Упражнения на повторение времен Past Simple & Past Perfect
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Плотникова Оксана Александровна

Упражнения на повторение времен Past Simple & Past Perfect


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Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple  or Past Perfect ?

№ 1

Divide tense markers into two columns

Past Simple  

Past Perfect

By Wednesday, two weeks ago, the day before yesterday, last week, when mum came, before my friend phoned, in 2013, by that time, long ago

№ 2 Choose the correct  form of the verb.

  1. Mr Potter repaired / had repaired his car yesterday.
  2. Our grandma baked / had baked a carrot cake by 6 o’clock yesterday.
  3. He wrote / had written an article by Monday morning.
  4. Tim and Betsy had been / were in Peru three years ago.
  5. Did you water / Had  you  watered the flowers the day before yesterday?
  6. John read / had read a book by Agatha Christie  by the 1st of November.
  7. My brother  had flown / flew to Berlin last spring.
  8. The children cleaned / had cleaned the flat before their parents returned.

       № 3 Ask questions

  1. Our parents took us to the Crimea last summer.


  1. I had found my lost schoolbag  by 6 p.m. yesterday.


  1. The postman brought a letter a week ago.


  1.  Sarah had given me this new skateboard.


№ 5 Answer the questions

  1. Did your brother listen to these songs? – Yes, …
  2. Did Bob’s aunt send him a present last week? – No, …
  3. Had you fixed the bicycle before your brother came back? – No, …
  4. Had Mrs. Green checked the dictation by Wednesday? – Yes, …
  5. Did the students play soccer last summer? – Yes, …
  6. Had Jane washed up before her mum called her? -  No, …

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