Денисова Екатерина Александровна

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Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 2 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. Выберите транскрипцию Cc:

А) [ei]

В) [bi:]

С) [si:]

D) [a:]

2. 8 – это:

A) pencil

В) tiger        

С) red        

D) eight

3. На рисунке изображено: 

A) pencil

В) tiger        

С) red        

D) eight

4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова ПРИВЕТ:

А) hello

В) good morning

С) thank you

D) bye


5. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова СПАСИБО:

А) hello

В) good morning

С) bye

D) thank you

6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода: “Мне 7 лет.”

А) My name is Masha.

В) I have got 7 cats.

С) I am 7.

D) I am from Russia.

7. Решите пример: 5 + 4

А) eight 

B) nine 

C) three 

D) six


8. Выберите «лишнее» слово (учитывая значение слова):

A) an apple;

B) a pet;

С) a banana;

D) an orange.

9. Выберите слово, которое мы говорим при прощании:

А) hello

В) good morning

С) thank you

D) bye

10. Выберите нужный цвет для ответа на вопрос: “What color is an apple?”

A) black;

B) brown;

C) red;

D) blue


11. Выберите правильный перевод слова green:

А) красный

В) зеленый

С) коричневый

D) синий


12. Переведите: “Я – ученик”

А) I - pupil.

В) I is pupil.

С) I am pupil.

D) I am a pupil.


13. Выбери правильный вариант:

А) The fox live in the forest.

В) The fox lives in the forest.

С) The fox lives in the river.

D) The cat lives in the forest.


14. Прочитайте текст и выберите неверное предложение.


His name is Ben. He is seven. He can jump and dance. Ben cannot sing. He has got a pet. His pet is a parrot.

A) Ben is nine.

B) He can dance.

C) He cannot sing.

D) Ben has got a pet.

15. На картинке изображено: 

A) the London Eye        

B) Big Ben        

C) Hyde park        

D) the Tower of London


Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 3 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1.  Where is a toy bear?

A) home                

B) Tom                

C) under the chair         

D) big

2.  Who is playing football now?

A) at school                

B) great                

C) well                

D) my brothers

3. When will you get up tomorrow?

A) at 6                        

B) at home                

C) to school                

D) me

4. Whose school bag is this?

A) my friend                

B) my friend’s        

C) at school                

D) us

5.  Why are you late for classes today?

A) math is                  

B) because I got up late         

C) with my brother        

D) at 10 o’clock

6. The capital of Great Britain is …

A) Saint Petersburg        

B) New York                

C) Paris                

D) London

7. What country doesn’t speak English?

A) the USA        

B) Great Britain        

C) France                

D) Canada

8. What river is in England?

A) the Rein                

B) the Thаmes                

C) the Nile        

D) the Mississippi

9. The children like holidays, …?

A) aren’t they                

B) do they?                

C) don’t they        

D) didn’t they

10. Peter doesn’t like Math, …?

A) does he                

B) doesn’t he                

C) didn’t he        

D) isn’t he

11. Соотнесите:

1. Hi!

А. Добро пожаловать!

2. Hello!

Б. Привет!

3. Bye!

В. Здравствуйте!

4. Welcome!

Г. До свидания!

A) 1Б, 2В, 3Г, 4А        

B) 1А, 2Б, 3В, 4Г        

C) 1А, 2Г, 3Г, 4Б        

D) 1Г, 2Б, 3А, 4В

12. Это изображение: 

A) the London Eye        

B) Big Ben        

C) Hyde park        

D) the Tower of  London

13. Отметьте неверное выполнение:





A) Read!

B) Sleep!

C) Jump!

D) Sit down!

14. Отметьте существительное во множественном числе:

A) pen            

B) boys              

C) cat            

D) bus

15. В словах play, say, day буквосочетание ay читается как:

A) [ei]            

B) [e]                          

C) [i]                        

D) [æ]

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 4 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. What are looking …..?

- I am looking … my pen. I’ve lost it!

A) at                

B) out                        

C) for                        

D) in

2. What are you looking …?  

– I am looking … the photo on the wall.

A) at                 

B) for                        

C) out                        

D) through

3. I like my kitten and always look … it.

A) out                

B) for                        

C) at                        

D) after

4. I get … very early every day.

A) on                

B) up                         

C) off                        

D) away

5. An old women got ...  the car and went into the shop.

A) on                

B) off                         

C) with                        

D) to

6. Whose name is Tom?

A) his                        

B) we                        

C) them                        

D) you

7. How many classes do you have on Thursday?

A) five                        

B) Russian                

C) at 8                                

D) in the afternoon

8.  What is your favorite color?

A) many                

B) pink                        

C) big and clever                

D) nowhere

9. How much water do we have?

A) many                

B) 8 bottles                

C) few water                        

D) at home

10. Where did you go last summer?

A) in June                

B) for three weeks        

C) to the mountains                

D) with my family

11. How long were you in the camp?

A) with my friends        

B) very good                

C) in summer                        

D) for a month

12. How … pupils are there in your class?

A) much        

B) many                

C) lot                        

D) a lot of

13. … of you is Bob Smith?

A) Who        

B) Whose                

C) Which                

D) What

14.  … there many lessons on Friday?

A) Do                

B) Is                        

C) How                

D) Are

15. … you have many friends?

A) Do                

B) Does                

C) Are                        

D) Is

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания для проведения школьной олимпиады среди 5х классов

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) – ложные.

My clothes

        I like trousers and jeans. I don’t like shirts but I like T-shirts and sweaters. I also like baseball caps. My favourite colours are blue and red.

        At school I usually wear my black trousers or blue jeans, and a T-shirt or sweater. I’ve got a lot of T-shirts. My favourite T-shirt is blue with a picture of a tiger on it. I usually wear trainers. I’ve got some black shoes, but I don’t like them.

        At the moment I’m wearing blue jeans, a red and blue sweater and my new trainers. I really love my new trainers!

  1. Martin likes jeans. ___
  2. He doesn’t like sweaters. ___
  3. His favourite colours are blue and green. ___
  4. He usually wears green trousers at school. ___
  5. His favourite T-shirt is black. ___
  6. He doesn’t like his black shoes. ___

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словами. Одно слово лишнее. В начале дан пример (0).


big     comfortable       tidy      light      hot       new      quiet

My dream house isn’t old – it’s (0)new. And it isn’t dark – there are lots of windows, so all the rooms are very (1)____ . And it isn’t noisy – my house is in the countryside, and it’s very (2)____ . My bed is very (3)___ , so I sleep very well. My house is never untidy – it’s always (4)___. And, of course, my house isn’t small – it’s very (5)___!

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях правильной формой глагола to have, выразив утверждение или отрицание.

  1. They like animals. They ______ a dog and two cats.
  2. We don’t watch TV. We ________ a television.
  3. She has a sister, but she __________ a brother.
  4. I _________ a CD player, but I don’t have a Walkman.
  5. He walks to school. He ___________ a bike.
  6. That’s my mobile phone. It _______ a silver cover.
  7. He _________ sandwich, but he doesn’t have a drink.
  8. My house _________ a garden.
  9. My grandparents  ___________ grey hair.
  10. Danny can’t use the Internet, he ___________ a computer.    


Your score


18 -15

14 -12


Your mark






Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 5 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1.  … did you go last summer?

A) When                

B) Where                

C) How                        

D) Why

2. … is your brother? – A student.

A) What                

B) Who                

C) When                        

D) Why

3. … is your friend?  - Nick is.

A) Which                  

B) Why                

C) Where                          

D) Who

4. … old is your dad?

A) Why                

B) When                

C) How                         

D) How much

5. … do you usually get up? – At 7.30.

A) Where                

B) Why                

C) When                        

D) Whose

6. … friends do you have?

A) How much                

B) How long                

C) How                          

D) How many

7. … bread do we have at home?

A) How much                

B) How many                

C) How                        

D) How long

8. Where are you going, Alice? – I am going … school.

A) at                

B) to                         

C) on                        

D) off

9. Yesterday I was … home the whole day.

A) at                 

B) on                        

C) to                        

D) –

10. Usually I go to school … foot.

A) by                

B) of                        

C) off                        

D) on

11. My Granny is ill and I take care … her.

A) of                 

B) off                        

C) on                        

D) with

12. Put … your coat, Nick, it is cold outside!

A) off                

B) up                        

C) on                        

D) down

13. Who discovered America?

A) Magellan        

B) Columbus                

C) Cook                

D) the Vikings

14. When was America discovered?

A) in 1555        

B) in 1856                

C) in 1666                

D) in 1492

15. Who were first settlers in the North America?

A) the English                

B) the  Russian                

C) the Germans                

D) the Irish

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 6 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. America … by Christopher Columbus.

A) was discovered        

B) has discovered                

C) discovered                

D) is discovering

2. This letter … with the pencil.

A) writing                

B) is written                        

C) written                

D) has written

3. Whom this novel … by?

A) writing                

B) was written                

C) written                

D) has written

4. The rooms … and looked tidy.

A) were cleaning        

B) cleaned                        

C) were cleaned        

D) are cleaning

5. The supper … by mother for tomorrow party.

A) made                

B) making                        

C) will be made        

D) was made

6. The box is so heavy that it … by 5 men.

A) are carried                

B) carried                        

C) was carrying        

D) is carried

7. How many classes do you have on Thursday?

A) five                        

B) Russian                

C) at 8                                

D) in the afternoon

8.На картинке изображено:

A) the London Eye        

B) Big Ben        

C) Hyde park        

D) the Tower of London

9. How much water do we have?

A) many                

B) 8 bottles                

C) few water                        

D) at home

10. Where did you go last summer?

A) in June                

B) for three weeks        

C) to the mountains                

D) with my family

11. How long were you in the camp?

A) with my friends        

B) very good                

C) in summer                        

D) a month


12. When are you going to the cinema?

A) last month                

B) with my mom        

C) a good film                        

D) next week

13. How many Houses arte there in the Houses of Parliament in Great Britain?

A) 2                        

B) 3                        

C) 4                                

D) 5

14. Who is the Head of the state in the UK?

A) the Prime Minister        

B) the Parliament        

C) the Queen                        

D) the people

15. Who is the Head of the Commonwealth?

A) the President of the USA        

B) The British Queen  

C) the Prime Minister         

D) the Senate

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 7 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. This coat … much.

A) isn’t wearing        

B) isn’t worn                        

C) hasn’t worn                

D) doesn’t wear

2. The ground … with snow in winter.

A) will cover                

B) will be covering                

C) is covered                

D) will covered

3. … hands ... well?

A) is washed                

B) are washing                        

C) washed                

D) are washed

4. This house … last year.

A) was built                

B) was building                

C) is built                

D) was build

5. This text ... by Friday.

A) translated                

B) must translated                

C) must be translate        

D) must be translated

6. Where tickets …?

A) were sold                

B) selling                        

C) are selling                

D) are selled

7. I knew that she … in hospital.

A) was                        

B) has been                

C) is                        

D) had been

8. I knew that she … in hospital the week before.

A) was                        

B) has been                

C) is                        

D) had been

9. I know that she … in hospital.

A) was                        

B) has been                

C) is                        

D) had been

10. I know that she … in hospital last week.

A) was                        

B) has been                

C) is                        

D) had been

11. I know that she just … in hospital.

A) was                        

B) has been                

C) is                        

D) had been

12. He thought she …

A) is sleeping                

B) was sleeping        

C) has slept                

D) had been sleeping

13. He thinks  she …

A) is sleeping                

B) was sleeping        

C) has slept                

D) had been sleeping

14. The Government of the USA has … branches.

A) 3                        

B) 4                        

C) 2                        

D) 5

15. … is the Head of the USA.

A) the President        

B) the Prime Minister                

C) the Senate        

D) the Congress

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 8 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. Do you know that  … tomato is a berry not a vegetable.

A) a                        

B) an                        

C) the                        


2. I have ... pet. It is … kitten. … kitten is so lovely!

A) a; a; the                

B) a; a; a                

C) the; the; the                

D) the; a; the

3. When will we go … home?

A) a                        

B) an                        

C) the                        

D) –

4. I live in … street which is … oldest in our town.

A) the; a                 

B) the; the                

C) a; a                          

D) a; the

5. … Pacific ocean is … biggest on … Earth.

A) a; a; the                

B) a; a; a                

C) the; the; the                

D) the; a; the

6. Which river is longer - … Volga or … Nile?

A) -; -                

B) the; the                

C) a; a                          

D) a; the

7. The Don often …“Father Don”.

A) is called                

B) called                        

C) calling                

D) was calling

8. Whom … this composition by?

A) written                

B) is writing                        

C) was written                

D) wrote

9. The work … next week.

A) is done                

B) will be doing                

C) will be done        

D) will do

10. This coat … much.

A) isn’t wearing        

B) isn’t worn                        

C) hasn’t worn                

D) doesn’t  wear

11. The ground … with snow in winter.

A) will cover                

B) will be covering                

C) is covered                

D) will covered

12. There are … state languages in Canada.

A) two                        

B) one                                

C) three                

D) four

13. The capital of Canada is …

A) Quebec                

B) Washington                

C) Montreal                

D) Ottawa

14. Lake Baikal is the … lake on the Earth.

A) widest                

B) coldest                        

C) deepest                

D) warmest

15. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom.

A) two                        

B) three                        

C) four                        

D) five

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 9 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. We hoped that they … this problem.

A) will solve                

B) solve                

C) is solving                

D) would solve

2. We hope that they … this problem

A) will solve                

B) solve                

C) is solving                

D) would solve

3. They say that the ozone layer … gradually.

A) is destructing        

B) destruct                

C) was destructing        

D) destructed

4. They say that the ozone layer … by people’s activities.

A) is destructing        

B) destruct                

C) was destructing        

D) is destructed

5. They were sure that those pesticides … the soil.

A) were ruined                

B) ruined                

C) ruin                        

D) are ruining

6. They consider that those pesticides … the soil.

A) were ruined                

B) ruined                

C) ruin                        

D) are ruining

7. They were afraid that those fertilizers … the soil.

A) would damage        

B) damage                

C) are damaging        

D) damages

8. They are afraid that those fertilizers … the soil.

A) would damage        

B) damage                

C) are damaging        

D) damages

9. The scientists told them that the reproductive cells …

A) had been destructed        

B) will destruct        

C) would destruct        

D) are destructed

10. The scientists warn them that the reproductive cells …

A) had been destructed        

B) will destruct        

C) destruct        

D) will be destructed

11. Do you know … capital of …Hungary?

A) the ; -                

B) the ; he                

C) a; a                          

D) a; the

12. … England is one of … four parts of … United Kingdom.

A) -; the; the                

B) -; -; the                

C) the; the; the                

D) the; a; the

13. Until the middle of the 19 century was used as a prison.

A) Great Britain        

B) Australia                          

C) Canada                

D) Russia

14. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom.

A) two                        

B) three                        

C) four                        

D) five

15. Its emblem is the red rose.

A) England                

B) Ireland                              

C) Scotland                

D) Wales

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 10 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. Would you mind my … the window?

A) to open                

B) open                

C) opened                

D) opening

2. Where would you rather … your holidays?

A) to spend                

B) spend                

C) spending                

D) spent

3. Why not … to the party tonight?

A) go                        

B) to go                  

C) going                

D) went

4. We are going hiking! What about … us?

A) join                        

B) to join                

C) joining                

D) joined

5. Since when ... you … here?

A) have … lived                

B) have ... been living                

C) did … live        

D) do … live

6. The main ports are Dublin and Cork.

A) Great Britain        

B) The Republic of Ireland      

C) India                

D) Australia

7. Is known for its social system of castes.

A) Great Britain        

B) New Zealand                  

C) India                

D) Australia

8. There are two state languages there – English and French.

A) Canada                

B) Australia                          

C) India                

D) New Zealand

9. There is Lake Eyre which is 12 metres below the sea-level.

A) Great Britain        

B) The Republic of Ireland      

C) India                

D) Australia

10. “Yield the pedestrian!”  

A) Пешеход, пропусти машину!

B) Внимание, пешеход!

C) Подчиняйся пешеходу!

D) Внимание пешеходам!

11. The Tube:

A) подземный переход

B) подвал

C) пешеходный туннель

D) метро в Лондоне

12. What is amber light?

A) желтый свет светофора

B) янтарь

C) украшение на елку

D) лампочка желтого цвета

13. Translate it: “Jump the red light”

A) прыгать при  свете красной лампочки

B) ехать на красный свет

C) танцевать на дискотеке

D) пересечь красную ленточку

14. Translate it: “Motor coach”

A) тренер по вождению

B) тренер по мотогонкам

C) междугородний автобус

D) раздвижной диван

15. Translate it: “Shoot a film”

A) фильм со стрельбой

B) снимать фильм

C) запрещать фильм

D) сногсшибательный фильм

Предварительный просмотр:


НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ этот документ для проведения олимпиад!

Этот документ содержит только ОБРАЗЦЫ типовых заданий олимпиад для ознакомления. Задания для олимпиад проекта «Инфоурок»

станут доступны в Вашем личном кабинете на сайте infourok.ru в разделе «Мои заявки»

Английский язык, 11 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

1. I don’t … your helping me.

A) mind        

B) object                

C) object to                

D) insist

2. Would you … to book the tickets?

A) mind        

B) like                        

C) choose                

D) persist

3. I haven’t decided yet what college … .

A) enter        

B) entering                

C) entered                

D) to enter

4. He is supposed … as soon as he arrives.

A) calling        

B) call                        

C) to call                  

D) called

5. What is a track-and-field?

A) охота

B) легкая атлетика

C) работа в поле

D) пересечение поля

6. What is a Jack of all trades?

A) мастер на все руки

B) торговец

C) ловкач

D) ремесленник

7. What is a fencing?

A) строительство забора

B) огораживание территории

C) фехтование

D) защита

8. What is calisthenics?

A) художественная гимнастика

B) заболевание

C) научное знание

D) вид насекомых

9. Translate it: “Have green fingers”

A) быть хорошим художником

B) быть хорошим огородником

C) быть плохим художником

D) быть завистливым

10. Translate it: “Couch potato”

A) лежебока

B) испорченный картофель

C) печеный картофель

D) сорт картофеля

11. The pollution of soil … the amount of available lands.

A) reduces                        

B) had reduced        

C) reduce        

D) would reduce

12. He warned them that the pollution of soil … the amount of available lands.        

A) reduces                        

B) had reduced        

C) reduce        

D) would reduce

13. It was founded by the Dutch colonists – the Boers.

A) New Zealand        

B) Australia                          

C) Canada                

D) The Republic of South Africa

14. The main river is the St. Laurence River.

A) Great Britain        

B) Australia                          

C) Canada                

D) New Zealand

15. There are two state languages there – English and French.

A) Canada                

B) Australia                          

C) India                

D) New Zealand

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада школьников 9-11 классов по английскому языку

2007-2008 учебный год

Отборочный тур

PART 1                                         READING

Task 1                                       Multiple choice

You are going to read  an extract about The Salesman . For questions 1-7, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

        The Salesman

Henry Leech was a salesman. He sold vacuum cleaners. He was a good salesman and he sold lots of vacuum cleaners. One week the manager sent Henry into the countryside. He drove out of town and stopped at a farmhouse. He knocked at the door and the farmer’s wife opened the door. Henry started talking immediately.

“Madam, how much time do you spend sweeping the floor of this house?’

“ A  lot of time. This is a farm. The floors get dirty quickly,” she replied.

“And how much time do you spend beating the carpets?”

“A lot of time.  My husband always forgets to take off his boots.”

“And how much time do you spend cleaning the sofa and the armchairs?”

“A  lot of time. The dog always sits on them,” she replied.

Henry smiled at the farmer’s wife and said,

“ Madam, this is your lucky day. I am going to show you something that will change your life.”

Henry showed her his vacuum cleaner and said, “You can clean the house in minutes with this machine.”

The farmer’s wife didn’t look interested. Henry took out a big bag. It was full of dirt and very small pieces of paper. He opened the bag and threw the dirt and paper over the floor and carpets of the farmhouse. The farmer’s wife was very surprised. Before she could speak, Henry said, “Madam, if this machine does not pick up all the dirt and paper, I will eat the dirt and paper.”

The farmer’s wife looked at Henry and said,

“I’ll bring you the spoon. We do not have electricity in a house.”


1. What did  Henry Leech sell ?

A. books

B. vacuum cleaners

C. frigs

D. TV-sets

2. Who sent Henry into the countryside?  

A. Mother

B. The farmer’s husband

C. The farmer’s wife

D. the manager

3. Why did  Henry  say to the farmer’s wife ?

A. this is a funny story

B. this is your funny day

C. this is your lucky day

D. this is a horrid story

4. According to the writer, Henry started talking……

A. quickly

B. with difficulty

C. calmly

D. immediately.

5. According to the writer, the farmer’s wife didn’t look …..

A. charming

B. sociable

C. interested

D. sad

6. What was Henry going to show to the farmer’s wife?

A. the window seat

B. a mobile

C. his vacuum cleaner

D. a speaker phone

7. This extract tells us

A. about village people

B about an artist and a writer

C about a salesman

D. about a driver

Олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

2007-2008 учебный год

Отборочный тур

Task 2      Multiple matching

You are going to read extracts  from a newspaper. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part of the article (1-8). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

  1. My First Jeans
  2. Health Problems
  3. Founders of the Tetris Company
  4. Death of a clone
  5. Greek word tetra or four
  6. Original Authors of Tetris
  7. Teenagers & sportswear and play clothes
  8. The Gold Rush
  9. The Story of Jeans.





The first jeans were made in 1873 in California

 by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis.


Levi was a German who came to San Francisco during the Gold Rush.

He was a successful businessman. He sold a lot of things that gold miners needed.

Among other things gold miners needed strong clothes for their work.


At first miners’ work pants were made of canvas.

But the miners complained that the pants were uncomfortable. Later denim was used.

This material felt comfortable, it was strong, practical and perfect for work clothes.

“Jean” was a material made in Europe .It got its name from sailors in Genoa, Italy because their clothes were made from it. Before the 1960 jeans were called overalls. The name “jeans’ was given to them by teenagers who turned jeans into sportswear and play clothes.


The name Tetris come from the Greek word tetra or four. Tetris is a computer puzzle game in which various shapes each made of four squares fall down a well.

When the well fills up the game ends.


Tetris first appeared in Russia around 1985 and was never patented.

The original authors of Tetris were Alexey Pazhitnov, Dmitry Pavlovsky and Vadim Gerasimov.


Computer engineers A. Pazhitnov and D. Pavlovsky worked together at the Computer Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A. Pazhitnov had already published and sold several psychology based games. D. Pavlovsky had written several computer games by that time.

High school student V. Gerasimov who was only sixteen at the time, had just written a programme for MS DOS when he joined the group.

It was A. Pazhitnov who first designed the Tetris game.

A. Pazhitnov and Henk Rogers later founded the Tetris Company.


On Friday February 14, 2003 Dolly the sheep died. Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. She was created by the Roslin Institute, a research centre in Scotland. Dolly became internationally famous in 1997 when she was shown to the public seven months after her birth. It was considered one of the most significant scientific achievements of the decade. But many people believed that it was unethical to clone a living being. Dolly became a symbol of the promise, or threat, of cloning.


During her six years of life, Dolly suffered from different health problems. When she was young she was overweight. She had arthritis at the age of five, a fact that suggested she was getting old very quickly. Before she died, scientists discovered that Dolly had a lung disease. They took the decision to put her down. She was six years old. Many normal sheep live to twelve years of age.

Dolly had four baby sheep before she died. All four of them are still in good health. Dolly will be stuffed and put on display in the National Museum of Scotland.

Олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

2007-2008 учебный год

Отборочный тур

PART 2                                            USE OF ENGLISH

Tаsk 1/3                                         Word  formation        

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10.




Russia was active in the northwestern part of North America from 1741, when Vitus Bering made his second voyage, until 1867, when Russian America, thereafter called Alaska, was  __________________ to the United States.

             A  SELLER


Much of the history of that period has yet to be written. In particular, there is a lack of biographical__________________. The population of pre-1867 Alaska was small, but during the Russian period many able and gifted individuals served there 



            TO    INFORM


These included administrators, seafarers, physicians, __________________, and churchmen. Yet, today, with few exceptions, most of these are unknown. Of the administrators, Grigorii Shelikhov (1747-1795) is well-known for founding the first Russian colony at Three Saints Bay on Kodiak Island, in 1784, and laying* the groundwork of the Russian-American Company, established in 1799 Aleksander Baranov (1746-1819) is famous for his nearly three decades of rule in Alaska. 





He moved the __________________ center from Three Saints Bay to Paul's Harbor (Kodiak), founded Sitka in 1799, and after its destruction by the Tlingit in 1802, retook it in 1804 and made it his capital.  

         A    COLONY


He sent parties of Russian and Aleut hunters along the coasts for lucrative sea otter pelts, made __________________  with American shipmasters, tried to develop trade with China, the Philippines, the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands, and Chile, and in 1812 directed the founding of Fort Ross, in California.  

             A  DEALER


Only misfortune and lack of support __________________  him from establishing Russian dominion on the Pacific coast: with so firm a footing that it might have made the map of western North America much different than it is today.



But who followed Baranov? H. H. Bancroft, Clarence Andrews, Hector Chevigny and other writers mention several of Baranov's __________________  and describe some of the events of their terms of office, but tell little about the men themselves. Yet, since they were in supreme command, they all played important roles. They consolidated what Baranov had won and laid the foundation of modern Alaska.



Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров B11 – B16 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B11 – B16.



A -----------(standing) children's theatre — these words sound unusual for a European or American. Throughout the world, performances for little children are usually given by individual companies gathered for one season, or by „adult" theatres which prepare special performances for young audiences.


       TO  STAND


Russia and other countries that have emerged in place of the ex-USSR are_------------------- . The world's first standing children's theatre was opened in Moscow way back in 1918. It was called „The Theatre of Puppets, Marionettes and Chinese Shadows". It had its own building, its own permanent troupe of actors, and technical personnel.



The theatre was founded by Natalya Sats, who ------------- all her life to acquainting children with art. Later she opened four more children's theatres, including, the Children's Music Theatre in Moscow, now named after her. After the first children's theatres were opened, an idea arose to open a theatrical museum. However, this idea was realized only six decades later — a unique museum, the only one of its kind, was opened in a small building in the middle of Maryina Roshcha Park in Moscow.



The State Museum of Children's Theatres remains almost unknown to the public at large. More and more items are being added to its rich ------------ of sketches of stage scenery, costumes, puppets and posters, which makes it possible to trace the entire history of Soviet theatrical art. One can see the evolution of theatrical styles, genres, and themes over time.

         TO    COLLECT


Suddenly, one realizes that the collection represents not simply the talented work of an individual, but mass consciousness — views characteristic of one period or another, because every theatre reflects the epoch in which it existed. One can feel one's ---------------with the past. One begins to understand its psychology and to look on life through the eyes of people from the past. And after that, one regards „the deeds of days of other years" — which formerly seemed strange, naive and wrong — in a different way.



Unfortunately, far from everyone can see the entire collection of the museum. The lack of space prevents the museum from displaying all its------------, and from admitting all those interested. One must file a special application to be admitted to the museum. Every 45 days exhibits at the museum are changed.




Fortunately, the museum is to move to a new, larger building in downtown Moscow. The Moscow authorities have already allotted a plot of land for the------------------. The design for the new building has already been produced, and investors have been discovered.



Олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

2007-2008 учебный год

Отборочный тур

Task 2/4                                                           Multiple choice

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 – А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Novosibirsk, the largest Siberian city, arose on the crossroads of two great routes — the Ob waterway and the Trans-Siberian railway. This was the site A22 for a railway bridge across the Ob river by an outstanding Russian engineer and writer Garin-Mikhailovsky. A settlement that sprang up here in 1893 during the years of construction developed into a small town, named Novonikolayevsk. In 1925 the town was A23 - --------------Novosibirsk.

In 1993 Novosibirsk celebrated its hundredth anniversary, and there are not many cities in the world that grow up as rapidly as our city. Today it covers an area of 480 square kms, and is the third largest city in Russia after Moscow and St.Petersburg. The birth of its millionth citizen was celebrated in 1965. It now has A24 -a----------of over 1,500,000.

Novosibirsk is a major industrial, cultural, trade, scientific and educational A25 _-------_in Siberia. Dozens of factories and plants have been built to produce heavy machine-tools, powerful generators, TV-sets and radio-parts, farm machinery, various apparatus, etc.

„Complex" is the best word to describe the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1956 academicians M. Lavrentyev, S. Sobolev, A. Trofimuk and other leading scientists readily responded to set up in Siberia foreposts of modern science. Soon construction was begun some 25 A26 ---------from Novosibirsk, in the pinewood and birch coppices spreading along the shore of the man-made Ob sea. This was a daring A27 _--------------_____. Never before had people of science moved so quickly to developing regions. Siberia assigns to the scientists so many tasks, opens so many new vistas that only a complex of researches in many fields can cope with them. Between 1958 and 1968 the Siberian branch developed many large subdivisions with research centres of their own. They extended research centers in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Yakutsk and Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Chukotka, and Kamchatka. The Academic Centre in Novosibirsk studies a wider range of problems. Twenty institutes have been A28 _-------- here, including a computer center, specialised design offices, a university, a botanic garden, and a large technical library.
































































Олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

2007-2008 учебный год

Отборочный тур


PART 3                                WRITING

Task 1/5.            This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

  … I’ve never been really slim, so when I started school I was worried about PE. We did badminton and volleyball, which were OK, but I still felt uncomfortable. At first I didn’t like putting on my sports kit in front of the other girls in the changing room, but after a few weeks it was OK.

Then we started gymnastics. I really hated it and my teacher, Miss Bell, made me worse.

Last week one by one my classmates jumped over the horse. Then it was my turn. It was really high and I was scared. I couldn’t move. Miss Bell laughed at me and joked, “Hurry up, Fatty!” It was terrible. I ran out of the gym. My face was red and I was crying. I don’t know what to do about PE now.


Write back soon.



Write back to Joanna answering her questions.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Лист ответов участника _____________________________________________

                                                                (фамилия, имя, класс, № школы, район)

Task 1











Task 2











Task 3




B 11/


           B 5/


B 12/


B 6/


B 13/


B 7/


B 14/


            B 8/


B 15/


B 9/


             B 16/


            B 10/

Task 4












Your answer to your pen-pal:


Лист ответов участника _____________________________________________

                                                                (фамилия, имя, класс, № школы, район)

Task 1











Task 2











Task 3














Task 4












Your answer to your pen-pal:


Предварительный просмотр:




МОУДОД ЦДОД «Малая академия»


г. Краснодар ул. Чапаева, 85/1

тел. /факс  255-52-64

Школьный этап всероссийской  олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку

2011-2012 учебный год

7-8 класс

задания подготовлены муниципальной предметно – методической комиссией

председатель  ПМК: Ломия Л.А.


Forms 7-8

  1. Read the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order.

The teenager who changed world history

  1. Franz Ferdinand was the direct cause of the First World War, which started the same year, and which resulted in the deaths of nine million soldiers. The war ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles, which was very unfavourable to Germany. This, in turn, resulted in Germany going to war again in 1939, a war in which approximately 60,000,000 people around the world lost their lives.
  2. For example, do you know who Gavrilo Princip was? Probably not. He was a Serb, born in Bosnia in 1894 and was one of nine children, six of whom died when they were very young. Gavrilo's health was also very bad and he suffered from tuberculosis. He studied in Belgrade where he spent most of his time with nationalists who wanted a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. He died when he was just 24 years old.
  3. The Second World War ended with the Treaty of Yalta in 1945 which led to the division of Eastern Europe, which eventually led to the conflict in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Possibly no other person has had so much impact on world history over the last century than the sickly teenager, Gavrilo Princip.
  4. History tells us about famous leaders, Kings and Queens, but what about the great changes which have been caused by one small act carried out by a relatively unknown person?
  5. So why is he so important? Well, Gavrilo Princip is the boy who, at the age of 19, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Franz Ferdinand was going to be the next Austro-Hungarian emperor and the nationalists wanted their country to be independent from the empire. After shooting and killing the Archduke in his car, Gavrilo was captured by the police and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. But he died in prison of tuberculosis in 1918.

  1. Read the text and choose the best possible answer to the questions given below 

In the 1400s, merchants and traders from Europe travelled long distances to the east by land and by sea. They exchanged, bought, and sold things to people in Asia. Merchants from Italy, Spain, and Portugal travelled to Asia to buy such things as jewels, gold, tea, and silk. They also bought salt and spices that were necessary to preserve food. The trade route back and forth to Asia by land was very long and difficult. On the sea, ships had to travel all the way around Africa. It was a long and dangerous trip.

An Italian sea captain and mapmaker named Christopher Columbus believed that there was an easier way to travel to Asia from Europe. In the 1400s, many people believed that the world was flat! They believed that ships would fall off the earth if they travelled too far west. Columbus believed that he could travel west across the Atlantic Ocean and arrive in Asia. He believed the world was round. Many people laughed at Columbus, but the queen of Spain believed Columbus was correct. She gave him money, ships, and men. He went to look for a faster trade route to Asia.

In 1492, Columbus travelled across the Atlantic Ocean with three ships. After about 30 days, he reached a land. He thought he had arrived in India. In fact, he had really found Islands of North America. Columbus showed the world's people that the Earth was not flat! He opened up a «New World» for exploration, for trade, and for settlement.

When Columbus reached the islands of North America, he thought he was in India. He called the people on island Indians. Of course, they were not Indians.

They were Native Americans whose ancestors had migrated from Asia thousands of years ago. Millions of Native Americans lived in the Americas. They lived in many beautiful cities in over 2,000 separate and advanced societies. Many of these societies were attacked and totally destroyed by the Spanish and Portuguese who came after Columbus in the 1500s. These explorers came to find gold and other riches. They came to take new land for their countries. They killed the Native Americans, stole their women, their gold, their land, and their possessions. These explorers became rich and powerful. Spain and Portugal controlled all of the people and land in what are now the southern and western parts of the United States and all of Mexico, Central America, and South America. France and England also controlled land in North America.

  1. Merchants and traders from Europe travelled long


  1. to the west by sea and by land;
  2. to the west by air and by see;
  3. to the east by sea and by land;
  4. to the east by land and by air.
  1. The trade route to Asia by land was:
  1. very time-consuming and hard;
  2. very short and easier said than done;
  3. very protracted and intricate;
  4. very extensive and wide.
  1. In the 1400s, many people believed that:

a) the earth was flat;        

b) the globe was unexciting;

c) the planet was smooth;

d) the world was routine.

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that Columbus

believed that:

  1. the moon was round;
  2. the earth was rotating;
  3. the humanity was ill;
  4. the planet was round.
  1. Among the people who didn't laugh at Columbus was:
  1. the queen of Britain;
  2. the principal of Spain;
  3. the sovereign of Spain;
  4. the king of France.
  1. The passage implies that Columbus travelled across:
  1. the Atlantic Ocean with three vessels;
  2. the Athlantic Ocean with three ships;
  3. the Pacific Ocean with three boats;
  4. the Atlantic Ocean with three dispatches.
  1. Columbus thought he was:

a) in America;        

b) in Asia;

c) in China;        

d) in India.

  1. The word «ancestors» in line 33 may best stand for:

a) successors;        

b) descendants;

c) predecessors;        

d) inheritors.

  1. The explorers killed the Native Americans:
  1. stole their woman, their gold, their land, and their wealth;
  2. stole their women, their gold, their territory, and their things;
  3. stole their men, their gold bars, their land, and their possessions;
  4. stole their women, their gold, their terrain, and their gods.

10. Spain and Portugal controlled what are now:

  1. the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and South America;
  2. the United States, South America, Mexico, and Central America;
  3. the United States, Panama, Central America, and South America;
  4. the United States, Central Africa, Mexico, and South America.

  1. Read the text about an “Inexcusable mistake” and do the task.

Inexcusable Mistake

One day a young gentleman accompanied by1 his man-servant entered a jeweller's2 shop in Royal Street in London. The gentleman wore his right arm in a sling3. He began to examine a couple of rings to the value of one thousand pounds. He wanted to pay for the rings at once, but realized that he had left his wallet4 at home.

«Peter», he said to his servant, «take the car, drive back home and tell my wife to send me the money at once».

He asked the jeweller for a sheet of paper to write a note to his wife. But as he started writing, he couldn't manage to do it because it was too painful for him.

«Would you kindly help me»? he asked the jeweller. «I can't write it myself».

Jeweller agreed to help. At the dictation of the gentleman he wrote: “Please send me a thousand pounds via bearer5. Your husband George».

«You don't say so»! exclaimed the jeweller. «My name is George, too». «Oh», replied the gentleman, «Glad to hear that». He gave a letter to his servant and stayed at the shop to wait for the money.

They waited for a long time. At last the gentleman said: «I must go home and see what has happened. Keep the rings please, tomorrow I'll buy them».

When jeweller came home in the evening, he told his wife about strange incident in his shop.

«I can't understand one thing», told his wife. «Why did you send home for a thousand pounds»? And she showed him a note. The jeweller recognized his own handwriting and fainted6.

Accompained by1 -  сопровождаемый;  jeweller2 – ювелир; in a sling3 – на перевязи; wallet4 – бумажник, кошелёк; via bearer5 – через подателя (письма); faint6 – падать в обморок

Say if the sentence is true or false:

  1. The jeweller's shop was situated in Baker Street.
  2. A young gentleman accompanied by his man-servant entered the jeweller's shop one morning.
  3. The gentleman wore his left arm in a sling.
  4. He began to examine a couple of rings to the value of one thousand dollars.
  5. He wished to pay for the rings at once.
  6. He said he had left his wallet at home.
  7. The gentleman wrote a note to his wife with the request to give him money.
  8. The gentleman started writing but found it difficult and the jeweller offered his help.
  9. They waited for a long time, but the servant didn't appear.
  10. The jeweller said he had to go home.

Предварительный просмотр:

                                        Тест №1                

Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0):

  1. the;  b. a(an);  c.0
  1. Open…door, please.
  2. There is… picture on page 20.
  3. There are… flowers on the table.
  4. Where is…your plan?    
  5. What colour are …walls in your room?
  6. Are those… English books?              


 Выберите  правильные предлоги (отсутствие предлога обозначается знаком 0):

  1. Why are standing in the in the corridor? Come …, please.
  1. in;  b. into;  c. out of;  d.0
  1. Who is …duty today?

a.  of; b. in; c. on; d. for

  1. I am fond of listening… these records.

a. 0; b. in; c. on; d. in

  1. …what language are you speaking?

a. at;  b. 0 ; c. on; d. in

  1.  There is a picture …the sofa.

a. round;  b. in ; c. on;  d. over

  1.   There are a lot of flowers… the building of our institute.

a. around ;  b. after;  c. for ; d. with

  1.  Mary is writing… chalk on the blackboard.

a .for;  b. with ; c. around ; d. of

  1. The  desk is …the wall.

a. in; b. with ; c. on; d. at

  1.   Tom is giving… me the book.

a. to ;b.0 ; c. for ; d. after

  1.   They are not showing any designs…us.

a. for ; b. into; c. 0 ; d. to


Выберите правильный глагол:

  1. is ;  b. are;  c. am;  d. was

  1.   There… ten pens and a magazine on the table.
  2.   There …many cars in front of the house.
  3.   Who…speaking?
  4.   What… you doing?
  5.   I…very sorry.
  6.   Our class…over.

Выберите необходимые модальные глаголы:

  1. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I…read without glasses.                                                      a. Can not ;  b. may not ; c. won’t able to
  2. The police, fire-fighters, newspaper reporters…work on holiday in the USA.

a.  could; b. might;  c. must

  1. …you…get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?                                                                                                   a. Did…have to ; b. Had…to ; c. Have had
  2.  … you like a cup of coffee?

a. Should ; b. Would;  c. Could

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1.   There are (мало) foreign students in our institute.

a. few;  b. many;  c. some; d. a lot of

  1.   Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the ground floor.

a. my;  b. me; c. mine; d. I

  1.   Whose map is this? It’s (его).

а. him; b. his;  c. he; d. hers

  1.   Give me ( какой-нибудь) magazine, please.

а. few ; b. some; c.a few;  d. anything

  1.   Their institute is in N. street, (наш) is in centre of the city.

a. our;  b. we; c. ours; d. us

  1.   Say it(повторите), please.

a. again;  b. through ; c. to;  d. only

  1.   Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him;  b. his;  c. her;  d. he

  1.   (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he;  b. his;  c him ; d. her

  1.  (Ее)  parents are pensioners.

a. his;   b. she;  c. she;  d. their

  1.  Tom  is telling (нам) about  his work.

a. them;  b. we; c. our; d. us

  1. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they;   b. their; c. them; d. us

  1. The  room is big, but (ее) windows are not large.

a. their; b. its; c. her;  d. our

  1. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

a. a few  b. many c. much d. a little

  1. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons

a. my;  b. our;  c. his; d. her

  1.  (Почему) are you late?

a. Why;  b. Because; c. who;  d. what

  1.  (Их) children are at home.

a. them;  b. their;  c. they;  d. our

  1.   His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).

a. them; b. their;  c. they; d. him

Выберите слова, противоположные по значению(антонимы):

  1.   busy( a. free; b. white;  c. comfortable)
  2.   to give(a. to put;  b. to take;  c. to show)
  3.    low( a. comfortable; b. high;  c. modern)
  4.   to stand up( a. to sit;  b. to sit down;  c. to stand)
  5.   to be over( a. to begin;  b. to say again;  c. to be late)
  6.  there ( a. in front of; b. here;  c. around)
  7.   much ( a. a lot of; b. little;  c. few)
  8.   small ( a. many;  b. a few; c. little)
  9.   many  ( a. much; b. a few; c. little)

Для следующих предложений выберите английские эквиваленты:

  1.   В книжном шкафу много английских книг.

        a. There are a few English books in the bookcase.

 b. The English books are in the bookcase.

         c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.

  1. В нашем городе нет заводов.

         a. There are some plants in our town.

         b. There are not any plants in our town.

                  c. Those plants are not in our town.

  1.  Не  выходите, пожалуйста.

  a.  Come in, please.

          b.  Don’t go out, please.

          c.   Let’ go out.


  1.   Давайте  ответим на их вопросы.                                                                        a.  Let’ answer their questions                                                                        b. Don’t answer their questions.                                                                        c. We are not answering their questions.        
  2.    Пусть  она отошлет письмо своему брату.                                                        a.  Let’s send her a letter from her brother.                                                        b. Let her send a letter to her brother.                                                                c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.                                                        
  3. О чем они говорят?                                                                                        a. What book  are they speaking about?                                                                b. Are         they speaking English?                                                                        c. What are they speaking about?        

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. Who speaks English in your family? I…                                                                                           a. have  b. do  c. am
  2. When…you buy the new TV set?

a. did b. were  c. are

61.   We…never been to London

        a. had b. were  c. have

62.   …your  friend like to watch TV in the evening?                                                                    

         a.  do  b. does  c. is                                                                        

63.   What are you doing?  I…reading a book.                                                                a. was b. am c. shall

64.   Many new buildings… built  in our town last year.                                                        a. had   b. are  c. were

65. The letter … sent tomorrow.                                                                                a. will  be  b. has  c. will

66.  I… Nick today.                                                                                                a.  haven’t seen  b. hadn’t been  c. didn’t see

67.  Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? Yes, I…                                

a. were  b. did  c. was

68.  When we came into the hall, they … this problem.                                                        a. were discussing  b. discussed  c. have discussed

69.  We … from the institute in five years.                                                                a. have graduate  b. graduate  c. shall graduate                                

70.   Don’t go out. It… hard.                                                                                a. is raining  b. was raining  c. rains

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Ваша семья маленькая?
  2. Он лучший студент в нашей группе
  3. Мой друг работает в школе.
  4. Погода вчера была плохая.
  5. Он вернется в понедельник.
  6. Когда мы вошли в комнату, он читал книгу.
  7. Можно я возьму вашу ручку?
  8. На том столе нет цветов.










Тест №2

Выберите  правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0) :

  1. a(an) ;   b. the;  c.  0
  1. I have… lot of English books.
  2. His father is…old.
  3. She is …architect.
  4. My brothers are…doctors.
  5. I am… artist.
  6. These are…nice ties.
  7. That is…good plan.
  8. The plans are on…table
  9. … my plates are good.

Выберите  правильные предлоги:

  1. I am very fond…sport.
  1. of;   b. with;  c. in
  1. His ties are… the box.
  1. on;  b. in; c. at
  1. The paper is…the shelf.
  1. on;  b. at;  c. in
  1. Put the plates…the table.
  1. in; b. at ; c. on

Выберите  правильные  времена  глаголов:

  1. We…take a vacation this month.
  1. is not;  b. did not;  c. shall not
  1. Probably, I…my friends  at this time.
  1. shall have visited ; b. shall be visiting;  c. have visited
  1. After the festival is over she… a vacation with her family.
  1. will take;  b. take;  c. taking

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be или to have:                                                                    a. has;   b. have;  c. is ; d. are;  e. am                                                                                                                

  1. My brother…got English magazines.
  2. …you got a flat in Moscow?
  3. I…very busy today.
  4. …the floor clean
  5. …you well?
  6. How many students…present?
  7. Who…got thin paper?

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. (Эти)  books are thin.
  1. this;   b. these;  c. that;  d. those
  1. What colour are (те) pens?
  1. that;  b. those;   c. these; d. this
  1. (Этот) house is of modern design.
  1. that;  b. these;  c. this; d. those
  1. (Это)  is our classroom.
  1.  that; b. this; c. these; d. those
  1. (Какая) book is this?
  1. that; b. this;  c. what ; d. who
  1. (Где) is your flat?
  1. Why;   b. where;  c. what;  d. colour
  1. Have you got (тонкие) notebooks?
  1. grey;  b. clean;  c. thin;  d. thick
  1. He has got (мало) friends here.
  1. many;  b. few;  c. a lot of;  d. much
  1. She has got (много) bread.
  1. few;  b. little; c. many; d. much
  1. (Сколько)  rooms has your brother got?
  1. how many;  b. how much; c. where; d. why        
  1.  (  У кого)  has clean paper?
  1. What;   b. Who;  c. Where;  d. Why
  1. What is (его)  father?
  1. her ; b. his; c. my;  d. their
  1. Where are (ee) parents?
  1.  her;  b. his ;c. their; d. its
  1. This is (их) flat.
  1. their; b. its;  c. her; d. his
  1.   What  colour are the walls in that room? (Ee)  walls are grey.
  1. her;  b. its; c. his; d. their
  1. (Наша) flat has five rooms.
  1. my ; b. his;  c. their; d. our
  1. I have (только) one brother.
  1. with ; b. also ;c. very; d. only
  1. I am (свободен) today.
  1. busy;  b. free;  c. married; d. unwell

Выберите синонимы:

  1. much (a. a lot of;  b. few ;  c. little;  d. how much)
  2.  nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. brown)
  3. big (a. large;  b. nice; c. brown; d. class)
  4. many ( a. much;  b. few; c. little ; d. large)

Выберите антонимы:

  1. old( a. young;  b. nice; c. small;  d. big)
  2. to be well (a. to be busy;  b. to be ill;  c. to be fine; d. to be married)
  3. thin ( a. thick;  b. big;  c. large; d. good)
  4. to take ( a. to give;  b. to put;  c. to open)
  5. to be present( a. to be absent;  b. to be well;  c. to be fond of)
  6. few (a. much;  b. little; c. many;  d. only)

  Выберите соответствующие смыслу выражения:

  1. Boris has no father. His father is…
  1. a worker;  b. social work;  c. absent ; d. dead
  1. Ann… sport and she spends a lot of time on it.
  1. is fond of;  b. is present;  c. is free;  d. is dead
  1. His mother is a pensioner… she is old.
  1. or;  b. but;  c. because;  d. only
  1. We have no white bread. We have only… bread.
  1. brown;  b. yellow ;  c. good; d. bad
  1. …English in class!
  1. open;  b. speak;  c. close;  d. spell

Выберите английские эквиваленты для предложений:

  1. Как поживают ваши родители?
  1. Are your parents well?
  2. Where are your parents?
  3. How are your parents?
  1. Сколько лет вашей дочери?
  1. How is your daughter?
  2. How old is your daughter?
  3. How many daughters have you got?

Выберите правильные вопросы:

  1. These are thin pencils.

a. What is this?

b.  Are these pencils thin or thick?

c.  Are these thin or thick pencils?

d.  Where are the pencils?

 60. The English books are on the shelf.

a. What books are on shelf?

b. Are those English or Russian books?

c. Is the English book on the shelf?

d. Is the shelf on the wall?

Выберите модальные глаголы:

  1.  He (должен был)  read a lot of books to make his report.
  1. Was able to  b. had to c. was allowed to
  1. I shall not (cмогу)  to go to the skating-rink with you tomorrow.
  1. Be able b. have  c. can
  1. He will ( разрешат) to go in for sports again.
  1. Be able  b. have c. be allowed
  1. You ( должны были)  finish this work two weeks ago.
  1. Had to be  b. had to  c. must be
  1. (Умеет) your brother speak English?
  1. Can  b. may c. must

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. When…you finish writing your report?
  1. Have  b. did c. are
  1. What magazine …you looking through when I came in?
  1. Did b. were  c. have
  1. The problem … discussed at our next meeting.
  1. Was b. will c. will be
  1. …it still raining?- No, the rain has already stopped.
  1. Is b. will  c. does
  1. Many new houses… built in our town at present.
  1. Were  b. were being c. are

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Эта девушка русская?- Да.
  2. Их комната больше нашей.
  3. Она не ходит туда каждое утро.
  4. Я читал эту книгу в прошлом году.
  5. Фильм будет очень интересным.
  6. Вчера он два часа рассказывал о своей поездке.
  7. Вы не должны курить здесь
  8. В вашей группе много студентов?



Тест №3

Выберите правильные предлоги:

  1. We go home…bus
  1. in b. by c. to
  1. They are going to leave… Moscow tonight.
  1. to b. for c. in
  1. The hall is full…people.
  1. of b. by c. for  
  1. Let’s listen…the new records.
  1. to b. for c. over
  1. How do you get…your office?
  1. by b. in c. to
  1. How much time do you spend...your English a day?
  1. at b. on  c. for
  1. We are very busy …weekends.
  1. out of b. at c. on
  1. The classes end… 3 o’clock.
  1. at b. in c. to
  1. You must translate this text…Russian
  1. in b. into c. for

Выберите глагол-связку или вспомогательный глагол:

  1. do b. does c. is d. are
  1. …you speak English?
  2. Where…your son study?
  3. I can’t translate this text because I …know a lot of words.
  4. Peter …not doing any sports this winter since he is unwell.
  5. When…the first spring flowers appear on the ground?
  6. …it snowing now?
  7. …it often rain in autumn?
  8. …it still dark?
  9. When …it get light in January?
  10. What hobby group…you going to join?
  11. My father …too old  to do this work.
  12. How long…it take you to get to the institute?

Выберите модальные глаголы:

  1. must  b. can c. may  d. need
  1. I am sorry. I am late. …come in?
  2. My sister studies French. She…already read and speak French a little.
  3. It is late. I…go home.
  4. Must I describe the picture? No, you…not.
  5. May I take these magazines home? No, you…not.
  6. There are no people in the hall, we…have a talk here.
  7. The weather is getting worse. It…rain.
  8. … your little daughter walk? No, she can’t. She is only eight months old.

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. My brother… home late as a rule.
  1. come b. comes c. is coming
  1. Look, your brother…home.
  1. go b. goes c. is going
  1. What are doing? I…a book.
  1. read b. reads c. am reading
  1. When do you…?
  1. get up  b. gets up c. getting up
  1. Are you …to smoke?
  1. go b. to go c. going
  1. It does not…me long to wash and dress in the morning.
  1. take b. takes c. taking
  1. Does it sometimes…in summer?
  1. snow b. snows c. snowing
  1. My sister is fond of … .
  1. skate b. skates c. skating

Какой вспомогательный глагол будет использоваться для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. is b. do c. does
  1. They usually have dinner at home.
  2. He is getting older.
  3. It often rains in spring.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. He has (больше) free time than I have.
  1. more b. most c. better
  1. (Лучше) late than never.
  1. better b. best c. worse
  1. This is the(самый удобный)  chair.
  1. more comfortable  b. most comfortable  c. less comfortable
  1. He plays tennis (хуже) than I do.
  1. better  b. worse c. worst
  1. We have(меньше) flowers than they have.
  1. less b. least c. fewer
  1. We have(меньше) white paper than we have.
  1. less b. least c. fewer
  1. Winter is the (самое холодное) season in the year.
  1. cold b. colder c. coldest
  1. Take some other books because these stories are (слишком) easy for you.
  1. much b. too c. more
  1. He( coбирается) to paint a picture
  1. is fond of b. wants  c. is going
  1. It is not (так тепло)  in autumn as  in summer.
  1. warmer than b. the warmest  c. so warm
  1. My daughter  is(гораздо моложе) than she is.
  1. less younger b. much younger  c. youngest
  1. (Необходимо) for you to help your friends.
  1. It is possible  b. Necessary  c. It is necessary

Выберите антонимы для следующих слов:

  1. short( a. long b. black c. fine)
  2. early (a. never  b. late c. long)
  3. far( a. good b. often c. near)
  4. warm( a. dark b. cool c. bad)
  5. more(a. fewer b. larger c. smaller)
  6. best( a. least b. most c. worst)
  7. to come back (a. to leave b. to attend c. to forget)
  8. always( a. never b. seldom c. often)

Выберите правильную форму недостающей части сказуемого:

  1. Foreign languages are… by us.
  1. studying b. study c. studied
  1. Many books on art…published last year.
  1. are b. was c. were
  1. She is often…in the library.
  1. saw b. seen c. sees
  1. When…you born?
  1. were b. did c. had

  1. He… waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?
  1. is b. had c. was

Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. It rained hard yesterday.
  1. does b. did c. was
  1. You have to see a doctor.
  1. are b. have c. do
  1. She often goes on business to Moscow
  1. is b. did c. does
  1. They  go to the disco on Saturdays.
  1. have b. do c. am
  1. These students combine studies and work.
  1. will b.are c. do

Переведите на английский язык:

  1. В нашей квартире три комнаты.
  2. Она не смогла написать нам письмо.
  3. Прочитайте эту статью.
  4. Она будет дома в 9 часов?- Нет.
  5. Семьи этих женщин большие?
  6. Она нечасто пишет мнею
  7. В 10 часов мы слушали радио.
  8. Я собираюсь вечером пойти к моему другу.

                                                         Тест №4

Выберите правильные предлоги:

  1. Let’s translate this article … Russian
  1. in b. into c. on
  1. Let’s listen…the latest news.
  1. for b. into c. in
  1. He gets …the institute by bus.
  1. to b. into c. in
  1. He is free… Mondays
  1. on  b. in c. at
  1. The classes are over… 3 o’clock.
  1. in b. at c. on

Выберите правильные  обстоятельства:

  1. I haven’t finished my drawing…
  1. yet b. just c. already
  1. I have… been to London
  1. never b. since c. now
  1. She has… painted the picture.
  1. yet b. just c. already

Выберите вспомогательный глагол:

  1. … he meet us at the station tomorrow?
  1. will b. does c. is
  1. … you finished writing your article yet?
  1. were  b. did c. have
  1. What magazine… you looking through when we came into the hall?
  1. did b. were c. are
  1. This problem… discussed at our last meeting.
  1. will be  b. was c. had
  1. When …they come back?
  1. did  b. have c. were
  1. …it still raining? Yes, it is.
  1. is b. does c. will
  1. …your sister want to buy a new television?
  1. has b. is c. does

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t … you at first.
  1. understanding b. understood c. understand
  1. He was so tired that he couldn’t …us.
  1. to join b. joined c. join
  1. Have you written the letter yet?- No, I haven’t. I…still…it.
  1. have written b. am writing c. was writing
  1. Did she… her plan last month?
  1. fulfills b. fulfill c. fulfilled
  1.  Does your son … to watch TV?
  1. likes b. liked c. like
  1. My father… home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
  1. was coming b. has come c. came
  1. At 5 o’clock I … to the news on the radio.
  1. was listening b. listened c. have listened

Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?

  1. do b. did c. does d. had
  1. We played football yesterday.
  2. They had to stay at home.
  3. These workers combine work and studies.
  4. He goes on business to St.Petersburg.

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

  1. Foreign languages (изучаются) by the students.
  1. have learnt b. are learnt c. are learning
  1. (Умеете) you play tennis?
  1. must b. can c. may
  1. I (не смогу) to help you.
  1. shall not allowed b. shall not be able c. shall not have
  1. They(должны были) to take part in the competition.
  1. must be b. had  c. had to be
  1. He(сможет) go skiing.
  1. will have to b. will allow c. will be able to
  1. We (пришлось) to stay at home because it was raining.
  1. were able to b. had to c. could
  1. Do you speak(какой-нибудь) foreign language?
  1. some b. any c. something
  1. (Все) knows him.
  1. everything b. somebody c. everybody
  1. Did(кто-нибудь) ring me up?
  1. somebody b. anybody c. anything

  1.  This project is the(самый лучший) in our group.
  1. better b. best c. worst
  1. This flat(менее) comfortable than ours.
  1. worse b. least c. less
  1. The 21st  of June is the(самый длинный) day in the year.
  1. warmer b. longer c. longest
  1. Did you hear(что-нибудь) ?
  1. everything b. something c. anything
  1. He did not tell me (ничего).
  1. nothing b. something c. anything
  1. He rang(никому) up.
  1. anybody b. nobody c. somebody
  1. (Их) work is not interesting.
  1. them b. theirs c. their
  1. I can’t see(их).
  1. them b. they c. their
  1. I live in this house. There is a bus stop in front of (ним).
  1. him b. it c. its
  1. I have not met(его) sister.
  1. his b. him c. its
  1. I don’t hear(его).
  1. him b. his c. he

Найдите синонимы или определения к указанным словам:

  1.  usually( a. as a rule b. seldom c. often)
  2. to continue(a. to make pleasant b. to go on c. to enjoy)
  3. to arrive( a. to come b. to visit c. to introduce)
  4. to receive (a. to get b. to divide c. to depend)
  5. recently( a. a year ago b. not long ago c. some time later)
  6. to watch(a. to get interested b. to look attentively c. to devote)
  7. to leave( a. to attend b. to come in c. to go away)

Выберите пары слов- антонимов:

  1. a. famous-unknown b. outstanding-good c. thick-white
  2. a. to make progress- to forget b.to get light-to get dark c. to be born-to live
  3. a. far-near b. happy-favourite c. to dance-to sing
  4. a. to be well -to be untidy b. to ask-to answer c. to be glad-to be free
  5. a. to read- to agree b. to miss classes-to attend classes c. to translate-to repeat
  6. a. to make-to do b. a lot of-few, little  c. to combine-to miss
  7. a. to learn-to forget b. to do-to finish c. to ask-to discuss

Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами:

  1. Glass… made from sand
  1. are b. is c. will
  1. I… made some coffee. Would you like some?
  1. have b. was c. am
  1. This shopping centre…built ten years ago.
  1. are b. did c. was
  1. The streets in this town…cleaned every day
  1. have b. were c. are
  1. …you finished your work?
  1. are b. have c. do
  1. John… go to Italy for a holiday tomorrow.
  1. does b. have c. will
  1. George and Linda are here. They… arrived.
  1. have b. are c. did
  1. She is Italian, but she… born in France.
  1. is b. was c. has
  1. Can you tell me how this word… pronounced.
  1. has b. is c. was
  1. He… lost his passport.
  1. was b. does c. has

Переведите  на английский:

  1. Ребенок Анны не маленький.
  2. Моя книга интереснее вашей.
  3. Он изучает английский или немецкий?
  4. Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его.
  5. В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать.
  6. Я только что получил письмо от своего друга.
  7. Пусть она сделает эту работу сама.
  8. Я не мог дать вам эту книгу, потому что дать ее Нине.



Предварительный просмотр:




МОУДОД ЦДОД «Малая академия»


г. Краснодар ул. Чапаева, 85/1

тел. /факс  255-52-64

Школьный этап всероссийской  олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку

2011-2012 учебный год

7-8 класс

задания подготовлены муниципальной предметно – методической комиссией

председатель  ПМК: Ломия Л.А.

Use of English

Forms 7-8

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Once a philosopher was travelling down the river in a small boat. While he 1________(cross) the river he asked the boatman: ' 2____you ever______(hear) about Philosophy?' 'No,' said the boatman. 'I have never heard about it. What 3______(be) it?' 'I am sorry for you, indeed,' replied the learned man, 'you 4____(lose) a quarter of your life as it's a very interesting science!' Several minutes later the philosopher asked the boatman another question: '5________ you________(hear) about Astronomy, when you were at school?' 'No, I 6_______ (leave) school many years ago and I 7______(forget) all about it,' was the answer. To this the philosopher answered that he was really sorry for the man, and he 8______(think) that the boatman had lost a second quarter of his life.

Some minutes passed and the passenger again 9        (wonder) if the man ever had heard about Algebra. And the man 10        (have to) admit that he 19 _____ never_________(know) anything about it. 'In that case you certainly 11_________(lose) a third quarter of your life!' said the scientist.

At that moment the boat 21struck on a big stone. The boatman jumped and cried: '12_______you ever         (learn) to swim?' 'No,' was the answer. The boatman explained sadly to the philosopher that he 13_____(be) sure the scientist had lost his whole life as the boat 14_____(sink).

  1. Use the words in the box to complete the text.

before   the crown   has been   had to had   made a mixture   the same   the volume   whether   which


Little is known for sure about the Greek physicist and mathematician, Archimedes. He was born in 287 ВС and he died in 212 ВС. He lived in Syracuse in Sicily. Yet the story of how he (1)         his greatest discovery (2)______known for over 2000 years. The story goes like this.

King Hieron II of Syracuse asked Archimedes to find out (3)_________a goldsmith had told him the truth or not. The goldsmith (4)_________make a pure gold crown for the king but the king suspected that he had in fact used (5)__________of gold and silver.

Archimedes knew that a mixture would take up more space than the same weight of pure gold because silver is less dense than gold. But how could he possibly measure (6)_____________ of the crown? He found the answer when he was getting into his bath and slopped some water over the edge. He realized that anything put

into a tub of water would displace exactly its own volume. All he needed to do was to compare the level of water in his bath (7)_________ and after he put

(8)        in. He was so excited by this idea that he ran naked through the streets of Syracuse crying 'Eureka!' (9)        means 'I have found it!'

He went home and did the test. The crown displaced more water than a block of gold with (10)        weight. This proved that the goldsmith (11)________tried to cheat the king.

  1. Fill in the gaps with do or make.
  1. _________ an examination
  2. ___________ a noise
  3. ____________an effort
  4. __________(smb) a favour
  5. ____________an agreement

Предварительный просмотр:

10-11 классы (школьный этап).

Олимпиада по английскому языку включает 3 задания:

1. лексико-грамматический тест(Use of English)

2. понимание письменного текста (Reading)

3. Socio-Cultural Awareness

II. Критерии оценивания заданий


1. Use of English (лексико-грамматический тест) - 20 баллов(за каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл)

2.Reading (Понимание письменного текста) - 14 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 2 балла)

3. Socio-Cultural Awareness - 16 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 2 балла)

Максимальная сумма баллов - 50

Победителями являются те участники, которые набрали наибольшую сумму баллов.

Use of English


For questions 1 - 10, read the sentences and fill in the gaps with suitable words from the table below, corresponding equivalents are given in the brackets. There is one extra word in the table.


have a word













I had to go and pick up the (0) kids (children) from school.


·         I (1) ___________  (think) we'll get the money (2) _____ (quite) soon.

·         Do you (3) ____________ going out? (would you like)

·         I managed to (4) __________ up (arrange) an appointment for 7.30.

·         My flat is very (5) __________ for the shops (convenient).

·         I thought the book was (6) _____________ (marvelous).

·         Most of the students in this class are (7) ____________ (intelligent).

·         What's (8) ______________? (the matter)

·         When we get to the hotel, I'll (9) ______________ with them. (speak to)

·         I called him, but the (10) ______________ (man) didn't seem to hear.


For questions 11 - 20, complete the sentences with one of these phrasal verbs in the correct form.


break down •  face up to • break in • take on

•  come about

come across • run out  • put off • break up

•  run over

11. The idea of celebrating together_________________ when we realised that our birthdays were on the same day.

12. According to the advertisement, the factory is ___________________ five new employees.

13.  I'm sorry but I'm going to be late as the car has ____________________.

14. The cat was nearly ___________________ but luckily the driver stopped just in time.

15. When burglars____________________Simon's house, they stole all his mother's jewellery.

16.  Oh no, I _____________________ of paper. I'll have to buy some more.

17.  My sister is feeling depressed as last week she _____________________ with her boyfriend.

18.   I _____________________ an old photograph of myself as a child when I was tidying up my room.

19.  Marie is going to __________________ having a birthday party until her brother has returned from holiday.

20.  We'll have to _____________________ the fact that we can't afford a holiday this year.



Questions 21 - 27are based on a newspaper article about Robin Hood. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I  the one which fits into each gap (21-27). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Who was Robin Hood?

Stories and rhymes about a band of robbers led by a man called Robin Hood have been popular for over 600 years. Five hundred years ago, a man called Wynken de Worde collected the rhymes together and printed a book about Robin Hood's life. Since then, thousands of other books have been based on the rhymes — as well as television programmes, films and computer games.


The Robin Hood stories were certainly very popular with King Henry VIII, who ruled England at the start of the 16th century. Henry was a child when the stories first appeared in print, but they fascinated him for the rest of his life. 21……………………………..  


After all this time it is hard to tell how the stories began. Some people think that Robin Hood is a fictional character; others think he really lived, and they argue about which part of England he was from. 22………………………. The idea that they were stealingfrom rich folk to give to the poor has saved them from being branded as villains. They certainly chose their victims carefully, sparing the poorand picking on those who were wealthy and proud.


            23………………………..A porter is someone who has to do fetching and carrying work, and the idea fits in badly with all the other stories about his life and character. Enthusiasts prefer to believe that he spent the whole of his life in the woods. They say that most of the stories about him are perfectly true − but not this particular episode. 24..................................... On the other hand, they cannotexplain why anyone would ever invent such a story, which ruins the whole Robin Hood romance.


25………………………….They have studied Edward II’saccounts, which show the wages he paid to his workers — including a porter called Robin Hood. InNovember 1324, Hood received his final payment: ‘five shillings because he could no longer work’. 26…………………………..If so, Robin Hood was a genuine outlaw who lived in the reign of Edward II. His career of crime was apparently brought to a sudden end when he was captured and made to work as a servant 27…………………………


A         Historians have tried to check the facts by looking for clues in all sorts of places.

В         All these things have spread his fame throughout the world.

С         One story says that Hood was captured and made to work as a porter at the court of King Edward II.

D         According to the stories, Robin Hood and his men were thieves who pounced on wealthytravellers in lonely woods.

E         They prefer the idea of a Robin Hood who was free and defiant from birth until death.

F         Even as a child he probably played with a bow and arrow, pretending that he was Hood therobber!

G         We cannot be sure that this is the famous Robin Hood but it seems very likely.

H         As a man he sometimes wore Robin Hood costumes for dances and May Day celebrations.

I          Finally pensioned off in old age, his life did not quite match up to the stories.



Socio-Cultural Awareness


Politeness Strategies. (Items28-35)


One of the typical politeness strategies in English is softening orders, requests, critical opinions, etc., by asking a question instead of making an imperative sentence or a statement. Match the questions on the left with their communicative functions on the right. There is one extra function which you don’t have to use.





Why don’t you speak to him directly?




Why don’t you come up and have lunch with us?




Won’t it be better for us to leave at once?




Do you think you could spare me a few minutes?




Would you like some coffee?




Isn’t a room a bit overcrowded?




Could I see your tickets?


Asking permission


Do you mind if I asked my friend to go with us?












































Use of Englih









fancy(would you like)















up(what’s the matter)



have a word (speak)



guy (man)



came about



taking on



broken down



run over



broke in



have run out



broke up



came across



put off



face up to



























Socio-Cultural Awareness



























Суммарный балл