Урок английского языка Healthy Living Guide
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Разработка урока английского языка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Автор разработки – Коршакова О.И., учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 6» МО Тбилисский район Краснодарского края

Тема урока: Healthy Living Guide

1. Учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения в диалогической и монологической форме; (лексических навыков чтения и говорения); развитие детально воспринимать информацию на слух.

2. Развивающий аспект: развитие способностей к сравнению, обобщению, к догадке на основе прослушанного, развитие способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия.

3. Воспитательный аспект: продолжить формирование навыков здорового образа жизни и навыков здоровой диеты питания.

Оборудование: аудиозапись, таблицы, функциональные опоры, карточки, пословицы: An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Health is above wealth. Early to bed, early to rise. Keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Motto: Health is above Wealth

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока.

Teacher : The topic of our lesson today is Healthy Living Guide. The motto of our lesson is "Health is above wealth". Do you agree with this proverb?

Student 1: It means that health is the dearest thing for a person.

Student 2: I think that we can buy many things but we can't buy health.

Teacher: Right you are. So today we’ll talk about health and healthy living guide. There are some factors of healthy living guide. What are they?

Student1: They are exercising, healthy dieting.

Student2: Avoiding bad habits.

Student3: Healthy lifestyle.

Teacher: Let's begin with avoiding bad habits. What are they?

Student 1: They are: smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.

Student 2: Sleeping too much, or too little.

Student 3: Skipping breakfast.

Student 4: Physical inactivity.

II. Основная часть.

1. Teacher: Dear students, please open your books at page 105 and say what bad habits is exercise 4 about. Using table of exercise 4 tells us what bad habits cause, make and affect.

(Учащиеся приводят аргументы против вредных привычек согласно таблицы. Упр.4.)

Student 1: Smoking causes a cough, a headache and in the worst case cancer. It makes teeth yellow, hair smell, clothes smell, and skin unhealthy. It’s true that smoking affects the health of the whole family, the people around you.

Student 2: I think that drinking alcohol causes a headache, heart disease, slow reactions and loss of memory. It makes skin unhealthy, speech unclear and brain centres sleep. Drinking affects the whole family, the people around a drinking person, one’s social controls.

Student 3: To my mind taking drugs is a very bad habit. It causes blood disease, brain disease, slow reactions, loss of memory and death. Taking drugs makes speech unclear, brain centres sleep. Of course it affects the whole family, the people around and one’s social controls.

Student 4: I feel sorry for people who take drugs, because it’s really a bad habit.

Teacher: What measures should we take against bad habits?

Student 1: We should ban smoking at schools, in offices and on transport.

Student 2: Our authorities should ban cigarettes’ and alcohol’s ads on TV and radio.

Student 3: Our authorities should put into prison those who spread and sell drugs.

2. Teacher: Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends not to smoke or drink too much alcohol?

(Учащиеся говорят свои аргументы, с помощью которых они бы убедили своих друзей не курить, не пить и не принимать наркотики)

Student 1: Dear classmates! Never smoke, because smoking is bad for your health.

Student 2: Dear boys! Don’t smoke, because it is smell affects the whole class.

Student 3: Dear friends! Never take drugs, it’s dangerous for your lives.

Student 4: I’m sure that drinking alcohol causes heart and brain diseases, slow reactions and leads to degradation.

3. Teacher: Now girls please, look at this picture of a man and say: «Would you like to have such a husband?»

Рисунок 1.

Girls: No

Teacher: Now boys please, tell me: «Would you like to be like this man in future?»

Boys: No

Teacher: Now look at this caricature and say what does it symbolize?

Рисунок 2.

Student 1: It symbolizes bad habits.

Teacher: Isn’t it ugly?

Student 2: Yes, it is really ugly. (Учащиеся по цепочке говорят о карикатурах и что они символизируют).

Student 1: This person is absolutely ugly. We see that drinking alcohol affects his social controls.

Student 2: I wouldn’t like to have such a husband in my future.

Student 3: This is an exact collective “bad habits” portrait. This pirate embodies (воплощать) all bad habits. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drags.

Teacher: Why is he designed as a pirate?

Student 1: Because bad habits capture people’s lives like pirates.

4. Teacher: Now, my dear students, sit in pairs and make up conversations about bad habits with the help of these chats. (Учащиеся парами составляют диалоги по функциональным опорам, затем читают их вслух). Приложение 1.

5. Teacher: Now, tell us, please, what you should do to be healthy. (Учащиеся рассказали о том, что дает им занятие спортом).

Student 1: We should do morning exercises regularly.

Student 2: Sport is important for our health.

Student 3: Sport makes us strong.

Student 4: Sport builds character.

Student 5: It teaches to win and to lose.

Student 6: More than that it teaches us about life.

Student 7: Besides it is a good way to meet people.

Student 8: At last sport teaches us to be disciplined.

6. Teacher: And now let’s have our break and do physical exercises. (Учащиеся делают физ. зарядку под озвучивание стихотворения о здоровом образе жизни).

To be healthy in your life,

Don’t forget to do all five,

Get up early, quick and bright,

Exercise with all your might.

In the morning jump and run,

Eat your breakfast you’ve done,

Train your body, train your brain,

And all bad habits pass away.

(Автор Ищенко А. А.)

7. Teacher: You’ve told us about healthy habits, now read this proverb «An apple a day keeps a doctor away». Explain us please the meaning of this proverb. (Учащиеся объясняют необходимость употребления фруктов, овощей и здоровой диеты).

Student 1: It’s a good English proverb. It says that a person should eat fruit and vegetables every day. Vitamins are very important for our health

Student 2: Garlic and onion are good to prevent cold.

Student 3: All fruit and vegetables are rich with different vitamins. For example, lemons and oranges are rich with vitamin C.

Student 4: I’d like to tell that healthy diet is also good for our health. We should have meals regularly, but we shouldn’t eat too much or too little.

8. Teacher: Now, please, listen to the record, and after that you'll open your texts and check your home task. (Проверьте домашнее задание на листах).

(Учащиеся прослушали аудиозапись, затем открыли текст и проверили правильность выполнения домашнего задания, прочитали правильные утверждения).

9. Teacher: Dear Students, lets form three groups. Each group will get a table «Folk Medicine» and find the right information about every kind of fruit, vegetables and berries. After that you'll check your task. (Учащиеся должны правильно расставить карточки под рисунками с информацией о целебных свойствах этих фруктов, овощей, и ягод, после чего проверить правильность выполнения задания и обобщить информацию).

Приложение 2.

10. Teacher: Now, you’ll get short texts, read them, find sentences in Present Perfect Progressive and tell the short information about the main idea of the text. (Учащиеся прочитали тексты про себя, нашли в них предложения в Present Perfect Progressive, перевели их и сформулировали основную идею каждого текста).

Приложение 3.

III. Заключение.

1. Teacher: Dear students I'll call healthy and unhealthy habits on the topic «Healthy Living Guide» and you, please, show your cards and say «Yes» or «No» to the habits.

(В заключении учитель называет хорошие и плохие привычки, по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни, а учащиеся показывают и озвучивают хором «Yes» или «No»).

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Eat too much.

3. Skip your breakfast.

4. Smoking

5. Drinking alcohol

6. Exercising

7. Dieting

8. Taking drugs

9. Sleeping too much.

10.Physical inactivity.

11.Eating sweets.

12.Eating high fibre food

13.Eating breakfast.

14.Dieting too much.

2. Объяснение домашнего задания: Составить рассказ «Healthy Living Guide»

3. Подведение итогов урока.

A collective "Bad habits" portrait

1. How long has he been drinking?

2. This person is ugly, isn't he?

3. Does drinking affect his social controls?

4. It is really a bad habit, isn't it?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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1. Учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения в диалогической и монологической форме; (лексических навыков чтения и говорения); развитие детально воспринимать информацию на слух.2.  Развивающи...

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