Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions
тест по английскому языку на тему

Солопко Ольга Николаевна

Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions


Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions

  1.  The teacher explains new material at every lesson. (who, what, when)
  2. They learn the new words for several hours. (who, what)
  3. . My friend speaks  English fluently. (who, how)
  4.  He reads books in the original. (who, what)
  5. She often goes to Moscow. (who, when, how often).
  6.  They often spend their summer vacation at the seaside. (who, where, how often)
  7. It often rains in October. (when, how often)
  8. He usually plays tennis at this time. (who, when, how often)
  9. He usually does his homework at home.(who, how often, what, when)

            Variant 2

Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions

  1. She reads books in three languages. (who, what)
  2. In autumn many birds fly to the South. (who, when, where)
  3. He passes his examinations well (who, what, how)
  4. I go to school in the morning (who, where, when)
  5. My sister lives in Moscow (who, where)
  6. Ivanov teaches us Biology (who, what)
  7. She always has dinner at home at 3 o'clock (who, what, when)
  8. His son goes to bed at 9 o'clock (whose, where, when)
  9. Children study the English language at this school (who, what, where)

            Variant 3

Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions

  1. You get up early every day. (who, when)
  2. His brother always helps you. (who, how often, whom)
  3. They live in the centre of the town. (who, where,)        
  4. This girl always answers well. (who, how, how often)
  5. Your friends spend their holidays in the village. (who, what, when)
  6. Her brother wants to become an engineer. (who, whose)
  7. His sister lives in Moscow. (who, where)
  8. Her father works at a shoe factory. (who, where)
  9. We write exercises on the blackboard at every English lesson. (who, what, when, where)

                                    Variant 4

Make the following sentences negative and then ask some special questions

  1. We have dinner at 3 o'clock. (who, what, when)
  2. This boy speaks English well. (how)
  3. We study French at school. (who, what, where)
  4. The postman brings us our newspapers. (who, whom, what)
  5. His mother teaches History. (who, whose, what)
  6. My sister gets up at seven o'clock. (who, when)
  7. My friend lives in Irkutsk. (who, where)
  8. Peter speaks Italian well. (who, how)
  9. His sister teaches Physics at the University. (what, where)
  10. He always has breakfast at home at 8 o'clock (who, what, when)

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