Методическая разработка для 6 класса по английскому языку по учебнику Кузовлева по теме " Внешность"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

 Егорова Анна Юрьевна

Методическая разработка для 6 класса по английскому языку по учебнику Кузовлева по теме " Внешность"


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Составитель учитель английского языка

                                                         Егорова Анна Юрьевна


Hair can be:

  1. curly- кудрявые;
  2. smooth - гладкие;
  3. straight/wavy - прямые \волнистые;

e.g.: straight shoulder-length hair прямые волосы по плечи.

You can wear your hair:

1. pinned up

с заколкой сзади

2. in bunches fastened with slides(Br) barrettes(Am)

  • grips
  • ribbons
  • hair pins

в хвостиках, закрепленных заколкой

  • резинками
  • лентами
  • шпильками

3. in plaits(Br)/braids(Am)

в косах

4. to plait one's hair

заплетать косы

  • in a bun/ in a ponytail

в хвосте

  • to have one's hair cut


  • to do one's hair


  • to grow one's hair

отращивать волосы

  • to dye hair (e.g. in pink)

покрасить волосы (в розовый цвет)

  • to wear a wig

носить парик

  • to wear one's hair short

носить короткие волосы

  • shoulder-long

по плечи

  • hair rollers


  • his hair is receding/thinning

у него выпадает волос

  • she's graying

она седеет

  • fringe (AmE: bang)


In colour it can be:

  • red
  • grey/white
  • golden
  • ash-blond
  • silvery
  • dark/fair
  • brown/chestnut
    e.g. She was a black-haired girl.
    The boy was red-headed.
  • рыжие
  • седые
  • золотистые
  • пепельные
  • серебристые
  • темные\светлые, белокурые
  • каштановые

NB! Mind the word order of adjectives:
quality size age shape color origin made of type +noun

beautiful long wavy brown hair
old red French car

Face can be:

1. round


2. long


3. to have a long face(to have an unhappy, bored expression)

иметь унылый вид

4. thin/chubby

худое \ полнощекое

5. pale


6. pretty/ugly

хорошенькое, прелестное \уродливое

7. good-humoured


8. plain

простое, обыкновенное

9. expressive


10. with a round

  • pointed
  • double
  • decided chin

с круглым

  • острым
  • двойным
  • решительным подбородком

11. with hollow/rosy cheeks

с впалыми/ румяными щеками

12. with bushy/arched/thin eyebrows

с косматыми/ тонкими, полукругом тонко очерченными бровями

13. complexion

цвет лица

14. pale/florid


What can be found on the face

  1. freckles
  2. wrinkles
  3. a beauty spot
  4. a scar
  5. a dimple
  6. to wear spectacles
  7. moustache, also mustache (Am)
  8. beard
  9. stubble
  10. whiskers
  • веснушки
  • морщины
  • родинка
  • шрам
  • ямочка
  • носить очки
  • усы
  • борода
  • щетина
  • бакенбарды

You smell scents and odors with a nose which can be:

  1. flat
  2. straight
  3. bulbous nose
  4. to be snub-nosed
  5. turned-up
  • приплюснутый
  • прямой
  • нос картошкой
  • быть курносым
  • вздернутый

You look at the world around you with eves which can be:

  1. hazel
  2. brown
  3. gray\grey
  4. blue e.g. The girl was blue-eyed.
  5. almond
  6. be almond-eyed
  7. intelligent
  8. mischievous
  9. with long/curving eyelashes
  10. slanting
  • светло-коричневые
  • карие
  • серые
  • голубые
  • миндалевидные
  • с миндалевидным разрезом глаз
  • умные
  • озорной, шаловливый
  • с длинными/загнутыми ресницами
  • косой

Your lips can be:

  1. full
  2. well-cut
  • полные
  • хорошо очерченные

Your figure and features can be:

  1. plain
  2. regular/irregular
  3. plump
  4. slender
  5. well-built
  6. skinny
  • простые, некрасивые
  • правильные/неправильные
  • полный, пухлый
  • стройный, тонкий
  • хорошо сложенный
  • худой


  1. to look like
  2. to resemble
  3. What does he look like?
  • выглядеть
  • быть похожим
  • Как он выглядит?


1. Match the words from the right column with the descriptions in the left column.

  1. plump, skinny, slender
  2. silky, smooth, curly
  3. pale, good-humored, long
  4. hazel, mischievous, warm
  5. snub, straight, bulbous
  6. chestnut, silvery, fair
  7. bob, crew-cut, plaits
  8. double, pointed, decided
  • a. hair styles
  • b face
  • c. hair colour
  • d. figure
  • e.hair
  • f. nose
  • g. eyes
  • h. chin

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following.

  1. mischievous almond hazel eyes
  2. turned up nose
  3. pointed chin
  4. short, dark, curly hair
  5. wavy shoulder-length hair
  6. good-humored round face
  7. darken eyelashes with mascara
  8. slanting eyes
  9. skinny figure
  10. deep scar
  11. short curly fringe
  12. hair fastened with barrettes
  13. a man with a long moustache
  14. charming smile
  15. wrinkled face
  16. expressive features
  17. silvery hair
  18. to have a long face
  19. to wear a wig
  20. fashionable stubble

3.Fill in the table with the adjectives that go along with the given nouns.





















Hair colour





































4. Read the following text and use it to describe the appearance of each member of your family.

My father is tall. He has large hands and his feet are size 45. He has short, dark, curly hair and a small beard. His arms, legs and chest are hairy. He's a cheerful person and when he laughs, you can see even white teeth. He wears spectacles (glasses) and you can't see his eyes, but I know they are steel gray. He's 43. He usually wears jeans and checked shirts or sweaters. But for work he wears a suit and a tie and looks every inch a teacher.

My mother is a very different person. She's short and plumpish. She has small hands and feet. She has long, strong, fair hair. She has dimples and rosy cheeks. She has long eyelashes which she darkens with mascara. She likes pink nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favourite colours are red and light blue.

My 20-year old sister likes to be well-dressed. She used lots of make-up, is always going to the hairdresser's and has fantastic hairstyles. She's tall and slim, with slender arms and elegant legs. Her full lips are always red. She's open-minded and nice. She is married and has a baby.

My baby nephew is still just a toddler; he can't speak yet, but he's very selfish and bores me.

My boss is an elderly man, rather short and stout. His hair is grey and thin and he's bald on top. He's clean-shaven. He has a double chin. He's always immaculately dressed: a white shirt, a dark well-creased suit with a matching tie and black leather shoes. He's a serious and punctual man, doesn't talk much and seems to be not overgenerous.

5. Describe your friends / groupmates / some famous people. The others will try to guess who you are describing

6. You meet your friend after.

a) a disease;
b) a span of time;
c) holidays;
d) plastic surgery.

Dramatize a conversation about him/her. Use conversational phrases.

How to ask for an opinion. What do you think of/about...? How do you find ...?

How to save an opinion. Speaking personally, I think... In my opinion/ From my point of view.. .If you ask me/ If you want my opinion.. .As far as I am able to judge...

How to agree with the opinion: I'd go along with you on that. I take your point. I entirely agree with you. That's exactly how I see it. Perhaps, you are right.

7 . Use your imagination and describe Cleopatra (Nephertiti's) appearance. Do you think our perception of the ideal face and figure has changes with the centuries? What makes you think so? Do you think people's idea of beauty is different in different cultures? We know that in France heads held high are called 'les femmes girafe'. But in Burma the women with elongated necks (sometimes up to ten inches long) are thought beautiful. Do you think the idea of beauty will be different in 2500?

8 .Expand the following statements giving the description of an imaginary person.

  1. He looks like a bear.
  2. She looks like a wild flower.
  3. She is as ugly as a sin.
  4. Sue is as pretty as a picture.


  1. split personality
  2. to be a man of character
  3. to judge by appearance
  4. to keep up appearances
  • противоречивый характер
  • быть человеком с сильным характером
  • судить по внешности
  • соблюдать приличия

Intellectual Ability:

you want to be:


  • bright
  • gifted
  • shrewd
  • способный, смышленый
  • одаренный
  • проницательный, практичный

Attitudes towards life:

  1. ambitious
  2. brave
  3. caring
  4. cautious
  5. cheerful
  6. down-to-earth
  7. dreamy
  8. flexible
  9. generous
  10. grateful to smb. for smth
  11. independent
  12. sensible
  13. sensitive
  14. secretive
  15. talkative
  16. shy
  17. wasteful
  • честолюбивый
  • храбрый
  • заботливый
  • осторожный, осмотрительный
  • бодрый, веселый
  • практичный, приземленный
  • мечтательный
  • уступчивый
  • щедрый
  • благодарный кому-л. за что-л.
  • независимый
  • разумный
  • чувствительный
  • скрытный
  • разговорчивый
  • робкий, застенчивый
  • расточительный

Innate features:

qualities that make your life exciting:


  1. determined
  2. neat
  3. imaginative
  4. obedient
  5. open
  6. punctual
  7. straight-forward
  8. sympathetic
  9. tactful
  10. tolerant/ patient
  11. thrifty/economical
  12. truthful
  • решительный
  • аккуратный
  • одаренный богатым воображением
  • послушный
  • откровенный, искренний
  • точный, пунктуальный
  • прямой, откровенный
  • сочувственный, полный сочувствия
  • тактичный
  • терпимый
  • экономный, бережливый
  • правдивы

Relations with other people:

people will be eager to make friends with you if you are:


  1. easy-going
  2. energetic
  3. frank
  4. helpful
  5. honest
  6. sincere
  7. sociable
  8. trustworthy
  9. willing to help
  • добродушный, веселый
  • энергичный
  • откровенный
  • полезный
  • честный
  • искренний
  • общительный
  • надежный, заслуживающий доверия
  • всегда готовый помочь

You don't want to be:

  1. boring
  2. bossy/cocky
  3. boastful
  4. careless
  5. childish
  6. cold
  7. cruel
  8. deceitful
  9. envious
  10. greedy/tight-fisted
  11. individualistic
  12. insolent
  13. insensitive
  14. intolerant
  15. jealous
  16. lazy bones/ a slacker
  17. moody
  18. nasty
  19. nosy/ a nosy parker
  20. rude
  21. self-assured
  22. selfish
  23. be a slow-coach, slowpoke
  24. be a slacker
  25. sly
  26. sloppy
  27. snobbish
  28. stubborn/dogged
  29. stupid
  30. two-faced
  31. unreliable
  32. vain
  • скучный, зануда
  • дерзкий, нахальный
  • хвастливый
  • небрежный, невнимательный
  • инфантильный, ребячливый
  • недружелюбный
  • жестокий
  • лживый, обманчивый
  • завистливый
  • скупой
  • эгоистичный
  • дерзкий
  • равнодушный
  • нетерпимый
  • ревнивый
  • лодырь, лентяй
  • человек настроения
  • отвратительный
  • любопытный, пронырливый
  • грубый
  • самоуверенный
  • эгоистичный
  • медлительный, копуша
  • лентяй
  • хитрый, коварный
  • неряшливый
  • сноб
  • упрямый
  • глупый
  • двуличный, лживый
  • ненадежный
  • тщеславный

You and your work:

  1. accomplished
  2. attentive
  3. committed
  4. dedicated
  5. diligent
  6. hard-working
  7. responsible/irresponsible
  • квалифицированный
  • внимательный
  • обязательный
  • преданный
  • упорный, прилежный
  • трудолюбивый
  • ответственный \ безответственный


Jack is popular with his fellow-students and most of his teachers. He works hard in his classroom, but sometimes he can be noisy. He is not deliberately disruptive, but he does find it difficult to sit still for long periods. He is full of energy. He is late for his classes more often than most students but he is always willing to help teachers and students.

Jack is generally good-tempered, but he has been in two fights since he left school. He is quite happy at school and doesn't seem to have any strong opinions about how things could be changed. He gets on well with his parents although he frequently quarrels with his younger sisters.

Jane plays netball for the school team for her year, she is very popular with her fellow students. She takes the lead in arranging extra netball practices and group parties. She has a lively personality and a sense of humour. Her teachers like her but they complain about her unpunctuality and sometimes lateness of her homework.

There is one particular teacher she does not like; she has been accused of being insolent to this teacher, but Jane denied it strongly.

She has strong opinions about how the university should be run. Out of school she is dressed in very up-to-date clothes and collects all the latest records. She is a keen sportsman.

Len is a very intelligent boy. He is not very good at games, in fact he shows little interest in sport in general. He is no weakling however. He reads book after book, plays chess well and is very good at Physics. He is a friendly person but perhaps does not make friends as easily as some of the other students.

Whatever he gives his mind on, he does with great determination. His parents are very proud of him. He lives in a flat on a housing estate near the University. He is not very talkative, but when he does speak, the other students tend to listen to him.

Maggie thinks there are many things wrong with the University. She has ideas about changing the rules; for instance, she rebels against doing homework and believes that being punished by detention is wrong.

Some of her teachers think she is a troublemaker. Some of her groupmates think she is loud and bossy; others think she is a very lively person. Maggie's mother is a councilor so she is accustomed to hearing her parents talk about important matters. She is intelligent, full of energy and seems to have opinions about everything.


1. Decide a) who of these students you would like to make friends with b) who might be the best group representative. Give your arguments. What do you like/dislike about these people?

2. Find the English equivalents for the following from the text.

  1. Пользоваться популярностью среди одногруппников .
  2. Намеренно нарушать дисциплину .
  3. Опаздывать на занятия .
  4. Хорошо ладить с кем-либо .
  5. Жаловаться на непунктуальность .
  6. Обвинять в дерзости .
  7. Страстно увлекаться спортом .
  8. Постоянно нарушать дисциплину .

3. Use the patterns from Ex.2 to build your own examples.

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