Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике "The Past Tenses".
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) по теме

Самойлова Наталья Владимировна

Упражнения на использование прошедшего времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах.


Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

The Verb “to Be”

  1. Заполни пропуски в предложениях соответствующей формой глагола to be (was/were, was not/were not).
  1. Last summer I … in a sports camp at the Black Sea. (Прошлым летом я был (была) в спортивном лагере на Черном море.)
  2. My father … very busy yesterday. (Мой отец был очень занят вчера.)
  3. Mary … at school last week, because she … ill. (Мария не была в школе на прошлой неделе, потому что она болела.)
  4. They … in the cinema last night. (Они были в кино вчера вечером.)
  5. It … warm yesterday. It … cold. (Вчера не было тепло. Было холодно.)
  6. My elder brother … a pupil last year. Now he is a student. (В прошлом году мой старший брат был учеником. Сейчас он студент.)
  7. Yesterday our first lesson … English. (Вчера наш первый урок был английский.)
  1. Преобразуй утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.
  1. I was at the concert last Sunday.
  2. We were very tired after classes.
  3. They were at the Art Museum last Monday.
  4. The results of our test were bad.
  5. The telephone was out of order yesterday.
  6. It was cold in the morning.
  7. I was cold in my light sweater.
  8. Those boys were quiet at the lesson.
  9. Helen and Kate were late for classes yesterday.
  10. History was Max’s favourite subject last year.
  1. На данные общие вопросы дай краткие положительные/отрицательные ответы.
  1. Were you at school this morning? …
  2. Was it warm and sunny yesterday? …
  3. Was your uncle in Moscow last week? …
  4. Was the film you saw this afternoon interesting? …
  5. Were those kids naughty as usual? …
  6. Was that little green apple tasty? …
  7. Were you right? …
  8. Was the news good? ...
  9. Was the granny’s parrot talkative? …
  1. Преобразуй предложения из настоящего неопределенного времени (Present Simple) в прошедшее неопределенное время (Past Simple), используя обстоятельство времени из скобок.
  1. There is a big angry dog at the door. (yesterday)
  2. There are two lion cubs in the children’s zoo now. (last year)
  3. In spring and summer there are a lot of flowers in the park. (last summer)
  4. There are lots of noisy little birds in the trees. (last summer)
  5. There are a lot of interesting computer disks in my elder brother’s room. (not long ago)
  6. There are a lot of universities in our city nowadays. (before)
  7. There are a lot of good marks in Max’s diary. (last semester)
  8. There is too much water in the streets. (last spring)
  9. There is a great programme on TV tonight. (last night)
  10. There are a lot of seeds and nuts in the parrot’s cage. (yesterday)
  1. Преобразуй предложения из утвердительных в отрицательные.

Example: There was an angry dog in that yard. – There was no angry dog in that yard. / There were a lot of new books on that shelf. – There were no new books on that shelf.

  1. There was a lock on the door.
  2. There were two letters for you today.
  3. There were a lot of tickets for the concert yesterday.
  4. There was a phone call for you in the morning.
  5. There was too much snow in the streets last winter.
  6. There were good disco clubs in this town.
  7. There was a very strange man at your door last night.
  8. There were American students in our school last year.
  9. There were a lot of places to see in this town.
  1. Прочитай примеры и дай краткие ответы на вопросы.

Example: Was there a phone call for me? – Yes, there was. (No, there wasn’t.)

Were there many phone calls for me? – Yes, there were. (No, there weren’t.)

  1. Were there many parents at the last school meeting?
  2. Were there many guests at your birthday party?
  3. Were there many interesting programmes about sports on TV last weekend?
  4. Were there many icicles (сосульки) on the roof of your house last spring?
  5. Was there enough time to see all the interesting places?
  6. Was there much snow in the streets last winter?
  7. Was there much ice on the roads last winter?
  8. Was there much water in the streets last spring?
  9. Were there many apples in the gardens last year?

Источник: Князева И.А. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. I уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2010. – 336 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

  1. Преобразуй данные глаголы в Past Simple.

To wish, to phone, to talk, to listen, to cook, to try, to play, to collect, to type, to carry, to pull, to smoke, to study, to watch, to clean, to order, to save, to travel.

  1. Заполни пропуски в таблице.


Прошедшее неопределенное время


Прошедшее неопределенное время

(to) bring



(to) have

(to) build



(to) know

(to) come



(to) see

(to) draw



(to) think

(to) eat

was, were


(to) break

(to) drive



(to) go

(to) forget



(to) fall

(to) give



(to) wake up

(to) sit



(to) show

(to) say


  1. Раскрой скобки, употребляя приведенные в них глаголы в форме Past Simple.
  1. Our teacher … (to speak) to my mother yesterday.
  2. Last year they often … (to visit) us.
  3. Last month we … (to read) a lot of interesting stories about animals.
  4. Max and Helen … (to get) excellent marks for the dictation.
  5. I … (to listen) to her with great interest.
  6. Pete … (to go) to the library last Wednesday.
  7. We … (to see) him yesterday.
  8. He … (to tell) us about our new classmate.
  9. I … (to find) a lot of interesting articles in that magazine.
  10. We … (to understand) the text very well.
  11. They … (to meet) Kate at the concert last night.
  12. I … (to have) time to play with my little brother yesterday.
  13. We never … (to leave) our friends in trouble.
  14. We always … (to help) them.
  1. Раскрой скобки, употребляя данные в них глаголы в отрицательной форме Past Simple.
  1. We … (to see) new animals at the zoo.
  2. I … (to phone) him last night.
  3. Max’s uncle … (to go) to New York last week.
  4. Granny … (to play) computer games yesterday.
  5. Her parrot … (to tell) fairy tales last year.
  6. I … (to drink) coffee before classes.
  7. Sam … (to leave) his keys at home.
  8. We … (to fall) on the ice.
  9. I … (to lose) my way to the hotel.
  10. I … (to understand) that new game.
  11. My elder sister … (to talk) on the phone to her friends very often last month.
  12. These boys … (to break) that window.

V) Преобразуй предложения из утвердительных в отрицательные.

1) His uncle went to London last week.

2) She caught a cold last Monday.

3) I helped my little brother to draw a horse.

4) Granny baked apple pies last Wednesday.

5) We wrote a dictation two days ago.

6) My aunt bought a new car last week.

7) They worked in the garden last Sunday.

8) We played football after classes.

9) I cooked dinner yesterday.

10) Mary cleaned her room two days ago.

11) My elder brother visited our grandparents last night.

VI)Дай краткие утвердительные, а потом краткие отрицательные ответы на вопросы.

Example: Did she write the letter? – Yes, she did. (No, she didn’t.)

  1. Did you run to school this morning?
  2. Did you swim in the ocean?
  3. Did you enjoy the film?
  4. Did you understand the exercise?
  5. Did your grandfather read this newspaper yesterday?
  6. Did your teacher see my brother last week?
  7. Did Max say that just for fun?
  8. Did his team win the last game?
  9. Did your friends return home late last night?

Источник: Князева И.А. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. I уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2010. – 336 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

(Part 2)

  1. Преобразуй утвердительные предложения в вопросительные.

Example: She went to the library every Sunday. – Did she go to the library every Sunday?

  1. Kate visited her grandparents several times a week.
  2. They interrupted your talk several times.
  3. All the pupils got excellent marks for the dictation.
  4. We read a lot of interesting stories last year.
  5. She often called on us last week.
  6. He thought about her letter.
  7. Pam told them the news.
  8. Nick broke the window with his ball.
  9. Max drew that funny big house.
  10. You had tea in the morning.
  11. It rained heavily last night.

  1. На следующие вопросы дай сначала краткий, а потом полный утвердительный ответ. Помни о неправильных глаголах!

Example: Did you write a letter to your granny? – Yes, I did. Yes, I wrote a letter to my granny.

  1. Did you have breakfast before classes?
  2. Did you find your book?
  3. Did you tell your friends the news?
  4. Did you understand the text?
  5. Did you sleep well last night?
  6. Did you go home after classes yesterday?
  7. Did you bring your bag with you?
  8. Did you buy a new disk yesterday?
  9. Did you lose your red pencil?

  1. Ответь на альтернативные вопросы, используя слова из скобок.

Example: Did you go to the theatre or to the cinema last Sunday? (theatre) – I went to the theatre.

  1. Did you play football or volleyball after classes? (football)
  2. Did you get up at seven or at half past seven this morning? (at seven)
  3. Did you run or walk to school yesterday? (to run)
  4. Did he lose his book or his copybook? (his copybook)
  5. Did she go to the computer club or to the library last Sunday? (to the library)
  6. Did Kate telephone you or Jane last night? (Jane)
  7. Did Jack get “five” or “four” for this dictation? (“five”)
  8. Did Olga wear her red sweater or her black pullover yesterday? (black pullover)
  9. Did they meet Mary or Julia at the concert? (Mary)
  10. Did it rain or snow last night? (to rain)

  1. Переведи предложения.

  1. Вчера вечером бабушка потеряла в моей комнате свои очки.
  2. Мы ушли из школы в шесть часов.
  3. Я не рассказывал ему об этом новом фильме.
  4. Надя не читала эти рассказы.
  5. Старший брат Пети играл с нами в волейбол.
  6. Мы с друзьями ходили в кино в прошлое воскресенье.
  7. Я встретил родителей в аэропорту.
  8. Дядя Максима купил новый автомобиль на прошлой неделе.
  9. Вчера у нас было шесть уроков.
  10. Ты смотрел новый фильм вчера вечером?
  11. Он хорошо понял этот текст?
  12. Твои родители ездили в деревню в прошлую пятницу?

  1. Внимательно прочитай предложения. Найди и исправь ошибки в употреблении Past Simple.

  1. Pam didn’t went to the computer club last night.
  2. Did you be alone at home last night?
  3. Did he studyed French or English at school?
  4. She write this dictation the day before yesterday.
  5. They didn’t helped us to clean our classroom.
  6. Rained it last Sunday?
  7. John didn’t understood the text very well.
  8. My mother speak to our teacher yesterday.
  9. Did he listened to the news last night?
  10. We was very tired after classes.

Источник: Князева И.А. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. I уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2010. – 336 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Continuous Tense

  1. Make up the sentences using the Past Continuous Tense.
  1. I/ to go home/ at 4 o’clock yesterday.
  2. We/ to play basketball/ at 6 o’clock last Sunday.
  3. She/ to talk to her friend/ for forty minutes yesterday.
  4. You/ to wash the window/ in the afternoon yesterday.
  5. Nick/ to ride his bike/ all the evening.
  6. Sheila and Dora/ to wait for a bus/ for half an hour.
  7. They/ to prepare for the party/ all day yesterday.
  8. I/ to learn the poem/ for an hour.
  9. Dick/ to paint the walls in his room/ from 2 till 6 o’clock last Wednesday.
  10. Pam and Tony/ to skate/ all day last Saturday.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Tense.
  1. Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.
  2. Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.
  3. Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.
  4. I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.
  5. My grandparents … (to drive) to Sochi at this time yesterday.
  6. Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.
  7. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.
  8. Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.
  9. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.
  10. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.
  1. Make the sentences negative.
  1. The teacher was explaining the exercise to the pupils.
  2. Amanda was travelling around Africa at that time.
  3. We were having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday.
  4. I was doing the shopping yesterday.
  5. Martin was visiting his aunt at this time yesterday.
  6. The girls were preparing for the concert.
  7. They were flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday.
  8. It was raining hard all day last Tuesday.
  9. Mike and Jess were walking in the park last evening.
  10. He was choosing the books in the library then.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
  1. You … (not to listen) to the radio, you … (to read) the letter from your niece.
  2. Mary … (to take) a bath at nine o’clock yesterday evening.
  3. Monica and her friend … (to have) coffee in the sitting room.
  4. Our granny … (not to plant) tomatoes in the garden.
  5. Dick … (to carry) his bag towards the hotel room.
  6. Sally and Frank … (not to decorate) the classroom, they … (to prepare) a wall newspaper.
  7. 7) The professor … (to give) a lecture but some students … (not to listen) to him.
  8. The nurse … (not to take) his temperature, she … (to give) him an aspirin.
  9. The train … (to arrive) at the station at seven o’clock.
  10. Olga … (not to wait) for us yesterday evening.
  1. Make the sentences interrogative.
  1. We were having lunch in the canteen.
  2. She was singing a lovely song.
  3. You were speaking to your boss.
  4. George was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace.
  5. Jane and Margaret were going to the airport.
  6. The baby was crying.
  7. It was getting dark.
  8. We were waiting for my cousin.
  9. The woman was watching the children on the playground.
  10. The tourists were taking photos in front of the palace.
  1. Make up the sentences using the Past Continuous Tense.
  1. A man/ to fish/ on the bank of the river.
  2. They/ to make notes/ during the lecture?
  3. She/ not to smile/ any more.
  4. Polly/ and her cousin/ to have tea.
  5. You/ to dig/ in the garden?
  6. Mike/ to hang/ a picture in the living room.
  7. Sue/ not to swim/ in the swimming pool.
  8. They/ to wait/ for the doctor.
  9. I/ not to look/ at the actors.
  10. She/ to speak/ in a friendly way.
  1. Translate into English.
  1. Вчера в десять часов мы писали диктант.
  2. Они обедали в полвосьмого.
  3. Я не смотрел телевизор в это время вчера. Я мыл посуду на кухне.
  4. Она разговаривала со своим учителем двадцать минут.
  5. В это время в прошлый вторник мы возвращались из супермаркета.
  6. Он ждал вас вчера в семь вечера? – Да.
  7. Вы работали в саду вчера днем? – Нет, мы проведывали тетю.
  8. Он спал вчера в два часа? – Нет, он учил стихотворение.

 Источник: Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2011. – 304 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Perfect Tense

  1. Make up the sentences.
  1. Brian/ to return/ books to the library/ before last Thursday.
  2. We/ to know/ the results of the test/ before two o’clock yesterday.
  3. I/ to come/ to the office/ before lunch time.
  4. You/ to make/ the order/ before we came into the café.
  5. Sally/ to send/ the letters/ before her boss returned from the bank.
  6. The ferry/ to reach/ the port/ by three o’clock yesterday.
  7. The performance/ to finish/ by eight o’clock in the evening.
  8. They/ to build/ a new hospital/ before the end of April.
  9. Max/ to have dinner/ by four o’clock.
  10. The baby/ to wake up/ before you left home.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.
  1. He … (to watch) this TV programme before his parents came home.
  2. Sheila and Ann … (to send) the invitations to the conference before Friday.
  3. A group of tourists … (already to visit) this cathedral before the guide told them about its history.
  4. His nephew … (to move) to a new flat by the beginning of September.
  5. The accident … (to happen) before Henry understood anything.
  6. It … (to stop) raining by the evening.
  7. John and Andrew … (to get) to the hotel before night.
  8. You … (to make) a decision before our talk.
  9. I … (to meet) your brother before we both entered university.
  10. We … (to make) photocopies of the documents by six o’clock yesterday.
  1. Make the sentences negative.
  1. We had told him about the time of the meeting.
  2. She had washed the vegetables for the salad.
  3. You had caught a small fish by that time.
  4. The burglars had robbed the bank.
  5. A zookeeper had fed the animals by twelve o’clock.
  6. David had eaten all the sandwiches by two o’clock.
  7. They had been to this town before.
  8. I had done all the arrangements by Saturday.
  9. Alice had shown me her paintings before.
  10. You had forgotten about her request.
  1. Look at Mr Samuel’s notes and write what he had done before Christmas and what he hadn’t done.

Example: Mr Samuel had visited the dentist before Christmas.

To visit the dentist                                                                                               +

To set up a new computer program                                                                     -

To type the report for boss                                                                                  -

To paint the car                                                                                                      +

To repair the camera                                                                                            +

To build a garage                                                                                                 -

To send Christmas cards to relatives and friends                                                 -

To pay the electricity bill                                                                                      -

To prepare presents for wife and children                                                            +

  1. Make the sentences interrogative.
  1. Mary had booked the tickets before.
  2. We had been to this exhibition.
  3. You had received the invitation before Wednesday.
  4. The bus had arrived before 5 o’clock.
  5. Tom had heard that story before.
  6. They had gone to railway station before 6 o’clock.
  7. My father had returned from his business trip by the weekend.
  8. We had met Eric before the lesson.
  9. The taxi had come by 7 o’clock.
  10. They had used this key before.
  1. Use the table to ask and answer the questions as in the example.

To visit the Eiffel Tower

To eat Yorkshire pudding

To ride a camel

To go scuba diving






Mary and Sue










Example: Had Simon visited the Eiffel Tower before? – Yes, he had.

                 Had Simon eaten Yorkshire pudding before? – No, he hadn’t.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
  1. We … (already to give) our projects to the teacher.
  2. Sandra … (to do) the shopping before New Year’s Eve.
  3. You … (not to phone) me by the end of the week.
  4. I … (not to try) such a delicious cake before.
  5. … your sister… (to reserve) the hotel room beforehand? – Yes, she … .
  6. … Mr Smith … (to discuss) that problem with his lawyer? – No, he … .
  7. Clara … (never to be) to the Pyramids before.
  8. … you… (to take) part in this festival before? – No, I … .
  9. Mark … (to finish) his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.
  10. … Pete … (to find) any information on the Internet by last Tuesday? – Yes, he … .

Источник: Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2011. – 304 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense as in the example.

Example: … before we came from the supermarket. Liz/ to clean/the flat/ for two hours. – Liz had been cleaning the flat for two hours before we came from the supermarket.

  1. … before Tom came to the court. Helen/ to play/ tennis/ for an hour and a half.
  2. … before he retired. Mr Black/ to work/ as a lawyer/ for twenty-five years.
  3. … when the bus arrived. We/ to wait/ for forty minutes.
  4. Sheila looked tired because … . She/ to sew/ a dress/ for her little daughter/ all day.
  5. Before Jack got to level four … . He/ to play/ the same game/ for three hours.
  6. Mike’s neighbours were angry because … . He/ to listen/ to loud music/ for four hours/ yesterday evening.
  7. Everybody was very hungry because … . They/ to work/ all day/ without/ a break for lunch.
  8. … when suddenly the car broke down. We/ to drive/ for five hours.
  9. … before the plane landed in the airport late in the evening yesterday. They/ to fly/ for six hours.
  10. … since Easter. Alex and Den/ to prepare/ for the exams.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
  1. My sister … (to practise) for two months before that concert.
  2. The boys … (to fish) for three hours before Tom caught the first fish.
  3. We … (to discuss) that problem for more than an hour before we found the right solution.
  4. Henry … (to wait) for half an hour before he saw his girlfriend getting off the tram.
  5. Driving to the hospital was difficult as it … (to snow) all night.
  6. Polly … (to study) economics since she entered university.
  7. Ron’s collection of coins was valuable as he … (to collect) them since he was a schoolboy.
  8. When Sam returned home we … (to watch) that TV programme for a quarter of an hour already.
  9. Bill’s coat and mittens were wet because he … (to play) snowballs with his friends in the yard.
  10. David was irritated because the police inspector … (to ask) him questions for more than an hour.
  1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
  1. Brian had been trying to find a better job for three weeks.
  2. Little Johnny had been riding his new bike all day yesterday.
  3. Robert and Frank had been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday.
  4. Julia had been typing the report all the morning yesterday.
  5. It had been raining all night last Tuesday.
  6. The Smiths had been building their house for four years.
  7. We had been skating for three hours yesterday.
  8. You had been decorating the classroom for more than two hours last Saturday.
  9. The twins had been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them.
  10. Molly had been speaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening.
  1. Make up questions as in the example and use the table to answer them.

train in the gym

surf the Internet

play bowling

do the shopping


for 1 hour

from 2 till 5 o’clock

for 2 hours

all day


since 4 o’clock

all day

for 3 hours

for 30 minutes

Ted and Mike

all the evening

for 5 hours

since 6 o’clock

for 1 hour

Example: Alison/ to train in the gym/ for an hour/ last Sunday? – Had Alison been training in the gym for an hour last Sunday? – Yes, she had.

                 Alison/ to surf the Internet/ from 4 till 6 o’clock yesterday? – Had Alison been surfing the Internet from 4 till 6 o’clock yesterday? – No, she hadn’t.

  1. Alison/ to play bowling/ for 3 hours/ last Saturday?
  2. Alison/ to do the shopping/ all day/ last Thursday?
  3. Martin/ to train in the gym/ since 4 o’clock/ yesterday?
  4. Martin/ to surf the Internet/ for three hours/ the day before yesterday?
  5. Martin/ to play bowling/ for 3 hours/ last Friday?
  6. Martin/ to do the shopping/ all day/ last Saturday?
  7. Ted and Mike/ to train in the gym/ all the evening/ yesterday?
  8. Ted and Mike/ to surf the Internet/ all day/ last Sunday?
  9. Ted and Mike/ to play bowling/ since 6 o’clock/ two days ago?
  10. Ted and Mike/ to do the shopping/ for four hours/ last Tuesday?
  1. Find mistakes and correct them.
  1. Ann had been done the ironing for two hours yesterday.
  2. We had tried to catch a taxi for twenty-five minutes last Sunday before we managed to stop one.
  3. Margaret had been not surfing the Net all day yesterday.
  4. Nigel had being trying to get in touch with you for a week.
  5. Had been they waiting for a bus for half an hour last Wednesday?
  6. Had Sue been sunbathing all day yesterday? – No, she had.

Источник: Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. III уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2011. – 320 с.

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