Открытый урок в 5 классе "Learn more about each other "
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Велигонова Ольга Викторовна

Открытый урок в 5 классе "Learn more about each other "

Цель урока: Создать оптимальные условия для  активизации обучающихся в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией на уроке.




Предварительный просмотр:

Урок         английского  языка

в 5 классе


more about each other

Учитель: Велигонова Ольга Викторовна.

2021-2022 учебный год.

1. Организационныйэтапурока. (2)

- Nice to meet you, dear friends! My name is Olga Victorovna.I am an English teacher from Novoshakhtinsk. Listen to the motto of our lesson.

Think positively,

Exercise daily,

Work hard,

Worry less,

Be happy!

- Do you like this motto? So let's start our lesson!

2. Целеполагание.(4)

- To begin with, you have to read the letter from my student Dimaabout his friend Misha. Then you will answer the questions and guess about the theme of our lesson.

Read the textsilently.

Hello!I'm Dima. I'm 11. I would like to tell you about my best friend. My best friend's name is Misha. He is twelve. He is tall and slim. He has short, straight, brown hair. He is funny and friendly. He isn't silly. Misha is very brave and strong. Sometimes he is noisy. But he is always quiet in school during lessons. He is sociable. My friend is never angry. Sometimes he is lazy.

- What is Misha like? Answer the questions with YES, HE IS or NO, HE ISN'T.

  1. Is Misha brave? (+)
  2. Is Misha lazy? (+)
  3. Is Misha quiet? (-)
  4. Is Misha friendly? (+)
  5. Is Misha shy? (-)
  6. Is Mishanoisy? (+)
  7. Is Misha stupid? (-)
  8. Is Misha funny? (+)
  9. Is Misha strong? (+)
  10.  Is Misha kind? (+)

- Try to guess «What is the theme of our lesson?»

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-Today, we’re going to learn how to describe people and their character traits. And I suggest you learn more about each other.


А. Речеваяразминка. (4)

- Let's remember the English adjectives and play the game “Snowball”. Your task is to repeat the phrase of the previous person and add your word. The person who says the longest chain of words will be the winner.

- We are all different. For example,I am kind. What are you like?

- You say: We are ….

- The next student repeats the sentenceand adds the word.


- Do you know these words? Can you write them? Take the cards from your tables and fill the missing letters.

s_ciab_ecl_ve_         p_l_te

r_d_           c_ue_unfr_end_y

k_n_          n_ugh_yimp_li_e

at_le_icb_av_          t_ctf_l

-  Let's talk about characteristics that make a good classmate.

- Choose the column: My classmate should/shouldn't be …..

- Stick the cards onto the board. Workinchain!

С. Грамматическая пятиминутка.(5)

- Find out the likes and dislikes of your classmates. Work in groups! Take the cards from your tables. Write down the names of your classmates in the first column and the adjectives in the second and third columns.

Cards for groups:

Names of your classmates

What kinds of people

does she/he like?

doesn't she/he like?





Ask each other questions:

What kinds of people do you like?

What kinds of people don't you like?

I like …. people,  but I don’t like …. people.

- It's time to speak about your likes and dislikes.

- What kinds of people does ……. like?

- What kinds of people doesn't ……. like?


Total Physical Response

-I see that you are a bit tired.  Let's do some physical exercises in order to relax. Standup! (Thesong “Ifyou'rehappy”)

5. Изучениеновогоматериала.

A. Презентация новой темы.Работа с учебником. (2)

- I'd liketo present to you some new words. Look at the screen.

- Listen and repeat. (Слованаэкране.)

- Guess the meaning of the words with un-, im-, in-, non-.Do these words have positive or negative meaning?These wordshave negative prefixes.

- Open your Student's Book at page 144, exercise 31.

- Say the words with the opposite meaning.Alltogether.

B. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

Game “Change Your Seats” (5)

- Can you translate the adjectives? Take the cards with words. Iftwo pupils have cards with the translation of words, they need to change the seats. I say in Russian. How do you say it in English? Ready, set, go!

Спортивный – неспортивный  (athletic – non-athletic)

Вежливый – невежливый  (polite – impolite)

Обычный – необычный  (usual – unusual)

Возможный – невозможный (possible – impossible)

Правильный – неправильный (correct – incorrect)

Приятный – неприятный (pleasant – unpleasant)

Счастливый – несчастливый (happy – unhappy)

С. Проверка понимания нового материала.

- I need two pairs for the next task. Who wants to be the participants of the game?

- Let's play “Word Battle”! Work in pairs!


- How many mistakes have they got? Who are the winners?

6. Чтениетекстов.Задание на «соотнесение» информации из текстов с картинками.


- Kids, I like watching cartoons. Do you like to do it? They are my favouritecartoon characters.

- Look at the pictures, read and guess who is who? Stick the pictures of the characters and fill in the correct adjectives.Work in groups! If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary!

The 1st group:

1) They make people laugh. They are …… (funny) – Tom and Jerry

2) He doesn't show fear in difficult or dangerous situations. He is …..(brave)  - Peter Pan

3) He makes a lot of noise. He is …… (noisy) - Horse Julius 

4) She is helpful and sympathetic towards other people. She is ….. (kind) – Snow White

The 2nd group:

1)  She behaves badly. She is ….. (naughty) - Masha

2)He doesn't recognize any etiquette and doesn't want to know anything about the rules of polite behavior. He is a bit ….. (impolite)  - Shrek

3) He is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of others. He is…… (shy) – Theodore Seville

4)  She can speak Swedish and French. She is very …. (clever) – Liza Simpson

The 3rd group:

1) He doesn't show fear in difficult or dangerous situations. He is …..(brave)  - Peter Pan

2) She behaves badly. She is ….. (naughty) - Masha

3) He is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of others. He is…… (shy) – Theodore Seville

4) She is helpful and sympathetic towards other people. She is ….. (kind) – Snow White

- You have to do the task before I count five.

- What is yourfavourite cartoon character? Why?

7. Заключительныйэтапурока.


- Our lesson is over.

- What can you tell about today’s lesson?

- Are you satisfied with your work?
-Was the information interesting for you?

- Can you describe people and their character traits?

-Did you like our lesson?

- If you liked- show me LIKE.

- If you didn’t like-show me DISLIKE.

B. Домашнеезадание.

Homework. Do the interactive worksheet “Telling about your friend” and email your answers to me. My e-mail address: veligonovaolga@mail.ru

Your QR-code:

С. Благодарности за работу на уроке.

- I’ve enjoyed your work at the lesson today. You were very active and attentive. These presents are for you.Good -bye, boys and girls.

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