презентация к уроку "Visiting Museums and Art Galleries"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Данная презентация является иллюстративным материалом к открытому уроку по теме "Посещение художественных галерей, музеев, выставок". Класс- 9. Уровень  - углубленный. 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Visiting Museums and Galleries

Слайд 2

ARM-exercise Accept Reject Modify Visiting an amusement park is much more thrilling than visiting an art gallery. The best way to learn the history of your city (town) is to visit History Museum. Using an audio-guide is not very convenient.

Слайд 3

What makes a museum attractive? ? ? ? ?

Слайд 4

What makes a museum attractive ? An audio-guide A professional guide Unique exhibits Interactive displays A workshop A café/ children’s playground

Слайд 5

Pop-Up Galleries Vibrant – 1. bright and strong; 2. powerful and exciting. To afford smth/to do smth – 1. to be able to buy, pay for; To be able to spend, to give, to do smth without serious loss or damage. To afford - affordable

Слайд 6

1. Preparation: matching Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6. 1…….. the public a. just now becoming successful and well known 2…….. permanent b. to put something in a place where it can be seen by other people 3…….. emerging c. already successful or well known 4…….. to display d. fixed and staying there forever 5…….. informal e. ordinary people in general 6…….. established f. relaxed, friendly and without many rules Pop-up Galleries.

Слайд 7

Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the correct answers 1.In which city were the galleries shown in the video? a. London b. Manchester c. Belfast 2. How long do pop-up galleries usually stay open for? a. a few hours b. a few days c. a few months 3. Pop-up galleries display works of… a. classic artists b. established artists c. emerging artists 4. . If the pop-up galleries weren't there, how would these buildings be usedI? a. They’d be shops. b. They’d be empty. c. They’d be houses. 5. What did the visitors to the gallery think of it? a. They all liked it. b. Some of them liked it but some didn’t. c. They all disliked it. 6. Why did Laura decide to display her work in a pop-up gallery? a. because she’s a friend of the owner b. because the artwork sells for a higher price there c. because it’s difficult to display her work in established galleries

Слайд 8

Having a nice time at the museum You: - invite your friend to a museum on Sunday; - persuade that the museum is worth visiting; - answer all possible questions of your friend. Be active and polite. Your friend : - ask questions to find out as much information about the museum as possible; - either accept or reject the invitation; - explain why you do it. Be active and polite.

Слайд 9

Thank you for the lesson

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