Презентация "East or West - Home is Best"
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Грязнова Валентина Сергеевна

Данная презентация расскажет кратко детям о Тюльгане, их малой Родине.


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East or west – Home is Best

There’s no place like Tjulgan

Oh, my Tjulgan! I love you deeply,

You forests, rivers, ponds and gardens.

You beasts and fish, birds in trees

You sunrise in a splendid sight.

Which gives me always such delight!

The songs of birds, wind whispering,

The autumn leaves, the buds of spring.

Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you! Belong to me!


The climate in Tjulgan is generally mild. The northern-western winds carry moisture in Tjulgan. Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. The driest period is from June to July.The average of temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees above zero in summer, and 25-30 degrees below zero in winter. Winter temperatures below 30 degrees are rare. During the normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees. It often snows heavily in winter. December, January, and February are usually the coldest months. July and June are the warmest. This humid and mild climate is good for plants. The trees and flowers begin to blossom.


The history of modern Tjulgan started in the 40th years, when the first deposits of brown coal began. On the 20th of September 1945 in local newspaper “Stalinskaya Pravda” appeared the announcement “There was founded the deposit of brown coal near Kozlovka, Troitsky region” (now Tjulgan).To the 29th anniversary of Great October the first 10 tons of brown coal were mined.

Tjulgan is rich in minerals: coal, potter’s clay, and kaolin, limestone gypsum. And we are proud of it.

In 1962 (January) started working Youzhno-Uralsky factory “Therma”. It produced equipment and instruments for 8th democratic countries. In 1953 were built the first four houses {huts) there, then appeared a school, a hospital, a canteen and a bakery. In 1957 were built 3 schools (secondary-228 pupils, primary-46 pupils and incomplete secondary school-122 pupils). In 1977 (August) appeared the first railway station.

The History

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