Итоговое тестирование за курс начальной школы (для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме

Ефремова Елена Александровна

Предлагаю вашему вниманию три раздела итогового теста в 4 классе (для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка). Каждый год у нас в школе проходит такой "экзамен" для четвероклассников. К трем прдложенным аспектам (аудирование, чтение, письмо) добавляется устный зачет (монолог, диалог, описание картинки)


Microsoft Office document icon Аудирование52 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon грамматика15.93 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon чтение39 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

                                    LANGUAGE OLYMPIAD                                Form 4




  1. Прослушайте рассказ Серены и заполните пропуски. Вы услышите рассказ три раза. Первый раз просто прослушайте текст. Второй раз слушайте и заполняйте пропуски. Третий раз будет звучать для проверки.

I live in a _________ house in the country with my husband, _______. The house has got ________ bedrooms and a big garden. We’ve got two children and ________ cats – they love the garden. They play in it ________day. And we’ve got a garage – I ___________got a car but my husband has. I’m an artist and I work at home. I use one of the bedrooms. It’s got a ______ terrace. I can sit on the terrace in the summer and paint the garden – it’s lovely. Harry is a computer programmer. He’s got three ___________. Actually, he’s got lots of electronic things in the house. He’s got a digital camera and he makes DVDs. In fact we’ve got forty DVDs now. In the evenings we eat ___________in the kitchen – we haven’t got a dining room. Then we _________TV in the living room – we’ve got a fantastic widescreen TV.

  1. Прослушайте диалог, в котором двое родителей говорят о планах семьи на выходные, и отметьте галочкой (V) правильный ответы в таблице. Вы услышите диалог три раза. Первый раз просто прослушайте диалог. Второй раз слушайте и заполняйте таблицу. Третий раз диалог будет звучать для проверки.

Is going to be busy

Is going

 to play


Is going to the cinema

Is going horse


Is going

to go


Is going to the gym

Is going to go shopping

Is going to go to the park with the dogs






  1.  Вы услышите диалог между Мэгги и Кэрол. Прочитайте предложения и, прослушав текст, согласитесь с этими утверждениями или нет. Если предложение правильно, обведите в кружочек букву T (true-правда), если предложение неверно, обведите букву F(false-неверно). Вы услышите диалог два раза.

  1. Carol is busy on Friday evening.

T   F

  1. There is a new film on at the English film Club.

T   F

  1. Tom Hanks stars in the film.

T   F

  1. Carol doesn’t like comedies.

T   F

  1. The film starts at eight o’clock.

T   F

  1. Maggie likes pizza very much.

T   F

  1. Carol often goes to the restaurant with her sister and her friends

T   F

  1. Maggie and Carol will meet at six o’clock.

T   F

                                    LANGUAGE OLYMPIAD                                Form 4



I live in a big  house in the country with my husband, Harry. The house has got four bedrooms and a big garden. We’ve got two children and three  cats – they love the garden. They play in it every day. And we’ve got a garage – I haven’t got a car but my husband has. I’m an artist and I work at home. I use one of the bedrooms. It’s got a big terrace. I can sit on the terrace in the summer and paint the garden – it’s lovely. Harry is a computer programmer. He’s got three computers. Actually, he’s got lots of electronic things in the house. He’s got a digital camera and he makes DVDs. In fact we’ve got forty DVDs now. In the evenings we eat dinner in the kitchen – we haven’t got a dining room. Then we watch TV in the living room – we’ve got a fantastic widescreen TV.

Is going to be busy

Is going

 to play


Is going to the cinema

Is going horse


Is going

to go


Is going to the gym

Is going to go shopping

Is going to go to the park with the dogs

















  1. – F; 2. – F; 3.-T; 4. – F; 5.-T; 6.-T; 7.-F; 8. -F

Предварительный просмотр:

                                          LANGUAGE OLYMPIAD                   Form 4

Name ……………………



  1. Вставь пропущенные буквы

s__arf                     an__body

ice-cr__am              bo__ght

ei__hth                    br__ad

  1. Образуй множественное число

calf -                                     goose-

turkey-                                  man –

dress -                                   tooth-

  1. Напиши глаголы в Past Indefinite

be-                                     can-

catch -                               teach-

build-                                 lose-

wear-                                 cost-

  1. Соедини вопросы и ответы и запиши букву ответа в таблицу
  1. Would you like fruit salad for dessert?
  2. Where will Sam and Pam go tomorrow?
  3. Is there a bird in the tree?
  4. Would you like to go to the Zoo today?
  5. Who goes to school every day?
  6. When did you go to the cinema?
  7. How many girls were there at your birthday party?
  8. Could you swim last summer?
  9. Is Kate at home or at school?

10)You are the cleverest student in the class, aren’t you?

A. Yes, I am.

B. They do

C. I’m afraid, I can’t

D. Two days ago

E. There were ten girls.

F. Yes, there is.

G. They will go to the park.

H. No, I prefer only apples for the dessert.

I. No, I couldn’t

J. She is at home.











  1. Образуй сравнительную и превосходную  степени прилагательных и наречие



Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень







  1. Поставь вопросы к предложениям
  1. There are a lot of flowers in the vase.

? (General question)____________________________________

  1. Sam is swimming in the swimming pool now.


  1. I don’t like to eat porridge.


  1. We must do our homework every day.


  1. They read a lot of books every year.


  1. My father can’t ski very well.


  1. It usually rains in October.


  1. Раскрой скобки. Поставь глагол в нужном времени

My mother’s name (1. to be)________Molly. She (2.to be)__________ thirty-five. My mother (3.to be)___________a businesswoman. Molly (4.to be)__________ a very busy woman.  She (5. to go) ____________to work five times a week. My mother and I (6.to like)________to go to the country. There I usually (7.to dig)_________ in the garden and Molly (8. to water) ___________the flowers. Yesterday it (9.to be)__________Sunday and my mother (10. not to go)_________ to work). We (11. to go) __________to the park. There we (12.to play)_________ tennis. Now I (13. to write)_________ a letter to my friend Sally and my mother (14. to wash up)___________. Tomorrow  Molly (15. to have) ___________a birthday party. I (16. to put on)__________ my best dress and (17.to give)__________her a present.

Предварительный просмотр:

form 4



One Happy Day

Yesterday Ben’s mum said, ‘Do you want to go to see Grandmother and Grandfather?’ ‘Yes, please!’ shouted Ben. He put on his favourite shirt. They caught a bus and went to the village. There were a lot of people in the bus so they couldn’t sit down, but Ben was happy because he always liked to go to see his grandparents.

At his grandparents’ house, Ben said ‘Hello’ to his grandmother and grandfather, and his mum gave them some cakes. In the afternoon, they all sat in the living room and had tea with cakes. Grandmother’s cat was on the sofa. Grandfather said, ‘It’s your birthday on Tuesday, Ben. What would you like?’ Ben answered, ‘A new bike, please!’

‘Come outside with me,’ said Grandfather. Ben and Grandfather went into the garden. There was a new red bike outside. ‘This is for you, Ben,’ said Grandfather. ‘Now you can come to see us more often. Happy Birthday!’ ‘Thanks, Grandfather!’ said Ben. Ben went home on his new bike. He was very happy.


Form 4 _______


  1. Mark the sentences T(true) or F(false)

  1. There were many people in the bus.
  2. Ben didn’t want to see his grandparents.
  3. The family drank coffee with cakes.
  4. Ben wanted to get a new bike as a birthday present.
  5. The new grey bike was in the garage.

  1. Choose the correct variant

  1. Ben and his mother went … .
  1. to school                      b)to the village              c)to the forest

  1. …gave the cakes to the grandparents.
  1. Ben                              b) grandmother              c) Ben’s mother

  1. Ben’s grandparents had a …
  1. bus                               b) cat                             c) cow

  1. Ben’s birthday was …
  1. on Tuesday                 b) yesterday                   c) on Sunday


  1. When Ben saw a new bike he said … to his grandfather.
  1. ‘Bye’                         b) ‘Thanks’                      c) ‘How are you?’

  1. One word in each sentence is wrong. Cross it out and write the correct one

  1. Ben went to see his cousins.

  1. In the morning they had tea with cakes.

  1. Ben wanted a new toy as a birthday present.

  1. The bike was in the park.

  1. Grandfather went home on his bike.



  1. 1) T

2) F

3) F

4) T

5) F

  1. 1) b

2) с

3) b

4) a

5) b

                  grandparents/grandmother and grandfather

  1. Ben went to see his cousins.


  1. In the morning they had tea with cakes.


  1. Ben wanted a new toy as a birthday present.

                           outside/ in the garden

  1. The bike was in the park.


  1. Grandfather went home on his bike.

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