Урок чтения по английскому языку 8 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Дубовко Валерия Олеговна

Урок чтения по английскому языку по теме School excursion to England


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5 form. Unit 6

School excursion to England

Excursions are one of the best parts of school life. They are always exciting and full of educational information. Many schools often organize different trips to museums, parks and famous sights. And children are always happy to visit these places.

Last year in March children from our school went for a week journey to London, England. It was one of their all time dream. They got there by plane, it takes them 7 hours. On a way there they sang songs and had lots of fun. As you know, there are lots of beautiful historic places, so many tourists want to visit this city.

When they reached their destination, they were happy to find out that the weather was great. It was a bit windy but sunny. The children and their teacher stayed in a hotel. It was Monday when the class came to London, and on the first day they had a rest.

On Tuesday their adventure began. All day long they were visiting and watching different sights and beautiful old buildings, such as Buckingham Palace where Queen Elizabeth and he family live.

On Wednesday they visited the British Museum. There the children and their teacher saw various statues, pictures, photos, coins, dishes and learnt a lot about ancient culture. Also they bought souvenirs and magnets.

On Thursday they had a trip to Hampton Court. Children wanted to visit famous Hampton Court Maze because they read about it in a book “Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog” by J.K. Jerome. It was wonderful!

On Friday children went to York to visit the Viking Centre. They got there by bus. For an hour they were travelling in Time cars and watching how people lived many years ago. They have learnt a lot about Vikings.

On Saturday and Sunday children just walked around London and enjoyed their spare time. At the end of the trip nobody wanted to go back but they had to return to their home and to school. It was a great excursion and everybody liked it very much.  

  1. Questions:
  1. Do you want to visit London? Why?
  2. Do you like going on excursions?
  3. What was your favourite excursion?
  4. What city would you like to visit?

  1. Imagine that you have a chance to visit one city with your class. Tell us about your excursion.

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