Презентация к уроку "Книги в моей жизни"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Нестеренко Лариса Валерьевна
Books are really important part in my life. They make us dive into their world and during this time we forget about our social problems. With the help of them our imagination develops and books make  us sse the world in other side.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

8 класс Тема урока: « Книги в моей жизни» Books in my Life

Слайд 2

Fiction non-fiction Detective stories love stories Science fiction historical novels Biographies humorous stories

Слайд 3

Fiction non-fiction Detective stories love stories Science fiction historical novels Biographies humorous stories Fairy-tales tragedy Prose autobiographies

Слайд 4

A Writer Russian English (American) A novelist A poet A short-story writer A playwright A tale-teller

Слайд 5

Through the character’s actions; Through the character’s thoughts and speeches; Through a physical description of the character; Through the opinions of other characters.

Слайд 6

Johann Gutenberg (1397-1468) The Bible

Слайд 7

A: Can you help me with the test in history? B: Of course, without any problem. A: ______________________________ ____ ____? B: _________ on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. A: Did people use any other instruments to write on? B: __________________________________ _ ____. A: Can you tell me____________________ __ __? B: It was China. ___________________________ A: Really? How interesting. I’ve never heard about it before. ___ _ __ ? B: Books were quite common in ancient Rome____________________ . A: I have one more question. When and where was printing invented? B: _____________________________________________ _______ A: By whom was the first printing press set up in England? B: ______________________________ _____________________ A: And what about Russia? How did things in printing develop here? B: _____________________________ _______________________ A: Thank you very much for your help. B: You are welcome.

Слайд 9

People don't read (1)_______as much as they used to. NEWS A lot of people buy the paper to read about their (2)___ FAVOUR sport. In fact, sports (3)_______have become one of PERSON the most popular subjects for (4)______. Most people REPORT are bored with (5)_________and prefer to read about POLITICS famous people like actors and (6)_______. People are MUSIC particularly interested in reading about the (7)_____ PERSON lives of stars and other (8)____________. Nowadays, CELEBRATE (9)______will do almost anything to get a good story JOURNAL about a star, (10)_________if there is any gossip in it. SPECIAL

Слайд 10

Проект урока: «Книги в моей жизни» учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ №3 Нестеренко Ларисы Валерьевны

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