid, rocky, semi-desert regions and dry open woodlands . It can change its color like a chameleon . Its head has got spiny scales arranged in rows and clusters . It eats leafy greens vegetables, fruit, insects and worms . It lives about 15 years . It makes good pets for children .

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