тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Спирина Ирина Владимировна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Разница в употреблении Present Perfect и  Present Perfect Continuous

Упражнение 1 Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в подходящее время

1.. He (to repair) the ceiling for the whole morning. Maybe he needs some help?

2.  They (to play) football for two hours already.

3. Where it (to be)? I (to search) for it all day!

4. Jenna (to talk) to the marketing director for two hours right now.

5. I (to read) this new novel for the last several days.

6. Uncle Tim (to decorate)  the New Year Tree for the whole day.

7. You (to clean) the yard for the last 2 hours?

8. The soup (to boil) since 12 a.m. Should  I turn it off?

9. He (to talk) about their new development strategy for the last three hours.

10. My father (to send) application letters for half a year already and still he hasn’t got a job.

Упражнение 2  Переведите с русского языка на английский

1. Я учу французский язык с октября.

2. Она работает в Париже с 2015 года.

3.  Как долго идет дождь?

4.  Дэн   ищет работу уже шесть месяцев.

5.  Мэри  путешествует уже последние 4 месяца.

6. Она плавает уже целых 2 часа .

Упражнение 3  Поставьте глагол в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous

  1. Look! Somebody (break) ___________________that window..
  2. Jim and Mary (know) ________________each other for seven years already.
  3. There is a tasty smell here… ________________(you/cook) anything?
  4. I (clean) ____________ the windows for two hours. I (not/clean) _____________ them before.
  5. My brother (forget) ____________ about this task.  
  6. They (live) _______________ in Madrid since 1987.

Упражнение  4  Подберите ответы к вопросам. Составьте диалог.

  1. What is your favourite sport?
  2. How long have you been playing tennis?
  3. Have you win any competition?
  4. When did you win your first medal? What was it? Gold or silver?
  5. Why do you really like tennis?

  1. I can say that I really like it because it helps me to stay in a good shape.
  2. I’ve been playing tennis since I was 5. So I’ve been doing it for 6 years already.
  3. Yes, I have. I won  our school competition last year.
  4. I really like playing tennis.
  5. I won my first medal last year. It was a gold medal.

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