A Look at the Great Patriotic War with Eyes of My Great Grandparents
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

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A Look at the Great Patriotic War with Eyes of  My Great Grandparents

Цели урока:

образовательные - учащиеся должны уметь применить  знания новой лексики и построить монологические высказывания по   теме;

развивающие -  развитие умений проектной деятельности, языковой догадки;

воспитательные - воспитание патриотизма и чувства гордости за свою Родину и семью.

Оборудование: АРМ, учебник «Enjoy English 9», аудиоприложение к учебнику «Enjoy English 9», видеофильм  «A Look at the Great Patriotic War with Eyes of  My Great Grandparents», политическая карта мира.

Ход урока.

1.  Организационный момент (2 минуты).

Good morning, boys and girls!

I am glad to see you.

How are you?

Today we are going to talk about World War II and the Great Patriotic War and at home you should prepare a presentation about your great grandparents who took part in this cruel war.

2.  Фонетическая разминка (4 минуты).

Listen and repeat the names of the following countries.

Albania, Bosnia, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Angola, Spain, France, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Russia, Georgia, Serbia, Laos, Burma, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Moldova, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Algeria, Egypt, Turkey (p.138 ex.115)

Read the words in pairs, please.

3.  Речевая разминка (5минут).

There is a political map on the blackboard (http://blank-map-of-europe.blogspot.com/2011/01/political-map-of-europe-1939.html)

Who wants to go to the blackboard and show the countries that suffered in World War II?

Which of the countries were occupied during the war?

How many people were killed in the war? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties)

When did World War II begin?

When did the Great Patriotic War start?

4.  Введение новой лексики. Тренировка навыков устной речи (10 минут).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyj8Tc06Xzk "Vstavay Strana Ogromnaya" (The Sacred War)

We know that USSR losses in the Great Patriotic War were nearly 27 million people. Everyone in the country stood up for their Motherland. That’s why today we can find defenders’ descendants practically in every family of our country.

Look at the new words (Приложение 1) and use them to tell about your great grandparents’ lives during the Great Patriotic War.

Use the plan.

When the war started my great grandpa was …

He worked as a … and had …

He was called up in … and became …

My great grandpa took part in … and was awarded by …

5.  Физкультминутка (3минуты).

It’s time to have a rest. Will you stand up to do the exercises?

6.  Развитие навыков аудирования. Подготовка к работе над проектом (12 минут).

Now I offer you to watch the film made by our students «A Look at the Great Patriotic War with Eyes of My Great Grandparents» where they are telling about our school museums and their relatives who took part in the Great Patriotic War (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzy82fdkNng&feature=youtu.be).

What interesting facts have you learnt from this film?

7.  Подведение итогов (3 минуты).

We’ve talked a lot about the Great Patriotic War and I suggest that you take part in our project and prepare a presentation about your great grandparents.  You may use the Internet to find more information on the war.

Домашнее задание: подготовить презентацию.

Приложение 1

To be called up – быть призванным (на военную службу)

Infantry ['ɪnfəntrɪ]  – пехота

Sapper ['sæpə] - сапёр

Scout [skaut] – разведчик

Sniper ['snaɪpə] – снайпер

Rifle ['raɪfl] – винтовка

Bullet ['bulɪt] - пуля

Grenade [grə'neɪd] -граната

A partisan [ˈpɑːtɪzan, ˌpɑːtɪˈzan] detachment [dɪ̱tʃmənt] - партизанский отряд

Artillery [ɑːˈtɪləri] - артиллерия

Artilleryman  - артиллерист

Air Force-военно-воздушные силы

Bomber [bɒ̱mə(r)] - бомбардировщик

Fighter [fa͟ɪtə(r)] - истребитель

Ram - таран

Pilot – лётчик

The Navy – военно- морской флот

Ship- корабль

Submarine- подводная лодка

Sailor- матрос, моряк

Soldier ['səuldʒə] - солдат, рядовой

Sergeant  [sɑ͟ː(r)ʤ(ə)nt] - сержант

Lieutenant [lef'tenənt] -лейтенант

Captain [kæ̱ptɪn] - капитан

Major [me͟ɪʤə(r)] - майор

Colonel [ˈkəːn(ə)l] – полковник

General  [ʤe̱nrəl] - Генерал

Commander [kəˈmandər] - командир

Commander in Chief – главнокомандующий

Rear [rɪə] – тыл

Capture  [kæ̱ptʃə(r)] – брать в плен

Refugee [ˌrefju'ʤiː] -  беженец

The battle for Moscow

The Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Kursk

The Siege of Leningrad

Liberation of countries of Eastern Europe

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