Дидактический материал для аудирования в 8 классе.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Аудирование является одним из самых сложных видов речевой деятельности и как правило, одновременно с работой с аудиотекстами отрабатываются лексические, грамматические, фонетические навыки.


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Материал для аудирования

 А Alice: Hi, Sam. What are you doing out here? There is a practice starting in five minutes for the school play. We’ve decided to do it under the big oak tree in the garden today-it’s to hot.

F  Sam: I’m not going to com.

K  Alice: But you have to come! You’re playing Romeo. How can we do Romeo and Juliet without Romeo?

D  Sam: I’m not going to be Romeo any more.

J  Alice: Oh, don’t be silly. Why aren’t you? You were so pleased when Miss Hayes chose you. And you are such a good actor too.

M  Sam:  You might think so, but Miss Hayes doesn’t. She says my voice isn’t loud enough.

N  Alice: Oh, that’s too bad. I know she asked you to speak louder at the first few practices we had but you did what she said.  You’ve got a louder voice than most people acting anyway.

E  Sam: She says she is not going to give me another chance.

C   Alice: I could go and talk to her. After all I’m playing Juliet so it’s important I get on with the person who is playing Romeo. I’d prefer it to be you than anyone else.

G  Sam: It won’t help and she has already asked someone else to be Romeo anyway. She offered me another small part but I don’t really want it.

I  Alice: But it will be such a pity if you’re not in the play at all. Why don’t you take the part she is offering and may be you can have a bigger part next time?

L  Sam: You can’t persuade me. I spent such a long time learning Romeo’s speeches. I can’t start again. I am going to offer to do the scenery instead. They are still looking for someone to do that.

H  Alice: So at least I’ll see you at the practices. Come on then. I expect everyone is waiting for us.

B  Sam: I won’t come today. I’ll see Miss Hayes later and see what she thinks of my idea.

  1. They are going to have the practices outdoors today.
  2. Sam has decided he no longer wants to be Romeo.
  3. Alice agrees with Miss Hayes about Sam’s voice.
  4. Sam agrees that Alice should speak to Miss Hayes about the problem.
  5. Alice persuades Sam to take a smaller part in the play.
  6. Someone is needed to produce the scenery.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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