Итоговая контрольная работа 8 класс УМК Афанасьева ОВ «Rainbow English»
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Итоговая контрольная работа 8 класс УМК Афанасьева ОВ «Rainbow English»


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Итоговая контрольная работа 8 класс

 УМК Афанасьева ОВ «Rainbow English»

I. READING. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences (1—6) the information is true, false or not stated in the text.

Mother Teresa

The whole world remembers the name of Mother Teresa, whose life was very unusual. She was Albanian by blood but spent most of her life in India and once said about herself that she belonged to the world.

Born in 1910, Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun1 who devoted 45 years to poor, sick, lonely and dying people. Mother Teresa founded an order which gives “wholehearted and free service2 to the poorest and the poor”. Now the order consists of about 4,500 sisters working in 133 countries.

Mother Teresa received the 1979        Nobel Peace Prize.

Her real name was Agnes and she came from Kosovo, Albania. At the age of 18 she left home, learned English and went to teach children in India. When Agnes was 21, she became a nun and chose for herself the name of Teresa, now world-famous. Though Teresa enjoyed teaching schoolchildren, there was something she could not put up with: at that time there were a lot of poor people in Calcutta, hundreds of them died from hunger and illness. Teresa knew that if she wanted to help them, she had to live among them. That was        how        she started        working with the poor in the most terrible        parts of Calcutta and        collecting money for them. Then people gave her the name of Mother Teresa. She offered food and medical help to those who needed them and went on teaching children. Soon she was joined by a group of young women who wanted to help “the poorest among the poor” together with her. That was how the order began.

Soon they opened the first Home for the Dying, a free hospice for the poor where they received medical help, love and care. Then they opened a home for children who had no parents and started working in some countries outside India. Sisters of her order went to the most dangerous places where people needed their care.

Mother Teresa lived a fairly long life doing the duties of the head of her order practically until she died in 1997. She certainly belonged to those who change the world for the better.

  1.  Mother Teresa [te'ri:ze] was not born in India.
  2.  The number of people in her order3 has grown.
  3.  Mother Teresa learned a foreign language in Ireland.

4)  Mother Tereza didn`t need any money contributions as she did everything with her own hands.

5) There were only thirteen women to start helping Mother Tereza first.

6) The members of her order worked on more than one or two countries.

 a Catholic nun — католическая монахиня2 service ['s3:vis] — услуги, помощь

3order ['o:de] — зд. монашеский орден

 II. Use of English. Change the active voice into the passive voice where it is possible.

1. They showed me his new house.

2. Cristopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

3. A beautiful town lay on the river.

4. They don`t teach foreign languages at this primary school.

5. You`ll remember the film.

6. Where will you plant the flowers?

III. Say the same in one word.

  1. a small group of houses in the country
  2. to put two or more different things together
  3. to finish studying and be given a  diploma
  4. all the human on the planet
  5. to look at something with great pleasure

IV .Complete the sentences with the missing  prepositions. Translate these sentences.

1) This film is much spoken …  . 2) My pet is looked … by my cousin.  3) He was laughed … . 4) My parents were sent … . 5) Such dictionaries are often asked … . 6) I wasn’t spoken …  in such a way. 7) Nobody likes it when they are not listened … .  8)  Don`t take too long, remember that you`re  waited ... .

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