Paper recycling process
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Переработка бумаги


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Слайд 1

Paper recycling process

Слайд 2

Paper is all around us It helps us to communicate, create and illustrate

Слайд 3

Paper is also the number one material we throw away

Слайд 4

Stage 1: Collection Special services collect paper and take it to recycling centeres .

Слайд 5

Stage 2: Recycling The start of the paper recycling process requires the paper to be separated into types and grades. The paper is then washed with soapy water. Once washed the paper is then transferred to a large container, where it is mixed with water to create a pulp.

Слайд 6

Stage 3: Rolling The pulp is then pressed, dried and rolled into large thin sheets of recycled paper that can be over 50 miles long.

Слайд 7

Stage 4: Selling These rolls are now ready to be cut and used again for newspaper, books and other goods that we use and see daily.

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